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In 1886, a 24 year old Swiss physician named Friedrich Miescher

discovered DNA at the University of Tbingen. But it wasnt until 1953 where
two men named Watson and Crick used data collected by Rosalind Franklin
and Maurice Wilkins discovered that the structure of a DNA strand was a
double helix, in which two strands were wound around each other. This
double helix can be described as a twisted ladder or a spiral staircase. And
this is when deoxyribonucleic acid also known as DNA was discovered.
DNA is made up of nucleotides and each nucleotide contains a
deoxyribose molecule, a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base. And four
of the nitrogen bases are adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine. These
nitrogen bases are bind together by hydrogen bonds but hydrogen bonds can
only form between certain base pairs. Adenine is paired with thymine and
Guanine is paired with cytosine.

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