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There are several academic options for those who want to become mechanical engineers.

For example, students can attain a bachelors degree for comprehensive knowledge of the field.

As students progress from bachelors through doctoral level programs, they build their knowledge and experience with every
degree they earneach one providing more detailed and in-depth information about specialized topics in the field, while
preparing them for advancement in their careers.

Below are examples of common goals that mechanical engineering students have, and the specific degree choices that can
help them meet those objectives:


The Bachelor of Science degree in mechanical engineering, which commonly takes four years to complete, gives
students the fundamental technical knowledge they need to obtain a license and get started.

Through this program, students learn how to design, test and manufacture various devices and products, giving
them a full understanding of how a project progressesfrom the design phase to the assembly line. In addition,
students learn how to use the tools of their trade, including computer-aided design (CAD) software.

Along with technical skills, students gain the communication, problem-solving and critical thinking skills needed to
work effectively as part of a team, and to ensure that projects are both functional and safe to use.

The following are examples of the courses that undergraduates take, and the practical skills and knowledge that
are associated
ociated with them:

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