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The heroes are something new?

By Fabrizio Leon L.
The people need inspiration, people need legends, people need hope, people need
gods, people need hroes.
Its very curius the men always want reason to make something, but is even more
curios that the men want a way to be
Uncontable examples across the time, a really sustancious cuantity of histories,
but, Hercules can be stronger with Superman?, how Robin Hood cant can compite
whith the emerald archery from Star city?, can Edipo be clever thath Batman?, a
man we can be at the same level that goods stand.
In the last years the popularity of these histories has been increasing, but why?
Some people see these characters as a simple entreteiment, but another peoples
found in these characters something else. These is not something new, after all,
tales never wanted to teach that dagons existed wanted to teach these could be
So wath is different now?
Infact, nothing, people have always sought see Warriors, is genetic, its history,
Warriors, gods, hroes, legends, its all the same. Guillermo Tell, Gren arrow, Robin
Hood, maybe different context, but are the same, represents the human potencial,
the most authentic desire of humanity is not fly, It is see through a " hero" and see
Raul Hernandez.(2015) I think it's important to have a role model in life , you need
not feel alone

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