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Reverse OutLine for WP1

thesis: Romantic comedy film posters, contain humor and love but despite the traditional

conventions associated to them they do not always follow the structured formula. Laughing
while watching a love relationship emerge is the context but these movie posters utilize visual
rhetoric to attract both genders and to prove that genres are not easily definable.
Paragraph Main Point

How this Helps Support my Argument

Paragraph I
Introducing Genre and conventions, explaining
how they can take many shapes by giving an
example. Introducing my subject, romantic
comedies can practice uncommon conventions but
still fall under the broader genre.

I can't simply mention how rom coms posters

demonstrate the genre by not informing the
audience what genre and what role
conventions play when distinguishing genres.
I should probably mentions what role rhetoric
plays in genre

Paragraph II
Describing the conventions of the movie poster in
order to understand what the author tried to
portray to the audience.

The sexual gesture between two people is a

common convention, which can be a
constraints because it limits the audience
-I think before i start analyzing the poster i
need to explain how they are conventions
because if i was the reader i would be
confused. I also need to get rid of specifying
gender in my thesis because it's

Paragraph III
Explaining that the Friends with Benefits poster
tries to attract both genders thus a widespread
audience through the author's rhetorical strategies.

Its helps support the gender argument, but it

can focus more on emergence as the main
rhetorical strategy.
Need to mention genre again to keep the
theme going

Paragraph IV
The Break-up movie poster is traditional but still
falls under the romantic comedy genre for other
major conventions.

Probably the better paragraph compared to

the previous paragraphs because it's what i
feel is clear to the audience. It helps the
argument because it focuses on one scene
and explains why it's not normal but also why
it's still rom com.

Paragraph V
In John Tucker Must Die movie poster is has a
misbalance between male and female ratio.
Analyzing how the author tries to invite the male

Has good points that strongly suggest a more

provocative storyline, also describes the
visuals presented.

Paragraph VI
Provides evidence from Navigating Genre
Labeling genres becomes more difficult when they that genres can have similar attributes yet be
continue to look so different.
categorized similarly. This is sounding a little
repetitive i should probably elaborate more.
Paragraph VII

It give a little taste of everything I've

discussed but probably not in a flowing way. It

can transition better and be more cohesively
put together.

Summarizes all points, what genre is and

repeating they serve a purpose, also what type of
audience they try to attract through their visual
Overall Summary :
After reading my essay again I find it a little
difficult to follow along, I realized that i don't like
my thesis at all and might exclude the whole
gender based argument because i feel like it's not
relevant to the overall pic of genre. Perhaps
focusing on the broader picture of audience would
help me form a more cohesive argument. I also
noticed i need to keep paragraphs to one thought/
topic because I tend to go on a tangent which
causes confusion for the author. Since i haven't
read this essay in a while I was able to not be
biased. Because as you know after reading
something you worked hard on, one feels
obligated to keep it as is. But reading it with fresh
eyes i can certainly improve it, by introducing the
topic directly and continue to provide examples
that are relevant. My essay needs to flow easier
and i will do that by making sure each sentence
relates to the previous sentence.

Text from my initial
WP submission:
(a phrase, sentence,
paragraph, idea, move,
punctuation, piece of
evidence, etc.)

An observation or
question I received from
De Piero or a classmate:

The changes) I made

to what I initially
wrote: (ie, the
change[s] I made to
column 1)

How this change

impacts my

1.With blurred lines

Aguilar, it's totally OK to

"push back" against any
of these concepts -- in
fact, that's almost always
interesting -- but I'm not
quite sure what you mean
here. Less helpful for
who/what? How is this
sentence building off/onto
the ones before and

Because there is no
concrete rules on
what falls under what
genre category, the
reader must have a
keen eye for patterns
when trying to define
a piece as a particular

I added more
context because
it made it easier
to understand
that genres are
not easily
definable but that
is acceptable.

Aguilar, I had a decent

I argue that through

This provides a

distinction, genre
categories can be less
than helpful.

2. Romantic comedy film

posters, contain humor

and love but despite the
traditional conventions
associated to them they
do not always follow the
structured formula.
Laughing while watching
a love relationship
emerge is the context but
these movie posters
utilize visual rhetoric to
attract both genders and
to prove that genres are
not easily definable.

