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Sajo Ramic

Tanya Mead
ED 291
Diversity and Teaching
I am here to become a Paraeducator for two reasons. First reason, I
enjoyed back in high school, and I won a scholarship to start my career. I
really love working with students because it is good to know about themand
their background. I enjoyed working with the students to get it going for
their energy going in their life. I picked Paraeducator for starting my career
because many students have severe and multiple need include limited
language and limited mobility. I wanted to help these students to be
successful. Second of all, I believe that all the students included English










successful. For example, if the student has difficulty learning by listening,

then I would have to give theworksheet or provide a visual on the board. I
believe this is my responsibility to help the students.
In this article, Con Respeto is about the diverse families and schools.









characterized by much confusion and misunderstanding. The immigrant

families who are lacked familiarity with schools and made incorrect
assumptions about the educational system. It is easy to argue that schools
and the personnel can resolve differences and difficulties. The parents can
be taught about the American educational system, and individual teachers

can be made more sensitive to the many things for the new immigrants that
do not know about the teachers and schools expect of their children.
My parents worked hard to get us life together. My dad sent me to
school to be sure that I am getting my education to be educate. This is
where my parents get confused when they first came here to American and
their number one reason for me to move here to learn how to speak English
and their language is Bosnian. I was born deaf and it doesnt mean that will
stop me to learn more. They were worried what is are my future will be like.
This is a similar when the Mexican-families were supportive for their child to
go to school. I noticed there was a Mexican-film related to a parent who
concerned their twin son couldnt speak Spanish with their grandparents.
This is where the change has started. This is what the system and the
parents recognize to make sure the school access many languages for the
students to learn at school.
I volunteered at Creston Elementary School on my first day. I
came in; I was shy to interact with the staff and the deaf students. I was not
brave enough when I had time to discuss what did I do wrong for the first
month. This was a huge thing when I face the real world job because I never
experienced a real job before because I focused the school for all the time.
This was interesting when I came there to work. I noticed that the deaf
students love to hang out during the lunch and play outside recess. This is
where the social interacting is so important to work together as a team.

Without this job, I wouldnt know what I need the abilities and tools to
prepare my students better. I built up my confident everyday to get better
and not to stop to keep trying. I had learned so many things from the
teacher by; knowing the students, supporting the students, believing the
students, and determining their understanding with other abilities.
It is important for the classroom to have the diversities in this country
because it can be huge goals that shared by many students to chase their
dream but achieving this goal in the day-to-day classroom is often hard to
do. I will make sure to arrange a meeting with their parents-night to make
sure that their children are following their progress. This goal is to encourage
these students to believe in themselves and to work hard in the classroom.
This is where I can help the students on their lesson. It is a good start when
I help these young students to have a better chance in life. It is also
important to keep their own culture to knowing who they are.
In the deaf classroom, I noticed there was a divide the part between
the students independent work and the work they are doing with their
teacher. In my opinion, that the students didnt have opportunities to go
deeper in their learning. I would provide them a practice test to prepare the
focus on their writing, reading and math. This is where I would like to see
their improvement has jump. I will give them a chance to work on the
language and practice vocabulary that will develop their understanding of

the content. It is better when we have multiple opportunities to see the

same idea from different perspective.
In my perspective, most of us dont learn a language by listening and
reading alone. It is better if we interact with each other by doing a project. I
will make sure the reader has to read out aloud in the classroom to read. It
is better if the students can practice their language to speak fluency by
having each other to say the word in the classroom. This will benefits on
their reading and writing and their academic language to prepare the
mainstream classes. It will be a great idea for the students to welcome from
different countries, and has no experiences for English. This is where I will
make sure that I am doing my job to teach the student to write in their
language and translated it to English that where can boost their attitude and
their energy to speak and to write. If the students are struggling on their
writing and their reading levels. I will make sure to emphasize the
vocabulary development will help them to prepare better. This is good for the
students to engage their English language to develop their social satisfy and
to have fun in the classroom.

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