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Your monthly feed of Sheltoner news!

SHELTONTIMES issue fourteen March / April 2010

Natthida Chit-Veakun
Singapore Flyer with SCISO College
Shelton College International

• Singapore Flyer

• Articles on

• Images

Categorized by the colour
of the header bars

Student Stories

• Advertising Articles

• Singapore Flyer

• Singapore Press Holdings

• A note of Congratulations


• Hong Kyung Ok

• Jin Man
It was my first experience with the SCISO team on a trip
• Articles by Ms Ong
and it was also my first time going to the Singapore Flyer.
It felt really good to join them that day. One important thing that impressed me was when we reached
the highest point of the Singapore Flyer, Miss May asked us to make a wish and from the Singapore • March Birthday
Flyer, I saw the beautiful view around Singapore. I made a lot of new friends from this trip and I’m really
• Volunteer for SPH
happy that I got to be part of the adventure.
• Donation for Yushu
• Friendly Soccer Match

1 Shelton College International

About the Singapore Flyer

Singapore Flyer offers a breathtaking

panorama of the shimmering Marina Bay
waterfront and historical landmarks dotting
the city skyline.

The Singapore Flyer is located near the shore of Singapore's Marina Bay at an area
of Marina Centre known as Marina Promenade. The Singapore Flyer also offers a
great view of the Marina Bay Street Circuit of the Singapore Grand Prix as it is
located just beside the straight between turns 21 and 22 of the circuit

The development has a gross building area of approximately 16,000 m2 (172,000 sq
ft), built on a 33,700 m2 (362,700 sq ft) site along the Marina Promenade. Designed
by Arup and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries with a capacity of up to 7.3 million
passengers a year, the normally constant rotation of the wheel means that a
complete trip lasts approximately 30 minutes.

The wheel features 28 air-conditioned capsules which, like those of the London Eye,
are exo-capsules attached outward of the wheel structure.

Jacky Chen
Singapore Press Holding Journey College
Shelton College International

I feel honoured as a volunteer taking part in

the organized speech event by SPH. It was a
Saturday morning, usually I would be in bed
that early in the morning,
but on that day, I woke up at 5.30am. I reached City Hall MRT at 7 am and made
my way to the meeting centre. When my friends and I reached there, we found
the officers of the event working much earlier than our arrival. They were all busy
preparing for the event.

As we were volunteers for the event, we had to help to make sure the event was
carried out properly. Our job was easy but exciting. We stood around the event
area to welcome and guide those who were coming for the event. We had to
put a smile on our faces and greet all of the guests and VIPs.

After our volunteering duties, we also

joined to listen to the speech. We sat and
listened to successful businessmen tell us
what they do and how to be successful in
the business industry. It was a nice speech.
Oh I forgot to mention that we joined the
speech for free, all of the guests had to pay
$50 to attend it. As I am a student in
Business Administration, it was a very
useful speech for me.

2 2 Shelton College International

Advertising War Diploma in Mass Communication
Shelton College International

An Advertising war is
about one product
crushing its competitor’s
image in creative ways.
Below are a few
advertisement examples
from Coca-Cola, BMW &

Learning about advertisements has opened up my eyes and made me more attentive to advertising. I learnt not to ignore them, figure out
the messages, learn the hidden meaning and learn from their creativity.

As a matter of fact, it can be quite fun watching companies fight each other for our attention.

3 Shelton College International

Advertising and Trust Diploma in Mass Communication
Shelton College International

Many of today’s companies require advertising for their

products, they always want to make the advertisement in an
attractive and exaggerated way

to show how good the quality or effect the product has and to Why? The reason is that there are so many advertisements
attract more people to buy it in order to make profit. However, which differ too much from the real advertisements.
there is a problem in the advertising industry — TRUST. Sometimes the false advertising content is bound to mislead,
deceive consumers and possibly cause harm to our society. A
Have you ever heard someone grumble about an large number of people have already lost confidence in the
advertisement? They may say, “Don’t believe these ads, this advertising industry.
product is not actually as good as it says.” “Yesterday, it was
reported in the news that this cosmetic company’s product On the other hand, we must recognize that there are still
contains harmful ingredients.” “I really regret buying this many credible enterprises whose advertising can be trusted.
product because of believing the advertisement because it is We should also support them and appeal to more businesses
so expensive but has no effect.” to advertise truly.

