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Bui Thien Minh



Prevention is better than Cure (cures)
Its much less expensive to practice fire safety than it was (T) to
rebuild a house that burned to the ground. This statement is especially true
for the majority of people who believe that their government (is) currently
having (T) too much (WW) unnecessary expenses on (different preposition)
treatment for (different preposition) illnesses instead of taking more
prevention (WC) methods. A larger percentage of government spending
should be on these preventative measures because of their (sustainable)
In Romania, the epidemic of cardiovascular disease of is mainly driven
by the lack of awareness among Romanians regarding the importance of
diet, exercise and giving up smoking, according to Dr. Irinel Popescu, head of
the Surgery and Liver Transplantation Centre at Fundeni Hospital in
Bucharest. This he blames on the lack of national cardiovascular disease
prevention efforts, which, he says, have (S/V) been limited to a few media
campaigns. There were campaigns initiated in the past but they fail (T) due
to financial problems and unsustainable planning (?). Poor people have
limited access to information and they will consequently have a low level of
awareness on how to keep a healthy lifestyle and avoid common diseases.
Once people have a better ^ of the illness they are dealing with, earlier
diagnoses will happen which will produce better treatment results. In
addition, (article) University of Queensland and Deakin University have
published a groundbreaking report to support this stance with a variety of
recommendations while suggesting that prevention methods are usually wise
investments. These recommendations include an increase (adjective, past
participle) tobacco tax and taxing alcohol at 10 per cent more than the
current rate for spirits (Vos, 2014). Health care is becoming more expensive
with the proliferation of high-tech treatments, and these affordable
approaches are essential.
Government money should be use for preventative measures because
they are much more proficient (WW) than to only focus on new treatments.
Taking the time to prevent an unfortunate sequence of events from
happening, whether it is getting sick, causing a house fire or experiencing a
careless accident, is always better than dealing with the problem after it


Bui Thien Minh



Prevention is better than cures

Its much less expensive to practice fire safety than it is to rebuild a
house that burned to the ground. This statement is especially true for the
majority of people who believe that their government currently has too many
unnecessary expenses for treatment of illnesses instead of taking more
preventative methods. A larger percentage of government spending should
be on these preventative measures because of their effectiveness.
In Romania, the epidemic of cardiovascular disease of is mainly driven
by the lack of awareness among Romanians regarding the importance of
diet, exercise and giving up smoking, according to Dr. Irinel Popescu, head of
the Surgery and Liver Transplantation Centre at Fundeni Hospital in
Bucharest. This he blames on the lack of national cardiovascular disease
prevention efforts, which, he says, have been limited to a few media
campaigns. There were campaigns initiated in the past but they failed due to
financial problems and unorganized planning. Poor people have limited
access to information and they will consequently have a low level of
awareness on how to keep a healthy lifestyle and avoid common diseases.
Once people have better knowledge of the illness they are dealing with,
earlier diagnoses will happen which will produce better treatment results.
In addition, the University of Queensland and Deakin University have
published a groundbreaking report to support this stance with a variety of
recommendations while suggesting that prevention methods are usually wise
investments. These recommendations include an increased tobacco tax and
taxing alcohol at 10 per cent more than the current rate for spirits (Vos,
2014). Health care is becoming more expensive with the proliferation of
high-tech treatments, and these affordable approaches are essential.
Government money should be use for preventative measures because
they are much more efficient than to only focus on new treatments. Taking
the time to prevent an unfortunate sequence of events from happening,
whether it is getting sick, causing a house fire or experiencing a careless
accident, is always better than dealing with the problem after it occurs.

Bui Thien Minh



Prevention is better than cure, say Romanian doctors. (2011). Bulletin of the
World Health Organization, 89(4), pp.248-249.
VicHealth. (2014). National study proves prevention better than cure.
[Online] Available at:
[Accessed 1 Jun. 2016].

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