Relay Coordination Guidelines

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Over current & Earth fault relay co-ordination

Over current fault relay co-ordination:

Let us consider one small section of Aditya cement plant,Sambhupura and let
us see how over current and earth relay co-ordination is done on it.

Over Current Relay Co-ordination Guidelines:

1. Over current relays are co-ordinated from load end till the source. Generally
the operating time of relay at load end is assumed to be at 0.4 seconds and
considering this assumption operating time of back up relays are calculated.
2. Discrimination time for relays on series element is considered as 0.05 and
for non-series elements discrimination time is considered as 0.3.
3. For calculation of TMS of upstream/backup relay, the downstream relay
having higher operating time is considered.
4. Generally it is preferable to have the plug setting (amperes) of upstream
relays to be equal or little more than plug setting (amperes) of downstream
5. Instantaneous settings for upstream relays are provided so as to provide
protection against the close in faults occurring at the respective buses
such that respective relays trip much before the maximum fault current flows
through them. Instantaneous settings should be provided such that they
should have a discrimination of about 0.3 second with thermal curve of their
back up relay.
6. But for transformer primary relays instantaneous setting should be set such
that the relays dont trip for charging current but protect the transformer
against close in faults.
7. Time grading is an important criterion for instantaneous protection. The
relays should be time graded in such a way that back up relays trip
instantaneously with certain standard time delay, such that for any fault at
lower stream, the upstream relays dont undergo cascaded tripping.

8. As per the standard convention, instantaneous time delay of 0.05 seconds

is provided for relays at extreme load end and at transformer primary.
9. In case of phase overcurrent protection generally an instantaneous time
delay of 0.20 seconds should exist between primary and its backup.
10. In case where condition of critical clearing time needs to be satisfied, there
the instantaneous time delay is kept as 0.15 seconds between two relays
acting as primary and back up.
11. If there is a fault at one voltage level then the relay at that voltage level
should trip instantaneously and its back up at a different voltage level
should trip thermally.
12. It is always advisable to run co-ordination & simulation in Mi-power, to check
whether the relays operate in co-ordination with proper time discrimination.

Considering the above guidelines let us proceed to perform the overcurrent

relay co-ordination of the section considered above.


Let the operating time of relay.No.104 be 0.4 seconds

The three-phase fault current viewed by relay no. 104 is I 3phf104 = 25693.37 A
Plug setting of relay.No.104 in amperes = 3600 A.
Therefore TMS of relay 104 is TMS = 0.4*[(25693.37/3600) 0.02 1]/0.14=0.11
Since the TMS range of REX 521 relay is in range of 0.05 1 in steps of 0.05
Hence above calculated TMS is approximated to 0.15
Now as per the approximated TMS, recalculated operating time is :
TopR104 = 0.15*0.14/[(25693.37/4000)0.02 1] = 0.5238 sec.

Since relay.No.100 is in the same series element as relay no. 104 hence
discrimination time between them is 0.05 sec.
Hence remote operating time for relay no. 100 is TopR100remote = 0.5238 + 0.05 = 0.57 sec.
Remote fault current viewed by relay no. 100 is I remote = 973.12 A
Plug setting of relay no.100 is 140 A
Therefore TMS of relay 100 = 0.5738*[(973.12/140) 0.02-1]/0.14 = 0.16
But as step value is 0.05 hence approximated TMS of relay no.100 is 0.20
Close in fault current viewed by relay no.100 is I3phf100 = 31168.57 A
Hence close in operating time of relay no. 100 is
TopR100 = 0.20*0.14/[(31168.57/140)0.02 1] = 0.4534 sec.
Note: If M= [close in fault operating current/Plug setting in amperes] > 20, then
M = 20 (Beyond M=20, relay is considered to be saturated). Hence in the above
calculation as M = (31168.57/140)>20 hence M=20 has been considered.
Exactly the calculations for relay no. 105 and Relay.No 101 are made and
results are same as above.

Let the operating time of relay.No.7 be 0.965 sec (Calculated similarly as

And the operating time of relay.No.66 be 1.99 sec. (Calculated similarly as

For calculation of operating time for relay no.6, operating time of relay no.100
and relay no. 101 is considered and out of them whichevers operating time is
higher that operating time is considered for calculation of TMS of the relay no.6.
but as relay.No.66 has an higher operating time of 1.99 sec hence operating time of
relay. No.66 is considered for TMS calculation of R6.
Hence operating time of relay R6=operating time of relay.No.66+discrimination time.
Operating time of relay R6, TopR6 = 1.99 + 0.3 = 2.29 sec.
Close in fault current viewed by relay no.6 is I3phf6= 5264.3 A
Plug setting of relay R6 in amperes =1800 A
Hence TMS of relay R6 = 2.29*[(5264.3 /1800)0.02-1]/0.14 =0.355
Approximating the above result we get TMS =0.4
So recalculating the operating time as per new TMS,
Top6=0.4*0.14/[(5264.3 /1800)0.02-1] = 2.58 sec.

