McRaven Letter To Patrick and Seliger

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Office of the Chancellor ‘Tue University of Texas SysTeM. S08 Caled Serene ‘March 1, 2016, ‘The Honorable Dan Patrick Lieutenant Governor P.O. Box 12068 ‘Austin, TX78711 ‘The Honorable Kel Seliger Chai, Senate Higher Pduestion Committe P.O. Box 12068 ‘Austin, TX 78711 ear Lioutenant Govornor Patrick and Chairman Seliger: ‘Thank you for your March 4, 2016 lotta to tho prsidonts ofthe academic institutions within ‘The University of Texan System. We are happy to provide the additional detailed information you guested shot the tition and fos we charge our etdents ‘The attachments to this latter developed by the U-T. System and submitted by our prosidonts| provide the information and data you roquosted on total academe charge, financial aid, completion Fates, affordability, and institutional eact reduction plana, among other tam, You may also recsive Separate later fom some of our presidents, At the very hort ofthe mission and core values of each of our academic institutions is increasing acces ta higher edenton, providing superior edwational opportunites, seeing our students ‘tuosed, aching institutional excellens in all eal, and contributing to the advancement of each ‘gion and the State of Texas, We commit to uniting with you and the Texas Legislature to work towsed ‘hese goals and to improve che lives ofall Texana. ‘The value of higher eduction to our stats’ young men and women and the future economy and growth of Texas, and the commitment of stato goverment to cupport higher education as a common {ood ew ertical topic. Wein higher education and you inthe legsatve process both face challenges out how we do what ia bet for thee studenta withthe eacuttes we ave available nea stat, [look forward to «vigorous and respectil eonvercation with you and the Lagslatre asa whole about tis ‘anu in the monthe leading upto and during the upcoming 863 Session, Sincerely, WA Ni William H. MeRaven Chancellor WEDKib» Attachments cx UT Systm Intitutional Presidents Dr. Steve Laie, Executive Vice Ch Dr. David Daniel, Deputy Chancslo, U:T. System Mr. Barry MeBce, Vise Chanoillor for Governmental Relations, UP. System Dr. Stsphanio Hui, Vio Chancellor for Stratopic Initiatives, U7 Syetom Report Submitted to Lieutenant Governor Patrick and Chairman Seliger ‘The University of Texas System March 31, 2016 Table of Contents Notes about These Dat nent anne ce a] Preface nn a (1)A Summary of Any Current Effort by Your Institution to Raise Tuition and eS. BoardApproved Increases to Total Academic Coss for Average Resident Undergraduate Students Enrolled in 15 SCH nnn ————————— 6 (2) Tution Rates ince 2002-2003, ndcate Statutory Tution and Designated Tlton Rats, ‘Mandatory Fees, College and Course Fees, and Total Academie Charges Since 2002-2003, by ‘Academic Year, Including the Percentage Change Each Academe Yeatvne-nnne-nnn nnn? (3) Year and 6-Year Completion Rates since 2002-2003, by Academic Yea -menwnnmennenesT (4 Financial Aid, Including Ald rom the State and Institutional lnestments since 2002-200, by Yea nn ~ Se 8 (6) An Overview of Institutional Pans to Reduce Student Deb, Including Innovative Tuition Reduction and/or Cost Reduction Plans; Including Any Plans to Offer Alternate Degree 9 Path WY. anne Instutonal Plasto Reduce Student Debt Innovative Tuition Plans and Alternate Degree PathwaYS on — Institutional Cost Reduction PlanS ——aennne nnn Attachment A: U.T. System Response to Senate Letter on Tuition, 1 ‘Altachment B:4-Year and 6-Year Completion Rates from FY2003 to FY2015, 22 ‘Attachment C: Financial Aid Data by Type, Source, and Year: UT System Academic Institutions..23, Attachment D; Detaled Institutional Responses t Data ReqUestS.sencnonn 36 2iPage

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