Summary Reflection 2

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Running head: SUMMARY & REFLECTION 2

Daniel Marruffo
EDCI 413/516
Summary & Reflection 2
La Sierra University

Running head: SUMMARY & REFLECTION 2

For this summary and reflection paper the class read and focused on chapter two
written by Mike Ribble. In this chapter Ribble discussed the meaning of what it means to
be a citizen in todays digital world. Chapter two explores both the positives and
negatives of what it mean to be part of this technological community. In this chapter
Ribble explores nine major elements of being a digital citizen. These elements are digital
access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights and responsibilities,
health and wellness and final security.
Although all these elements are fundamental to what it means to be a citizen in
todays technological world, these themes bring along with them equal negative themes
which can be damaging to person. In order to avoid the negative aspects, which come
along with these themes, is to obtain an understanding of the themes of the digital world.
An example of this can be seen within the second element, digital commerce. In this
element, Ribble emphasizes the importance of comprehending the dynamics of buying
and selling online. Although there are beneficial to online shopping such as, making
money, saving money, and buy and selling products form the comfort of ones own home.
Although there are substantial benefits to online shopping there are also danger,
which come along with new method of shopping. Some of these dangers include identify
theft, and the possibility of developing a poor online credit ratings. Overall I believe
people must be well informed and educated on not only the positive aspects and use of
technology, but also on proper methods to putting yourself in danger while maneuvering
through the digital world today.

Running head: SUMMARY & REFLECTION 2

Ribble, R. (2011) Digital Citizenship in School. International Society for
technology in Education (online), 3, 24-57

Running head: SUMMARY & REFLECTION 2

I have always believed that technology has been an important, beneficial, tool in
our society. However, despite the positive aspects to the digital world, there are also
many dangers, which accompany the use of technology. Although I have not only grow
up in, but also been part this technological world, I have never really explored the many
ways technology could be manipulated and corrupted to hurt society at the same time. As
a student use the Internet to not only to find information, but to also buy my books,
clothes, school material, and even food.
Although technology and the Internet have proved to be a productive tool in my
everyday life, without already learned knowledge from my friend and family on the
navigation of the Internet, I could understand and see the potential devastating dangers of
the Internet and technology. People who may not be educated on proper precautions as
they use the Internet could rob of not only an individuals money but also their identity.
Knowing and learning about the nine major themes I believe it is important to educate not
only our own families, but also specifically students of the use of technology is crucial.
Making children aware of not only the benefits but also the proper methods of navigation
of technology is fundamental to a students success they on in life.

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