Operating time of relay.No.5 for remote fault is Top5remote = 2.58+0.05 = 2.63 sec
Remote fault current as viewed by relay no.5 = 5264.3 A
Plug setting of relay no.5 in amperes = 1800 A
TMS of relay no. 5 = 2.63*[(5264.3/1800)0.02-1]/0.14 = 0.41
Approximating the TMS as per the step value of REX 521 we get TMS=0.45
Remote operating time as per approximated TMS
Top5remote = 0.45*0.14/[(5264.3/1800)0.02 -1] =2.90 sec

Close in fault current I3phf5 = 8816.8 A

Close in operating time of relay no.5 is given as:
TopR5 = 0.45*0.14/[(8816.8/1800)0.02 -1] =1.95 sec.

Instantaneous Setting :
Relay.No. 104: (Feeder)
Close in fault current viewed by relay.No.104 is I3phf104 = 25793.7 A
CT Ratio = 4000/1
Therefore Ip>> is set such that the relay trips instantaneously before the
maximum fault current and has a discrimination of 0.3 with thermal curve of its
back up relay.
Hence if relay is set at 300% then the relay trips at 12000 A which is much
before the maximum fault current and discrimination of 0.3 is maintained with
the thermal curve of its back up relay.
Factor to be entered in Mi-power database = 3 (for relays at load end directly
the instantaneous factor is entered in database)
Instantaneous time delay tp>> = 0.05 sec

Relay.No. 100:(Transformer Primary)

Rated current of relay.No. 100 , Irated = 131.2 A
Remote fault current = 973.12 A
Charging current = 10*Rated current = 1312 A
Back up current =1.3*Rated current = 1265.06 A
Since Icharg > Iback, hence Icharg is considered for instantaneous calculation
Instantaneous setting, Ip>> = Icharg/CT ratio = 1312/200= 6.56

Approximating the above value to nearest whole number we get Ip>> = 7 times
or 700%.The factor to be entered in database = 7 x CT ratio/Remote fault
current = 1.44
Instantaneous phase time setting = 0.05 sec.
Instantaneous setting for Relay no. 105 is exactly same as that of relay
no.104 & instantaneous setting for Relay no. 101 is exactly same as that of
relay no.100.

Close in fault current viewed by relay no.104 is I 3phf104 = 5264.3 A
CT Ratio = 2000/1
Therefore Ip>> is set such that the relay trips instantaneously before the
maximum fault current and has a discrimination of 0.3 with thermal curve of its
back up relay.
Hence if relay is set at 150% then the relay trips at 3000 A which is much
before the maximum fault current and discrimination of 0.3 is maintained with
the thermal curve of its back up relay.
Factor to be entered in Mi- Power database = 3000/5264.3 = 0.57.
Instantaneous phase time setting for relay.No.6 is done taking the higher
instantaneous time setting of relays connected to its outgoing feeder and then
adding an instantaneous time delay of 0.15 sec to it.
Since the instantaneous phase time setting for relay. No 7 is 0.35 sec, hence
the instantaneous phase setting of relay.No.6 is 0.50 sec(0.35 sec+ 0.15 sec).

Relay.No. 5:(Transformer Primary)

Rated current of relay.No.55 is I rated = 1784.5 A
Remote fault current =5264.3 A
Charging current, Icharg= 10*Rated current = 17845 A
Back up current, IBack =1.3* Remote fault current = 6843.59 A

Since Icharg > IBack , hence Icharg is considered for instantaneous

Instantaneous setting, Ip>> = Icharg/CT ratio = 17845/2000 = 8.9
Approximating the above value to nearest whole number we get Ip>> = 9
times or 900%.
The factor to be entered in Mi- Power database = 9 x CT ratio/Remote fault
current = 3.41
Instantaneous phase time setting = 0.05 sec
The Phase co-ordination curves are given in the figure 1.1 below.

Figure 1.1. Phase Co-ordination curves

Earth Fault Relay Co-ordination :

Earth Relay Co-ordination Guidelines:


In case of single line to ground fault the plug setting of the relay depends upon
the single line to ground fault current viewed by the relay and the setting range of
the relay used. Generally plug setting of 10% - 20% is set for the relay, as an
unbalance of about 10% always exists in the system.


Relay used should be sensitive enough to operate for an single line to ground
fault occurring in its zone but should not trip for too low SLG current.


The Plug setting should be provided such that the plug setting current(amperes)
of upstream relays should be either equal to or greater than plug setting current
(amperes) of the downstream relays.


For transformers having delta-star configuration or vice versa, the relay located
at transformer primary cant be co-ordinated with relay located at transformer
secondary because delta windings isolate the fault current from the healthy side
and hence SLG fault current doesnt find a path to flow to the other side. In such a
case relay located on star side should be set so as to only operate for close in fault


In case of earth overcurrent protection generally an instantaneous time delay

of 0.20 seconds should exist between primary and its backup.
Rest all other guidelines are similar to that of over current fault co-ordination
Now let us see how earth relay co-ordination is set using the above guidelines.

