My Project Letter Jake Marshall

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Federal Bureau of Investigation

Phone: 555

678 9045
March 21, 2016

Address: 2468

Kalar blvd
8642 4th Ave
Chicago, IL T5J 3E4

Dear Flash,
Hi my name is Jake Marshall and we have a lot in
common. We are both athletic and like the colour read. I
admire you because you are one of the superheros who
didnt pick strength, you picked speed. I thought it was a
good idea because if you were strong then you couldnt
move as fast because the muscle would slow you down.
Now you can just like run around making your opponent
get tired then you can attack.. There has been a robbery
at the Main Street National Bank in Chicago and I was
wondering if you could help me catch the bad guy? I can
meet you at the back of the United Center( 1901 W.
Maqdison street) with some highly classified information
about the robbery, like what he looks like, what time it
happened, etc. Remember you are the only one who is
fast enough to catch him. Thats why I chose you to help

I will list some of the information below but it wont be all

of it.
- A robber
- White
male in
his 30s,



- Stolen
- Has

- Main

- About 10

- Chicago,

- He is
I really hope you will be able to come and help me with this. If you
are unable to help then just let me know and I will understand.
Im not really allowed to give you any more information but I will
give you some anyway.
He has taken over $30 million
Has around 10 hostages
He is still in the building
He is armed with a gun
He has a mask on so we hav not seen his face yet

I will send you a map of where we could meet but if you are busy you dont
have to come, I really want you to come because I think you are the most
unique super hero there is. Here is a map of where we could meet.
s&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwin5-S8dHLAhXC74MKHblNBI8Q_AUIBygC#imgrc=-fo-NLpJ5D6YuM%3A Meet me at
the corner of 47th and 35th at 5:45 pm.


Jake Marshall

Jake Marshall
Head of FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation

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