2016-1 Overseas MRCPCH Clinical Exam Timetable and Fees - 5

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2016-1 MRCPCH Overseas Clinical Examinations Bar ‘Opening Date for] Closing Date Tor Contre Exam Dates Capacity | Fees |Method ot Application _| Apalcations Applications Inia Wertesday & Thursday Ontineapoication vaRcPcH | Menday Mepday [Ganasirey | SP anor 2018 4epaces | 1259 _| Sine scout erotover 201s [aM toner 2015, Saturday 8 sunday Ontineappcation viaRcPcH | wednesday Wednesday oman igh PA anuaey. 2016 4epaces | eso | Sninw account 2edaabe. 20 | 20" Sister 2015 Thursday Friday Thursday Friday Heng kong | 25MaagFrebrubry 2016 | spices | Ks15800 |Paperappication te centee | ig Nevember.2015 | 1d Btcember, 20:5 Mopdy 8 Tusa COntineapptzation vaRcecH | Wednesday Friday Sauai Arabia | Monday & Tuesday Ontineappication viaRcPoH | Manday epday leas) ata haar 2016 4epaces | eso | Sninw account PiRiovemner 2015 | 2FNoverer, 2015 Friday Saturday COntineappication viaRcPCH | Thursday Therscay East isha tg meren 2006 4spaces | e007 [ening secount SPNovember. 2015 | November 2018 Candidates are advised to submit an onlineapplication ASAP, preferablyin the fist few days ofthe application period 1hy application period (or either paper or online application) wil be elosedonce we have received 70 apolicatiors, an aplication period is aft open overnightand asa result we receive more than 70 applications, only the first 70 applications wll be considered, and the remaining applications will berejected without Priority Status and extension of the severryeer registration period. the results are ' Candidates who have just taken 2 2015-3 MRCPCH clinical exam and ae stil wating for 20153 results cannot apply for 20161 befor released Fees All bank drafts must be dravn ona UK bank and should be made payable to Royal College of Paediatrics and Chil Health’. Wherever possible, pase ‘make sure your bank drat ivalld for six months rather than three months. You are stronaly advised to make a clear photocopy of your cheque or bank draft to keep for your own reference, before posting the original bank draft to Us. Our College isnot responsible for international postal ssues and, if the cheque or bank draft i ost in trans, a photocopy/scan may be of asistance in ‘rer fer you to cancel your payment ir necessary. nner Anoiation Form Centre [Contaits) [Telephone Temata Waste FoI ar TEETH PTCA TD . moi scaunansedaticanciat Mena Rane Csinge of Paco . Website: Hons Kana Caleas of Pasdintcians | Room 80, Jockey Cub Buling, 38 Wong Ghar Sng ena. Aoecsen. Hono Kong ‘Qoline Annlication Form For examination centres marked 2s “Onlin plicaton via RCPCH online account” above only online application forms will be accepted Paper application forms will not be accepted and will be retuned tothe sender. Please refer to istrtions on Examination Hosts Ifyou have enquires on how theMRCPCH clinical examination is run locally at an overseas centre, you can find the host's contact detalls on our Exam, Contras web pas, “All ther enquires shouldbe sent droctlyto the Examinations Taamat RCPCH, Instructions on applying online for 2016-1 MRCPCH Clinical Examination (India, Oman, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt) ‘Qnline apolication ‘The Guidance Notes on how to apply online for 2016 MRCPCH Clinical Examination in the above counties can be found on our website The online application system for the MRCPCH clinical examination is net exactly tho same asthe system you have usedto apply forthe theory exams, s0 please do Fead the Guidance Notes carefully and familiarise ourself with tisonline application system before you apply. ‘o-Gandidates 1 Teisimoortant to ensure that you have opened and can access your RCPCH online account beferean application period opens Do not walt to dothis within the application period. You may net be abe to submit an online application form successfully If your RCPCH online account isnot ready beforehand: In the order of applications received the candidate selection criteria willbe applied in the following order: # Cancelates who are curently working in the host country and who have a valid Priovity Status from a previous unsuccessful application: Zi Candidates who are currently workingin the host country and who donot have aval Prioity Status ‘¥4Canoidotes who are currently workingin a county that does not hold MRCPCH clinical examinations and who have avalid Priority Status: 442 Canoidates who are currently workingin a county that does not hold MRCPCH clinical examinations and who do,not have avalidPriority Status: Cncidates who are curentiy working in 3 country that holds MRCPCH clinical examinations and who have a validProrty Status: 4" Cangidates who are currenty working in a country that hols MRCPCH clincal examinations andl who do not have a valid Prionty Status If youhave apolied in 2015-3 but havent boon successful in securing a place, and if you ae stil wating for your cheque to be returned by the College, please arrange new payment for your next application for 2016+ Although we do our best to return your previous payment as soon as we can we are hot abe to guarantee