This advertisement seems like a good example of false advertising. Of course, if anyone would challenge the company in court they
could say, "We never actually claimed our product could make an old lady look like a young model and as the disclaimer indicates
in the picture, is merely simulated imagery." The grammar cop in me also has to point out that it should be "fewer wrinkles," not
"less wrinkles."

4 Shelton College International

Advertising in My Eyes Diploma in Mass Communication
Shelton College International

Advertising is not only a In broadcast and print advertisements, the effective ideas used in them
are powerful enough to reach a variety of different people.
business but also a creation. At first, I thought these creative advertisements were all produced
In my opinion, I prefer to based on the advertisers’ talent before I started to study about the
media – They are clever enough to make those designs, I though. After
focus on its magical studying the art of advertising, I understand how much work and
experience goes into making a creative advertisement. Media
creativity, which can change technology is changing everyday, which is related to advertising closely.
An advertiser has to face all these challenges on a daily basis and they
plenty of things in this world. have to improve themselves to covert expertise into tangible and
effective ideas. Although the job is difficult, it is highly rewarding.

If an advertisement is creative, it will be remembered deeply, including the advertised product and the story in it. On one hand, based on
business considerations, it brings benefits and increases sales. The company gets the money they want and the audiences get product
they want. On the other hand, the creation will be successful when its stays in the memory of people. The significance is as important as
the financial aspect of it. I think even the ideology behind advertising is very clever because all of the developments of the world are based
on human thinking.

Advertising is just the symbol of a creative world.

5 Shelton College International

Shin Ji
The Masterpiece Diploma in Mass Communication
Shelton College International

People are dazzled

by advertising
When I see people on the streets, they all
seem to have at least one masterpiece.
Like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel and so
on. Some of them are not even good
looking. Of course I bet there are some
imitations being bought. Why do people
go crazy for masterpieces? I think the one
of reason is their fantastic advertisements.
The advertisements are extremely shiny
and the companies use celebrities for
indicating their brand image. For example,
A few years ago, Chanel made a perfume
advertisement. The model was Nicole
Kidman, who is a very famous actress all
over the world.

The concept was that the famous actress

felt in love with a normal guy but
unfortunately, they had to break up. At the
end of the advertisement, the man

narrated “Has she forgotten? I will not. Her kiss, her smile, her perfume” The perfume was Chanel no.5. In addition, the dramatic
advertisement was made like a movie. For this advertisement, Chanel could focus on their classy and luxury like image. These advertisements
make people admire consumer product.

They will feel that if they use that product, they look very gorgeous like a model. Also, after the purchase they are satisfied most of the time.
They might think ‘That is mine, It’s so beautiful!’ They will have pride in using that product but not themselves. Like this, the masterpiece
advertisements attract customers and it is very effective in encouraging purchase, because they know a customer’s psychology. People are
dazzled by masterpiece’s advertisement.

6 Shelton College International

Hong Kyung Ok
A Heartfelt Thank You Diploma in TTH
Shelton College International

My name is Hong Kyung OK. I am

from Korea. I have been living in
Singapore for 3 years.
I am a mother of two children, housewife and student. Before I came
here, I only took care of my children and husband. I graduated from
high school in Korea. I always thought that I needed to improve in my
studies for myself. One day, I decided to study and look for a school.
Fortunately, I found the very school I wanted. The name of the school
is Shelton College International. My major was travel, tourism and
hospitality. I really enjoyed studying with my friends and lecturer.

My company’s name is Park Royal Hotel. This hotel specializes in

Orchid Club Lounge where I worked. This place provides comfort

and convenience to customers. I had a lot of experiences with my colleagues, senior manager and guests. They treated me very kindly. When
I asked something, they tried their best to teach me, even if I made mistakes, they just told me to learn from my mistakes and be careful the next
time. The most memorable encounter was when I received a very good complimentary letter from the guests. They came from England. When
they went back to their country, they sent an e-mail to the hotel. I was very happy and thanked them. Many people told me that I did a good

The teachers in Shelton College are very kind and willing to teach us. They are also supportive and patient. They really care about students and
will help them in any way possible. The workers are always trying to improve school services and care for the students in Shelton.

