Lucchesir Glpproposal

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_Ryan Lucchesi______ Global Learning Project

Identify a subject/curricular area Due to my special circumstance, my subject is community
outreach. I will be working with Mexico Outreach in development of a project that will allow the
program to reach out to high schools and provide an enhanced experience for the teams involved
with Mexicali.
Ministry/Outreach/Service Learning
The overall goal of your GLP
What you want the students to learn? I want students involved to learn that there is much
they can do to reach out to the world and make it a better place. In high school, the world
may still seem small but that changes quickly in the transition to college. Service to
What you want them to do? The two-fold project will involve Mexico Outreach teams to
begin building a rapport with students from Mexicali schools via teleconferencing and
other asynchronous means. We will also begin working with local high schools (La Salle
will be our pilot) to begin bringing the mission of Mexico Outreach to schools outside of
the university.
What do you feel will be the cross-cultural benefits? Students will understand the
differences endured by others living in less-fortunate areas. Mexico Outreach is so much
more than just an opportunity to earn ministry credits; students will realize that they can
make a large impact on those outside of the states. Students will have a perspective
before they minister.
If there is a final product, what might it look like? The fledgling idea is that Mexico
Outreach volunteers will begin using teleconferencing to begin building a relationship
with students of the Mexicali region ahead of embarking on their mission. Aside from
video conferencing, other asynchronous means will be used as well such as blogging,
forums, and ePal techniques. All of this will be housed on a website. The final product
will be the establishment of a cross-cultural relationship outside of the excursion.
How will it benefit the participants so that they will want to be involved? Hopefully, by
spending increased time with other students, the volunteers will build a longer, more
impactful, relationship.
Search and review existing projects, resources around the topic, etc to see what is already out
there and how your project can benefit the current GLP projects.
Summarize I would say around 99% of GLPs in existence originate from individuals in
the education system. The reason I do not say 100% is because I cannot be completely sure
despite not being able to find any that state otherwise. Still, a lot of other projects have
used elements that I want to employ. Projects like the My Hero GLP which encourages
students to get to know an older individual that has served our country. ePals shows the
benefits of building an keypal relationship with others. Global Collaboration Day
Created for EDTC518
2011 Dr. K. Bacer

displayed how video and teleconferencing can be used effectively to promote a strong
message for others to hear. I will be employing these elements with Mexico Outreach to
produce a strong message all while using various means to build relationships between
volunteers and students of the ministry.
h t t p :/ / m y h er / ab ou t / 1 9 -l ear n i n gci r cl es.asp
h t t p :/ / www .gl ob al col l ab or at i on d ay .or g/ h om e.h t m l

Working Title of your GLP [it should reflect what the project is about and peak
curiosity/motivation for your classroom and future students] TBD. Thoughts The Three Es to
Mexico Outreach
Subject of GLP Ministry/Outreach
List the Type/s of GLP structures you will use in your project such as: information exchanges,
electronic publishing; social action project, etc
Info Exchanges
Social Action
Define your project participants [i.e. target audience]
Biographical info about yourself [Mexico Outreach] My name is Ryan Lucchesi and I am
an employee of Azusa Pacific University. My host classroom are the students of the
Mexicali region along with the volunteers of the Mexico Outreach program.

What type of participants will you need to make the project successful? (i.e. grade level,
geographical location, language, etc..) I will need Mexico Outreach volunteers along with
schools of the Mexicali region (specific grade not necessary). The languages initially
supported will be English and Spanish for proper communication. Other participants would
be other schools and churches of the Mexicali region.

How many classrooms would make the GLP effective? As many as possible. This is a
fledgling idea so possibly 1 classroom to start however, my vision is that this will live on
long after the final term of my program. As it grows stronger, more classrooms will join
both in the Mexicali region and state-side.

What will your participants roles be? Volunteers of the Mexico Outreach program will
begin building relationships with those they intend to reach in the Mexicali region. When
the Mexico Outreach program is implemented every spring semester, students will have
already built an advanced relationship ahead of visitation. The role of the participant is to
initiate the relationship but it is the role of the individual to sustain it after the experience.

Define Time parameters [start/end dates]

Created for EDTC518
2011 Dr. K. Bacer

What is your target date for implementing your GLP? January 2016

What is the target date for concluding your GLP? Ongoing

Will you continue annually, biannually?

State the rationale. Why is your project important or worthwhile?

