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Main Point

Because of such links, there are many

different ways to approach the study of what
could be early indicators of psychopathy A
few such approaches could be form the view
of a chemist, psychologist, or even an
everyday person; each view having their own
take on presenting the information and style
of writing, allowing different audiences to be
informed more effectively.

These three articles present

information about the same topic in
very different ways.

Kahn presents information about

psychopathy in an easier to understand
way of storytelling for regular people
who arent experts

Kahn can have more freedom when

writing due to her not being present
information to a scholarly audience.

Kollas article is a psychological view of

how psychopathy can be related to
childhood maltreatment, while being
aimed at other psychological
Kolla uses her own moves to distinct
her article from other psychological
article about the same topic

Dadds article present the information

from a chemist view while also
performing more physical test.

Dadd also uses his own moves to make

his article stand out, but at the same
time he puts a bigger emphasis on the
interpretation of his collected data

How it Support my

It presents the idea that

the same information can
be present in various
By presenting the
information in a story-like
manner, Kahn is assuring
that her audience will be
able to follow the events
and information in an
easier manner
Because Kahn is not a
researcher she writes her
article as journalist, the
style expected of her
Kolla present his
information in yet another
way, but the topic he is
addressing is the same as
The moves used by Kolla
are what allow him to
have his own take on
presenting his
information while keeping
the overall genre of a
research paper
Dadd is yet another
example of how the same
topic can be interpreted
in a different way
Like Kolla, Dadds own
move make his article
different than other
research paper while still


Kollas and Dadds article may have the

same overall structure but each have
their own distinctions due to their
respective authors moves and field of
Even though Kahns article is not a
scholarly article like the other one, they
all share the use of other articles in
their analysis.


Kollas and Dadds articles do present

information better than Kahns


Kahn is able to appeal to her audience

emotions since she is not just
presenting information, but trying to
tell a story.


There are many points of view through

which a topic can be addressed and
some function better than others in
certain situations.

being a research paper.

By focusing on
interpreting the data he
also makes it an article
that is effective in
informing his audience.
Moves, fields, and
intended audience are
what make each article
on the same topic
Ethos is something that
all articles use since they
need to have evidence
that supports them, apart
from their won findings.
Something not addressed
in my main argument
Since Kolla and Dadd are
researchers, the papers
do a better job at
addressing their intended
Because of Kahns view,
she is able to appeal to
the audience through
emotion allowing her to
have a completely
different writing style that
Dadd and Kolla
Restating thesis


A big structural change I made to my WP2 was that of the reorganization of my

paragraphs. I keeps the same structure just switched my paragraphs 7 and 8 and
put them as paragraphs 3 and 4. I realized what you meant when you suggested
this. Another major change that I made was the clearing up some of the things I
reference form the articles, making it easier for the reader to understand what Im
addressing and what some words and test are about. The last major change(s) I

made was to relate a lot of ideas back to my major argument. The reverse outline
for this essay helped me by seeing how certain paragraphs would flow better if they
were followed by other paragraphs. The outline also helped me adjust to way that I
could relate a lot of my ideas back to the main argument. The only one I had trouble
with relating was the ethos portion I mentioned. Overall the reverse outline was
very useful in gathering my ideas together and allowing me to tie everything
together and make my essay flow better.

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