After the Internship, I will use the knowledge that I have learnt in Shelton to use as my background and use my experience skills to apply in my
new job. Through the internship, I have learnt many new things and now I have confidence in myself. It was really helpful and useful.

I hope that the students in Shelton will study hard even if there are hard times, but if you do well and work hard, a bright and hopeful future
awaits you. This is your good chance to study hard and stretch your knowledge

7 Shelton College International

Jin Man
Jin Man’s Shelton Story Diploma in TTH
Shelton College International

Another month has passed, meaning one more step forward towards the end
of my work, also meaning I can go back home soon.

I have a more profound understanding

and insights during the past couple of
months, both happy and sad, meanwhile
a bit of sentimenal feeling grows silently.
I was rather afraid when I first came to
Tampopo restaurant since everything
was new to me. I was scared of making
mistakes and being scolded but I was
lucky as I have many support from my
friends and school.

I learn to adapt to living in a foreign

country and benefited a lot due to this
particular way of training. During the
process, I gradually get used to my own
position. Taking order, paying bills,
introducing the menu... I can handle
them easily. There are quite a lot to learn
from this internship, patience and
effiency are the best gains. I have learnt
how to be as patient as possible when
there are misunderstanding between me
and the customers, a well explanation
and apology is hard to convey. In a word,
I am quite satisfied with what I have done
so far. To be strong is one of the basic
skills when we are undergoing our life.

I suffered a lot, such as got burn by especially in my oral English. I believe that as this report represents the end of my
boiled water, twisted my foot etc... the daily conversation will benefit me and in internship here. As every coin has its two
Without the encouragement of my future development. Step by step, I found it sides, I am more patient and tougher than
family, school and all of my friends, I easier to start to doing something and by before and my english has improved greatly.
wouldn’t be able to cope these doing so, you will become much more
situations so well. I felt warmth under mature. Only when you are really at work will Everyone will have his own way of
their care, I cannot thank them enough. you be clear enough to understand that the experiencing this. I am glad that I have a
The internship itself contributed to my society will never be able to accept you successful completion of this internship, I will
growth as I have matured a lot during unless you make the first move. bear it in mind and keep this precious
this six months. experience forever. For my dearest friends, I
I would rather stay longer instead of leaving will always be thinking of you.
Though tired these days, I learn a lot here so soon but I have no choice

8 Shelton College International

Ms Ong Leehiang
Maths and Science Week High School Teacher
Shelton College International

Last week marked the maths and science week in Shelton

College International.
There were many booths set up at one of the classrooms. It offered a chance for the students to
showcase their hard work. This is also a good platform for students and teachers to share ideas and new
knowledge learned outside of curriculum time.

Many students of various CCA turned up for the event and are greatly impressed at the exhibits that had
been put up. Kudos to the teachers in charge and the participating students. It has been a fun and
enriching time experience at Shelton.

Ms Ong Leehiang
Let’s Work Hard Together High School Teacher
Shelton College Internatio

For this semester, Shelton High School has come

up with an enrichment program
for various academic subjects to better help the students. Every Monday and Tuesday, the he
hardworking teachers at Shelton will be coaching selected students at various classrooms after
school. With the enrichment classes, students can clear any doubts and queries raised during
lesson times. With dedicated teachers and students, this program will definitely benefit the

At Shelton, no one gets left behind.

Ms Ong Leehiang
Please speak English High School Teacher
Shelton College International

These days, we hear many students

conversing in English after curriculum times.
Prick your ears and you can notice the students talking in English when they are
climbing the stairs and during lunch times. It is indeed an encouraging sight.
Shelton also likes to encourage students to read more books. It will greatly
improve the standards of the language. Let’s cultivate this be a common habit
in Shelton College International.

A Note of Congrats

On the 24th of April Zhao Xiao Yi and Vincent Wang Bin Zhou attended the Annual Raffles Gavel
Summit 2010.

They received recognition of their participation and on top of this Vincent Wang Bin Zhou won the
joint award of the second runner up position in the prepared speech category.

Congratulations to the students and Shelton College.

9 Shelton College International

Images Galore

Donation for Yushu China

Friendly Soccer Match with

Masjib Al.Amin Mosque

10 Shelton College International

Images Galore

March Birthday at East Coast

Volunteer for SPH

11 Shelton College International

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