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Cedar Brook HOA minutes

Quarterly Meeting
June 5th 2016

In attendance
Kris Pierce- last meeting as President, moving
Luci Foster- New President Interim
Barbara Buckles- Treasurer
Corey Hora- Board Member
Laura Hora- Board Member

Start time 3:05pm

Discussion on filling the Presidents spot, per the covenants,

Vice Pres should fall in to the President spot should it become open.
Luci agreed and would cover duties interim while they recruit for a new President or Vice
Kris has forwarded on any relevant important docs for the HOA to reference. Those files are in
the HOA email.


Still have brought in some more dues, but we are only at 50%
Pushing out late fees to the end of the year, so help us get everything organized and give those
more time to get their dues together.
8 more apology letters are needed to be sent out.
There are 8 apparent habitual non-paying neighbors that we will file liens against if they do not
Discussed being willing to accept payment plans.
More invoices need to be sent out- Luci will do

Neighborhoods Watch

Luci has the sections made and sending off emails to captains. It is up to the captains to reach
out to the neighbors on their list to form at that line of communication

Luci will send a note to the deputy that the sections are established and we will arrange to get
our Neighborhood watch sign.
Agreed to put the sign at 131st and Nebraska Ave. Bets viewed area.

Summer social

June 11th, meeting at the park at 5pm to set up.

Luci to purchase food and paper goods.
Corey Hora will check grass Friday to see if it needs to get mowed. Luci will check with SID to
see when mowers will next come through.
Corey suggested to put fliers on mailboxes. Barbara will print and help put those out if they do.
Food will be cooked by members and officers to split it up, then we will hold in Sternos and
serve from 6pm-7pm.
Movies will start at 9ish.
Neighbors Ashlee and Mark Kantanas are allowing us to use their out let for power
Porta Potty should be there the day of.

4th of July Parade

Need to arrange volunteers to deflect traffic. Meeting at the park at 930. Sign painting party on
prior to the day of the parade.


Will discuss further and focus more on this at the next meeting Oct 2, at 3pm at Luci Fosters
Luci To touch base with John Fullencamp, he is out SID lawyer, to come to meeting to let us
know what all we need to do on re-newing our covenants.

Lawn care

Corey to purchase more mulch

Struggles at the front from prior years not being taken care of.
Will focus on the front issues and will then tackle the round-about.

Meeting adjourned 415pm

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