Students will be involved outside of the comfort zone of their classrooms

Provides a model for involving the community with other communities outside of the
United States
Allows emotional, intellectual, and personal growth through direct experience with other
Provides students a chance to learn different problem-solving strategies
Puts students in charge of their own understanding of global perspectives
See pg 4 of our optional text, Global project-based Learning with Technology for
an excellent list of possible project rationale also has potential ideas

Write a synopsis of your GLP [1-2 paragraphs]

Mexico Outreach was established on the principle that young people can be effective in
sharing Gods word. In working with Mexico Outreach at the Center for Student Action, a
new initiative will take place to enhance the already-successful program. Students are
provided an opportunity to visit a region where they engage in a variety of roles to help the
Mexicali region with the ultimate goal of spreading the Gospel with others.
With the creation of this GLP, the relationships developed with the volunteers of the
program will grow deeper. Students will receive an opportunity, ahead of time, to begin
communicating with those whose lives they intend to change. Building relationships
through the use of electronic means to make an even greater impact. Once the program has
concluded, the relationships can continue to grow by use of technology as the volunteers
can continue to communicate.
State specific Objectives, Standards and Global Learning Outcomes [use action verbs]**
Write as specific learning objectives. You may link to standards if possible at this phase in
the process. This will continue to evolve as you build your project in your next class.
Things to ask yourself.

What are the content standards will you address in this GLP? Cultural awareness will be
promoted through the connection of Mexico Outreach with schools of the Mexicali region.
Language, Cultural Awareness, and bridge building between cultural groups will be

Created for EDTC518

2011 Dr. K. Bacer

involved in the project. Raising of public awareness on the importance of global outreach
and ministry. Capacity building among the participants involved (APU volunteers,
participating schools, other ministry organizations.)

What are the main global learning objectives you envision in your GLP? Enhanced cultural
understanding and education to further enrich the mission of the Mexico Outreach
program. Students will be put in charge of their own global perspectives as they build
deeper relationships with those they are ministering to in the program.

What are the cross-cultural skills [global connection/component?] Azusa Pacific

Universitys Mexico Outreach program will begin to reach out to the Mexicali region in a
new and exciting way. Through the use of technological means, students can begin to
communicate synchronously and asynchronously with the students of the Mexicali region.
This will provide an enhanced vision of the cultural standards and differences along with
preparing our volunteers for what they will be experiencing as they travel to this region.
The project will allow strengthening and setting up a cross-cultural dialogue on the
importance of global community. Participating organizations will follow the procedure on
implementing Global education through a system of engagement between the involved

Define the main Task(s): What will students (and other partners) be asked to do in the GLP
project? Volunteers of the program will begin building relationships ahead of their trip. This will
be done through video communication, blogging, and ePal communication. If agreeable, these
conversations will be recorded and stored through the use of a website that will be built for the
program so that the legacy of the relationship will continue to live on. As the GLPs live continues
to advance, those who wish to engage in the challenge can see what the volunteers ahead of them
have accomplished. The motto that this project is going to revolve around what we know as the 3
Es: Equip, Empower, and Engage.
Describe Project activities (introductory, learning and culminating activities) that students will
engage in during the GLP? This part of the project is still being defined at the time of this writing,
but the idea is that, working with Ron Aramburo of Mexico Outreach, our volunteers will be
introduced to a student, or students, of the Mexicali region. Relationships will begin to be
constructed through video chatting, blogging with each other, ePal communication, possible other
various means. Once the students embark on their mission they will already have a relationship
that has been flourishing with these students. Once the program has concluded, hopefully these
students will continue their relationship with those whose lives they have impacted. The cycle will
continue as more Mexico Outreach volunteers undertake this task. Activities will be developed at
the participant level. For example, a team heading to Mexico Outreach will participate in activities
unique to the mission of their group.
Define collaboration
How will you communicate?
o Which tools will you use? Various synchronous and asynchronous forms of
communication (video conferencing, blogging, email, and other means that may be

Created for EDTC518

2011 Dr. K. Bacer

discovered). If agreed upon in advance, recording tools will be employed so we can

save the conversations that have occurred and store them within the website.
o In what language will you communicate? English and Spanish
o How will you accommodate other languages? This is still being decided, it may be
that those already fluent in both English and Spanish are at the forefront of the
video conferencing while those not familiar with the language with communicate
via asynchronous tools. This will provide them with an opportunity to allow a
translator to better help the recipient understand what is being communicated.
o How often will you communicate with partners? This is still being determined.
How will you collaborate with partner teachers? I am working with Ron Aramburo from
Mexico Outreach who will assist in providing the contacts of these schools and bring
everyone together.
How will students collaborate
o Within each classroom: Using the tools stated above, students can use video chat,
blogging, email, and forum posting to maintain communication within each
o Between partner classrooms: Using the tools stated above, students can use video
chat, blogging, email, and forum posting to maintain communication within each
partner classroom.
What parts of the project will be done together? Establishing the process for partnering the
volunteers with students of the Mexicali region. The participants will work together in the
engagement portion.
What parts of the project will each class do independently? The website building and
communication. Once the students understand the process, they can provide their
communication for housing within the website.

