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Domino Theory

Who was involved?

The Domino Theory mainly involved Vietnam and all of almost all nations of
Southeast Asia
In Southeast Asia (including Laos, Cambodia and Thailand) and elsewhere (India,
Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and even Australia and New Zealand).
The United States was also involved since they were the ones that were trying to
avoid the Domino Theory from happening.
USSR was also involved since they supported Domino Theory.

What was going on?

The domino theory, which governed much of U.S. foreign policy began in the early
Held that a communist victory in one nation would quickly lead to a chain reaction
of communist takeovers in neighboring countries.
In Southeast Asia, the United States government used the domino theory to
justify its support of a non-communist regime in South Vietnam against the
communist government of North Vietnam.
Some nations had already turned communist other nations were getting there

Where did this take place?

In various places, the
domino theory first took
place in Southeast Asia
especially in North
Vietnam .
The Domino Theory also
spread in small amount
into Laos and Cambodia.
It also had spread to China
and Korea

Theory prominent from the 1950s to the 1980s
Dwight D. Eisenhower put the theory into words during an April 7, 1954
news conference, when referring to communism in Indochina

Communist Nations before the Domino Theory
was created
1917 - Russia
1924 - Mongolia
1940- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Bukovina 1944
- Albania
1945 Tannu-Tuva, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Outer
Mongolia, Manchuria, Karafuto, Kurile Islands
1946 - Bulgaria 1947 - Poland, Romania
1948 - East Germany, Hungary, North Korea,
1949 - China
1950 - Sin-Kiang
1951 - Tibet

Communist Nations after the

Domino Theory was created
1954 - North Vietnam
1958 - Guinea
1959 - Cuba
1969 - Libya, South Yemen
1970 - Guyana
1974 - Benin, Burma
1975 - Laos, South Vietnam,
1976 - Angola, Somalia
1977 - Seychelles, Mozambique,
1979 - Cambodia, Grenada, Congo
1980 - Afghanistan

Why-What were the reasons?

The United States strategy to prevent the spread of containment throughout the
United States
Thailand would fall to communism in a domino effect as similar as what had
happened in Eastern Europe.
The loss of Thailand an essential regional trading area would encourage Taiwan,
Japan, Australia and New Zealand to compromise politically with communism.
The United States believed that if they didnt put a stop to communist, it would
spread and they would be the only democratic nation left

How do they do this?

In Southeast Asia, the United States government used the domino theory to
justify its support of a non-communist regime in South Vietnam against the
communist government of North Vietnam, and ultimately its increasing
involvement in the long-running Vietnam War.
A main examples of the Domino Theory being used is with the Korean War and
Vietnam War. After the Korean War, the Vietnam War followed and it was
mostly over the same reason to stop communist. Vietnam was following the
steps of Korea during the war.
The American failure to prevent a communist victory in Vietnam had much less of
a global impact than had been assumed by the domino theory.

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