3.The gesture is

significant because it
shows that this
specific disclosure is
not limited by

amount of trouble reading

these sentences -- they
kind of stopped and
started and bled into each
other. That happens from
time to time, so it's not the
biggest deal in the world,
but it's a little bit more
important because one of
these tough-to-read
sentences is your thesis -and that needs to be
crystal clear.

visual rhetoric, creators

of romantic comedy
movie posters can take
risks with conventions in
order to appeal to wider
audiences; in doing so
typical characteristics of
genre are modified which
changes how people
perceive and identify the
romantic comedy genre.

thesis that is
easier to read and
i took out the
who gender thing
because i didn't
want to focus my
paper on gender
roles as if it was
a sociology

I like how you're bringing

in "constraints," but I'm
not sure what you mean

The gesture is
significant because it
shows that this
specific disclosure is
not limited by
professional creators
are willing to risk
their professionalism
in order to provide
sense of humor that
will grab peoples

By providing that
information it
explains how
applies to
posters. It's better
than just
dropping a
sentence and
have the reader
make sense of
the idea you have
in your head.

4.Visual rhetoric can

strongly influence
potential audiences, as
human beings we use
visual thinking as a major
part of our cognition

5. Romantic Comedies is
a genre that has been
labeled by its witty
themes and flirtatious
attributes. But when
analyzing its conventions
it soon becomes apparent
that while looking very
differently, these movie
posters aim to provide a
light feeling on
relationships while
pushing boundaries. Dirk
notes that it has become
very difficult to label a
certain genre because due
to the, fact that two texts
that might fit into the
same genre might also
look extremely
different.(Dirk 255)

This is another one of

those comma/semicolon
issues I pointed out

I'm wondering if this could

work as a springboard
INTO your paper -- ie,
right after your intro. Do
you this could help drive
your analysis of the movie

Any relationship
presents issues and
problems, and the
movie poster The
Break-Up is no
exception; it proves
genre can fluctuate
with uncommon
surface level features

I've noticed that

when i'm reading
my paper
multiple times in
one sitting i only
pay attentions in
how i imagine it
to sounds thus i
add pauses when
there shouldn't
be. This makes it
clear that there
are two ideas in
one sentence.

I think the
Same thing but I
placed after my intro. placement of this
paragraph adds
more strength to
my introduction
because it
emphasizes more
on the role of
genre within
movie posters.

6. Visual literacy
helps to give more of
an insight in what the
audience can expect,
and give clarification
who might the
intended audience be.

OK, so are you saying

that visual literacy is a
TOOL or a LENS of sorts
that a reader/viewer can
use? So this is about
reading/seeing on a
deeper level?

Even though its

obvious this poster
falls under romantic
comedy, the creator
uses visual literacy as
tool to display an
equal and playful
relationship between
the two actors in
order to gain a larger
audience base.

I used your
advice and
adjusted the
sentence to make
it clear i was
using visual
literacy as a tool
that creators take
advantage using
in order to
accommodate the

7.We know that if we

choose to watch a
comedy film it is
expected to be
humorous, this
demonstrates one of
many genre
comedies can be
classified by.

I'm starting to feel like this

intro is getting a little

Conventions have a
significant impact on
our judgement, if an
individual wants to
laugh chances are
that they choose the
comedy film over the
Stephen King horror
film. Movie posters
are capable of
showing different
attributes of genre,
the use of
conventions help to
direct the audience if
its something they
are willing to see

I decided to
throw away that
sentence and just
dive into
juicier, an
example that
illustrates how
our awareness of
genre dictates a
portion of our

8. It narrows the
audience because it is
not suitable for
children to watch but
could be something
the male gender can
be entertained by

Beatriz: Unnecessary to
the new thesis

Not existence

I found it to me
fluff and just
detail that makes
my argument
irrelevant and
just confusing. I
took out other
fluff that just
took up room
and would
weaken my
argument if it
even went with

9. Redefining the
intended audience is
the exigence, the
circumstance and
condition that invites
a response. (Carroll

I'm having a tough time

understanding this,
Aguilar. Rhetorical tactics
(how the poster-creator
intends to "hook"
moviegoers) isn't the
same as exigence. The
exigence for a movie
poster is to advertise the
movie and to get people
revved up about seeing it.

Redefining how the

advertisement is
designed and
presented for the
audience is the
exigence, the
circumstance and
condition that invites
a response (Carroll
48). This rhetoric
strategy has the
ability to control how
the audience will
react to the movies
poster, thus colors
and image
becomes essential
when targeting a
larger audience.

This added
following the
quotes helps
explain it
because without
the added
analysis it's just a
quotes dropped
and left open

10. modify the

exigence. (Carroll

Modify the exigence

(Carroll 49).

the constraints of
the rhetorical
situation are those
things that have the
power to constrain
decision and action
needed to modify the
exigence (Carroll

This was
something I
wasn't too sure
how to do, but
allows the reader
determine where
a quote starts and

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