Describe how you will advertise

How and where will you advertise your project to find participants? Mexico Outreach
already has a strong presence on APUs campus; my hope is to piggy-back off of their
advertising campaigns. As for schools in the states, the use of a pilot school will help
determine the success of communicating within high schools state-side. Hopefully, if
successful, we can begin to communicate with other principals of local (national one day)
schools to participate by displaying the success we have had with our pilot high school.

Describe how you will showcase your project

How will you publish student work? Student work will be housed on the website that will
be created for the project as a central hub.
How will you share collaborations? The website will be public and encouraged to be
viewed through Mexico Outreach.
How will you celebrate the accomplishments of your GLP with your class and
participants? Celebration will be in the evidence, if the vision comes to fruition we will see
longer and stronger relationships being built in the program.
Created for EDTC518
2011 Dr. K. Bacer

Define Resources needed:

What resources (hardware, software, WWW, etc) do you need for your GLP?
o Video Streaming
o ePal system
o Blog
o Website
o Forum Setup
Where and when will you gather these resources? List below.
The resources are already available, the challenge will be making sure they are in the
Mexicali schools that will be getting communicated with. The website will be created to
house the communication between the groups.
What kind of ongoing support do you envision needing to be successful?
A lot of testing to confirm that the communication line is dependable. Internet connection in
Mexicali may be questionable and that will be a necessity for a successful project.
How will you assess students' proficiency with the standards and objectives selected? Will
you use an observation checklist, a rubric, a test?
Due to my unique nature, there will not be a standard assessment. This is a volunteer
program fueled by individuals providing their own time to donate to the program. I will be
observing the website to see how relationships develop and grow through email, forum
communication, and video chat. One option would be to conduct a survey from the
participants to find out if they believe the project made an additional impact. The survey
will probably start with APU volunteers with the hopes of it expanding in the future.

Will students need any special training to participate in the GLP activities? If so, how will
you build this into your GLP? Training modules will be created as the need arises that can
be reusable for the future.
With modern technology, most students are familiar with how to use electronic
communication however, if they need assistance I can provide this training. Using video
chat, email, and blogging are almost second nature to most.

As your GLP takes off, evaluate it for quality (Are the students meeting the objectives you
intended? What could you improve?) and efficiency (Is the GLP easy to understand,
participate in and rewarding for the participants?).
What do you envision to be the greatest challenge with your GLP?
The greatest challenge will be locating schools in Mexicali that can support this. Personally,
I do not believe tech dependence will not be on the same level as it is in the United States.
Even the most well-equipped Mexicali schools may be lacking in this department.

Created for EDTC518

2011 Dr. K. Bacer

How might you complete the project if you dont have the required number of participants?
Fortunately, my participants will be determined by how many individuals sign up for
Mexico Outreach. By my observation, there have always been a large amount of participants
for the Mexico Outreach program. It is also possible that one group may be too large, we
may need to pair down how many people we would want to include in this program to host a
pilot program.

What roadblock or obstacles might prevent you from implementing this project? How might
you deal with these?
The greatest individual roadblock, in my opinion will be dependable internet access in the
Mexicali region. If this becomes a huge problem, we may have to figure out an alternative to
video chat however, I am hopeful this will not be the case.

Thoughts to ponder.
A GLP is a cross cultural collaboration that:
can solve a social or environmental problem
explore parallel histories
promote cultural healing
share a variety of perspectives around the world through many curricular areas (i.e. literature
Diversity in language and culture among students and staff can be either a challenge or
opportunity. Global project-based learning is a model for working with diverse students to
utilize the differences into distinct learning advantages. Whether the projects include local
populations or working to include students from other countries, global project-based learning
provides concrete techniques for valuing diversity, integrating technology in project-based
learning, and growing community support at schools. Mark Standley

For 526 (final class) you will present your newly implemented GLP website, reflect on your
experience and what your future plans for your GLP are.
Created for EDTC518
2011 Dr. K. Bacer

Equip: The goal of Mexico Outreach is to equip schools,

Created for EDTC518

2011 Dr. K. Bacer

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