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Call to Action


I hope you now

understand why
we have to
recycle our old
cell phones.
Remember that
some resources
in the world are
limited like

Who: Decatur
What: Cell Phone
Recycling Drive
Where: Little
Shop of Stories
and Fleet Feet
When: April 18-22
(Business Hours)
Why: To do our
part in protecting
the environment!

You Should
Your Cell

Sasha Pifer

All other electronics can be
recycled at Decatur Public Works
on Saturday, April 2, from 9-1.

March 31, 2016

Monetary Costs
Dont you just love that
new cell phone you just
got? Well I am going to tell
you something about that
cell phone. That cell
phone has lots of things in
it, like aluminum, silver,
platinum, gold and lead.
Can you believe how
many things are in cell
phones? There are 3.4
billion cell phones being
used each year and 140
million that are being
retired yearly. Thats a
LOT of metals and thats
why we should recycle cell
phones when we are done
with them.

Mining for the metals in our
cell phones pollutes the
environment by putting
waste into our water. It can
also release bad chemicals
in to the air. Because of
mining metals, it pollutes
animals and their
environment. This is how
cell phones damage the
environment and we have to
stop it.

Do you know how many

things are getting thrown
away when we dont recycle
our cell phones? Well, there
are lots of things that are
being thrown away instead
of being recycled. These are
just some of the things that
are being thrown away
copper, gold, silver and
aluminum. Thats not all
money is getting thrown
away too. And every one
likes money. You may not
know how money is getting
thrown away, so here is
how: To make cell phones
they have to mine to get
metals. And it costs a lot of
money to mine for metals
and instead of mining they
could be using the metals
that you recycled. And thats
another reason why we
should recycle cell phones.

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