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Facing History Reflection

1. Describe the Facing History activity.

Students had a presentation about microaggressions and showed a video. After that we
took a survey that would ask us questions about how we view others. And we discussed
at the end.
2. What did you notice during this activity?
I noticed it was very organized and they had a plan and they followed it through.
3. How did the activity feel?
It felt like a normal class. I wasn't uncomfortable talking about this or listening about it.
4. What did you learn?
I learned that microaggressions are everywhere in our lives because we can always
hear one being said at school or out in public.
5. What did you contribute?
I took the survey and participated in the discussion at the end about how we can stop
microaggressions being said in school.
6. What are left wondering about?

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