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Summative Evaluation of Practicum

Master of Teaching
Teacher Candidate: Erin O'Shea
Year: 1 Practicum Session: 1
Dates: October 26, 2015 to November 20, 2015
Associate Teacher: Tanya Hind
Grade level and/or subjects: Gr. 4
School: Fairlawn P.S.
Board: PDSB
Erin showed excellent collaboration and leadership skills. We discussed what subjects and curriculum
expectations she should focus on for her practice teaching. When it was decided she would be teaching math
and science, she came prepared each day with thorough lesson plans, activities and her curriculum documents
in hand. She used current resource documents to support her lesson planning(e.g., "Guide to Eective
Instruction"). Erin used student friendly language and co-created success criteria when assessing the students.
She created assessments for activities in math and science (e.g., geometric star, pulleys and gears booklet).
Erin always ensured the children were aware of her expectations and she came up with success criteria with the
children. She always modelled activities and tasks so the students would understand what to do.

Erin asked for a class list and classroom schedule on her first observation day. By the end of the second
observation day, she knew each child's name and used his/her name when helping and working with them. The
children knew right away that this was a caring, special teacher. This kind of rapport helped with classroom
management. She observed the strategies I used with the class and followed those strategies with
eectiveness and confidence. She knew when to give gentle reminders to the students who were not listening
and she could redirect those who were becoming distracted. She always showed patience and kindness yet
she was firm and the students appreciated her high expectations. She also knew when to praise the class for
good behaviour(e.g., "Wow, I am so proud of how you are listening at the carpet.")


Erin showed understanding of the curriculum expectations for the math and science strands she was teaching.
She brought curriculum expectations with her when planning and meeting with me. She made sure that the
overall expectations were being covered in her lessons in addition to most of the specific expectations. It was
important to Erin that the activities she planned for the students were hands on and purposeful. She took the
curriculum expectations and created excited games, projects and hands-on learning. Some of the class
favourites were: geo-board pumpkins, creating 3d shapes and their nets, matching games and student made
booklets on pulleys and gears. The students were always excited for her teaching. She began her lessons with
a minds-on activity to support all learners and she always followed up with time for the students to reflect on
their learning.


Erin noticed early in her Observation Days that I had many English Language Learners in my class. I also have
one boy with behaviour needs. Erin discussed the best ways to meet the needs of all the learners. For the
ELL's, she allowed them to have the work read to them or she scribed for them. They were allowed to show

their work in pictures if they chose to. She always created excellent anchor charts with labels, diagrams and
word lists to help all the children feel successful. The child with behaviour needs felt very comfortable working
with Erin. She helped me to provide an alternate space for him in the room. Erin knew when to give this child
"breaks" (e.g., letting him have a walk around the school with a friend). Her intuitive nature allowed her to work
towards meeting the needs of the diverse learners in our class.

Erin consistently demonstrated professionalism. She dressed professionally and spoke with respect to parents,
teaching sta and administrators. She took her role as teacher candidate very seriously and many sta
members commented to me that they were impressed with her attention to detail and dedication. She made an
eort to introduce herself to the Vice Principal and Principal as well as the Oce Sta. She was professional
with the students in our class as well as the students she saw when on duty with me. She showed respect and
kindness to me as her Associate Teacher, thus creating a wonderful teaching and learning environment.


Erin came with me to a team talk meeting to observe a discussion about a student in the class struggling with
the math curriculum. The ISSP team was able to give me strategies to try to help this student. Erin helped me to
administer a diagnostic assessment with this student. Erin also helped students to create a Remembrance Day
wreath that we used at the assembly. In addition, she observed some phone and face-to-face interviews I had
with parents.

It was a pleasure having Erin as part of our learning community. Her enthusiasm, professionalism, creativity and
kindness will be greatly missed. She had a very successful practicum and I wish her all the best in her career in

Overall appraisal:



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