Bi-Weekly Journal 12-9

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Hannah Goldstein

Bi-Weekly Journal

Complete Paper Outline

Conduct any more necessary research to fill in holes in outline/paper
Transcript Second Interview

Within the past two weeks I have read a ton of articles in the hopes of filling in the gaps
in my research. I have completed outlines of my main claims within the synthesis paper and I
have found essential corresponding articles that coincide with each argument. Amazingly, I
found satellite time=lapse images from a NASA ozone measuring Satellite starting from 1979 up
until as recent as this past September. Also, the data seems to be constantly updated, so more
recent months can hopefully be added to the videos soon.
On Tuesday, the class did what was called a synthesis board. We got into small groups
and shared our theses and our claims in the hopes of receiving feedback on where there may be
gaps in our research and/ or where we could improve upon. I found this method to be extremely
beneficial because when I was asked questions on clarification of where I was going, I was given
the opportunity to say my thoughts out loud which allowed me to be able to develop them more
and develop a more solid game plan for what I should do next. Also, my group was very detail
attentive and provided me with great feedback that I plan on using in my research and synthesis
paper moving forward.
Finally, this past weekend I was able to conduct my interview with my advisor which I
plan on converting to a transcript within the next few days. During my interview, however, the

interviewee had a lot to say about each question, and explained it very well which limited the
responding questions that I could ask. But, overall the interview was a success and was
extremely beneficial to understanding my topic even better.

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