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Composition Exercise Template

1. Create 3 examples using the Rule of Thirds

What appeals to you about this image?

Its not directly center but its to the left of the image in between on
the lines of the rule of thirds.

What appeals to you about this image?

The eyes are aligned to the top line of the rule of thirds and shes
stood with enough headroom and space and also the bar in the
background fits along one of the lines.

What appeals to you about this image?

The bar and the head are on the two lines making it look simple
and clean and equal.

2. Create an image which shows incorrect use of headroom in the


What is incorrect about the headroom in this image?

There is too much of a gap between his head and the ceiling
causing the image to look wrong

3. Create an image which shows correct use of headroom in the


What appeals to you about this image?

This image has the perfect amount of headroom, leaving the
image looking more natural. It also fits in with the rule of thirds

4. Create an image which shows incorrect use of lead space in the


What is incorrect about the lead space in this image?

We as the viewers cant see what shes looking at, there is also too
much unused space behind her making the image seem incorrect
and somewhat lonely

5. Create an image which shows correct use of lead space in the


What appeals to you about this image?

Here we can see what shes facing and looking at in the image,
the space is now used for us as the viewers to look at and It
actually serves a purpose.

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