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1. Download the setup file idl711linux.x86.tar.gz
2. Unpack the package idl711linux.x86.tar.gz in any folder (Preferably into your
home/idl folder). You can do it in X-windows by double clicking on it or in command
mode using command like
tar -xvf idl711linux.x86.tar.gz
3. Now this will become the IDL_Home Directory.
e.g, If you unzip it inside guests home/idl directory. Then the IDL Home directory
will be /home/guest/idl
5. Now get inside the IDL home and issue command


You neednt change anything during the installation. Please follow the instructions
and choose default options.
Installation Steps
Execute the install command now (y/n) : y
Agreement .

Scroll down by pressing space bar key..

Do you accept all of the term of the preceeding license agreement ? (y/n) : y
Current directory: ..
Current login

Do you wish to continue (y/n) : y

Again press space bar to scroll down to the following message
Create the symbolic links described in option 1 above ? (y/n) : y
IDL Installation Complete
Web Servers have a default directory..
e.g, /usr/local/apache2/htdocs
Press Enter key for this type of steps.
Do you want to start the DICOM Network Services at boot time ? Root permissions
are required (y/n) : n
Now the software installation is complete.


Changing .cshrc file
From your home directory, open the file .cshrc and add following lines in that.
If the file is not there you have to create it manually. Add the following lines.
setenv LM_LICENSE_FILE 1700@
source /home/guest/idl/idl/bin/idl_setup
Now save the file. Run the file by issuing command

source .cshrc

or by re login .

Changing .bashrc file

From your home directory, open the file .bashrc and add following lines in that.
Add the following lines.
. ./home/guest/idl/idl/bin/idl_setup.bash
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=1700@

Now save the file. Run the file by issuing command

Enjoy IDL ..

. .bashrc

or by re login .

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