that you will recewve itn time for your next application. ‘The application period willbe closedas soon as the number of applications recelvedreaches 70. When the application period is closed, candidates uwilne longer be able to submit an online application form. an application period islet open overnight and asa result we receive more than 70 ‘pplcations only the first 70 applications will be considered and the remaining application will be rejected without PrortyStetus and extension of the soversyear registration period, \Whn you apply online for 20161, please check again the Online Anolcation Guidance Notes to find out what payment methods are acceptable for ‘each examination contre. Whore card payment is acceptable, credit card payment wil incur a 4% surchargein addition tothe full exam fee. Some payment by international debit card may incur the same amount of surcharge so please check with your bank before applying online However you choose to pay please bo aware that no payment wll be taken until we decide whom to place onto the examination. This may take sb {o-sevon weeks from the date you submt your online application. Therefore, during tis process please ensure you have sufficient funds or credit on your account to avoid unsuccessful payment and subsequent delays. If you plan to pay by cheque/bank daft, please ensure thet you write your full name your RCPCH cade number and YeaeDist Cantraa.a.“20¥61 |ndia'on the back of your cheque/bank draft. lease also attach a separate sheot of paper with your fulveturn addrass on it ifwe cannot offer you 8 place, your cheque/bank draft wilater be returned to the address that you have provided. 10. 0. x. 1. Instructions on applying online for 2016-1 MRCPCH Clinical Examination (India, Oman, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt) Immediately after you have submitted your online application form, rlease post your cheque/bank draft to: sia LIU MRCPCH Clinical Exams Administrator (Overseas) Royal Colege of Paediatrics and Child Heath 511 Theobalds Road, London WCIX 8SH, the UK Plase ensure that your cheque/benk draft reaches the above address within § warkina daysonce you have submitted your onlin application form. f it takes time for you to arrange a cheque/bank draft, pase start ths processa ite earler to avoid delays. For example, start arranging a bank draft ‘atleast two weeks bofore you apply online but please do not post your cheque/bank draft until you have successfully submitted your online ‘application If your cheque/bank draft reaches us within § workina days of your submission of the onine application form, your application wil be considered ‘even Fwe receive your cheaue/bank drat after the application period has closed. For instance, you submit an anne applcation form on the last {day ofthe application period, your chequey/bank draft must reach us within the next § working days for your online appliation to be considered, Please be aware that receiving your cheque/bank draft doesnot guarentee you a place. The above candidate selection criteria will apply. ‘Once you submit your application online, do net post ancther paper apalication form to our College or tothe host [After you have submitted your online application form and payment, it wil take us about four to five weeks to checkall candidates eligibility and {decide whether or not to give you a place. Please do net contact our College during ths process. When we havefinalised placement, al candidates willbe notified by email about whetheror not ther applications have been successful When you have submitted an online application for one centre, you wllnt be able to apply for another centre forthe next MRCPCH clinical exam ‘until your current entine application has been "Rejected For example: Youhave submitted an online application for 2016-1 Oman. A fow weeks later, the aplication period for 2016-1 Jeddah opens, and you want to apply fort. In this case, you must contact Ji Luavanch acu to delete your cutrent online application for 2016-1 Oman before youcan submit a new online application for 2016-1 Jeddah In this case, you wilt receive Priority Status for 2016-1 Oman moran extension of your seven year registration period. Wherever possible, within ny one dle, candidates are stronaly advised to only apply for the MRCPCH clinical examin the host country where they are currently working Apolying multiple times to other centres (i.e. deleting one eopiication and submitting another)is NOT recommended because its likely to cause confusion amongour Examinations Team, which inturn wil delay the exam preparation process Ifyou are informed that your curren online apalication has not been successful and that we ate not able to offer you 2 place, you must walt for us to "Reject" your online application before you can apply forthe next eiical exam, ‘Any quotes regarding online application for 2016-1 can be sent to a Liurench acu Alternatively, you can contact us on 0044(0)207 0926118, Please be aware that. due tothe high volume of emails we receive every da, it will take us longer to respond to your enquiries,

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