Rhetoric Reflection

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Krystin Harrington


Rhetorical Analysis Reflection

I never turned this assignment in, as it was not due. I probably should have so that I could
have gotten some feedback on it, considering I have no idea how Strav would have graded me on
it, but I digress...
I included this essay for a multitude of reasons. 1) I really liked the prompt. I mean I
actually related to it and found what Fridman had to say extremely thought provoking. 2) I liked
the way my essay turned out. However, since I wrote it closer to the beginning of the year I
wanted to revise it with fresh eyes. 3) I wanted a sense of my growth as a writer over the course
of this school year. By looking at what I originally typed up, I was able to accurately gauge the
level of my transformation from September to Now.
I did not struggle too much with this prompt as it was both an easy read and something
that we discussed in class. Also, as I stated earlier, I rather enjoyed writing this essay, which
naturally made it easier to write. I would say that my strengths in this piece were the rhetorical
devices used in the piece. Had we not gone over it in class, I may have used different devices,
but I can assure you I would still have strong diction and pathos as those were things I
commented on during the cold read.
When editing this piece, I made sure to further elaborate on how Fridmans use of the
devices had an effect, rather than simply identifying where they were and summarizing the piece.
I also added some length, as my original was a bit shorter. Finally, I tried to find synonyms for
words I used too frequently such as comparison and juxtaposition or words I no longer liked the
flow of.

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