Relay.No. 104:

The single line to fault current viewed by relay.No.104 is, I slgf104 = 28833.3 A
The plug setting = 5% of CT ratio = 0.05*4000= 200 A
Let the relay operating time be =0.4 sec
Therefore TMS of relay.No.104 = 0.4*[(28833.3/200) 0.02-1] = 0.176
Here M=20
Approximating the TMS as per step value of REX 521 is = 0.20
So new operating time as per the approximated TMS
TopSLG104= 0.20*0.14/[(28833.3/200)^0.02-1] =0.453 sec
As relay. No 100 is on delta side of transformer hence no co-ordination is not
possible with relay.No 104.

Relay.No. 100:
The single line to fault current viewed by relay.No.104 is, I slgf104 = 4066.6 A
The plug setting = 10% of CT ratio = 0.1*200= 20 A
Let the relay operating time for close in fault be =0.05 sec
Therefore TMS of relay.No.104 = 0.05*[(4066.3/20) 0.02 -1]/0.14 = 0.02
Approximating the TMS as per step value of REX 521 = 0.05
New operating time as per approximated TMS is given as
TopSLG100 = 0.05*0.14/[(4066.3/20)0.02 -1] =0.113 sec
The operating time of relay.No 7 is TopSLG7 = 0.79 sec (calculated similarly as
Similarly operating time of relay.No 66 is T opSLG7 = 0.42 sec (calculated similarly as

Relay.No. 6:

For calculating the operating time of relay.No.6 ,the highest operating time of the
relay, among the relays, connected to its outgoing feeder is considered. Here the
operating time of relay.No 7 is considered for calculation of TMS of relay.No 6 is
TopSLG6 = 0.79 + 0.3 = 1.09 sec
Single line to ground fault current at relay.No 6,I SLGf6 = 642 A
Plug setting = 10% of CT ratio = 200 A
Hence TMS of relay.No 6 is = 1.09*[(642/200)0.02-1] / 0.14 = 0.184
Approximating the TMS as per steps provided in REX 521,we get TMS=0.20
As per the new TMS, the operating time of relay.No.6,
TopSLG6 =0.20*0.14 / [(642/200)0.02-1] = 1.186 sec,

Relay.No.5 cant be co-ordinated with real.No.6 as relay.No 5 is on delta side.
But however it should operate for any close in fault.
Single line to ground fault current at relay.No.5, I SLGf5 = 100 A
Plug setting = 1% of CT ratio =0.01*2000= 20 A
Let the operating time for the close in fault be TopSLG5 = 0.05 sec.
Hence TMS = 0.05*[(100/20)0.02 1]/0.14 = 0.01
Approximating the TMS as per step value we get new TMS = 0.05
Operating time as per approximated TMS = 0.05*0.14 /[(100/20) 0.02 1] = 0.21 sec.

Instantaneous setting :
SLG Fault current viewed by relay.No.104, I slgf104 = 28833.3 A
Instantaneous earth setting, Io>> = 300% of CT ratio = 3*4000 =12000 A
Instantaneous earth time setting, To>> =0.05 sec
Instantaneous Factor to be entered in database =3 (load end and delta side of
transformer directly instantaneous factor is entered in Mi-power database)

Relay.No.100:(Transformer primary)
SLG Fault current viewed by relay.No.104, I slgf100 = 4066.6 A
Instantaneous earth setting, Io>> = 500% of CT ratio = 5*200 =1000 A
Instantaneous earth time setting, To>> =0.05 sec
Instantaneous Factor to be entered in database = 5 (load end and delta side of
transformer directly instantaneous factor is entered in Mi-power database)

SLG Fault current viewed by relay.No.104, I slgf6 = 642 A
Instantaneous earth setting, Io>> = 15% of CT ratio = 0.15*2000 =300 A
Instantaneous phase time setting for relay.No.6 is done taking the higher instantaneous
time setting of relay connected to out going feeders and then adding a time delay of
0.20 seconds tom it.
Instantaneous earth time setting, To>> = Instantaneous earth time setting of relay.No.7
+ 0.20 sec =0.45 + 0.20 = 0.65 sec
Instantaneous Factor to be entered in database = 300/642 = 0.467

Relay.No.5:(Transformer Primary)
SLG Fault current viewed by relay.No.104, Islgf5 = 100 A
As per the range of instantaneous earth setting provided by REM 543 ( 0.1 12
x In ), relay.No.5 is not sufficient to provide instantaneous earth protection. The
lowest instantaneous current that can be set is 0.1*2000 = 200 A, but the fault
current is 100 A, hence relay is unable to operate instantaneously as relay would
only be able to sense current above 200 A.

Figure 1.3. Earth relay co-ordination curves

Figure 1.4. Earth relay co-ordination curves

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