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2017 Physics Photo Essay Project Rubric

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Essay 2

2 Photo Semester

Essay 1

Semester 1 Photo




(9-10 points)

(7-8 pts)

(0-6 pts)

Photo is of high quality (exceptionally

clear and perfectly focused), shows
exceptional creativity (is intriguing to
look at, is exceptionally beautiful),
and is students original work.
Caption is complete.

Same as exemplary except

that photo is taken of the
student, but not by the
student. OR, photo is not
aesthetically pleasing/ not
artistic but does illustrate the
topic well. Caption is
Title is descriptive. Some of the
text in the introductory
paragraph does not specifically
relate to the photo.
Introductory paragraph runs
over 250 words. Discussion of
topic is thorough and correct
but lacks insight. Small
departures from the word
count. Word count is not listed.

Photo is grainy, out of

focus, dark, or otherwise
difficult to see and
understand. Or, photo
doesnt illustrate the
topic well. Caption is
Title is absent. The
students knowledge of
the subject seems
limited. Discussion is
largely focused on
summarizing the
students knowledge of
the topic. Student does
not explain how this
relates to the photo (i.e.,
knowledge is not
applied). There are some
occurrences of
unorganized, inaccurate,
or difficult to interpret
Title is absent.Major
Photo is

Title is clever. The introductory

paragraph (not more than 250
words) explains the physics
evident in the photo. The student
clearly applies his/her
understanding of the topic and
accurately explains how the topic is
evident the photo. Following
paragraphs extend the discussion to
what is not immediately evident in
the photo and explains how this
relates to the photo. Text is clear,
well organized, and accurately
written. Discussion shows insight
and entirely relates to physics
All wording
is original.
Photo is of high
quality (exceptionally
clear and perfectly focused), shows
exceptional creativity (is intriguing to
look at), and is students original
Caption is complete.
Title is clever. The introductory
paragraph (not more than 250
words) explains the physics
evident in the photo. The student
clearly applies his/her
understanding of the topic and
accurately explains how the topic is

Same as exemplary except

that photo is taken of the
student, but not by the
student. OR, photo is not
aesthetically pleasing/ not
artistic but does illustrate the
topic well. Caption is
Title is descriptive. Some of the
text in the introductory
paragraph does not specifically
relate to the photo.
Introductory paragraph runs
over 250 words. Discussion of
topic is thorough and correct

grainy, out of focus, dark,

or otherwise difficult to
see and understand. Or,
photo doesnt illustrate
the topic well. Caption is
Title is absent. The
students knowledge of
the subject seems
limited. Discussion is
largely focused on
summarizing the
students knowledge of


(x2 for
score )


(x2 for




(9-10 points)

(7-8 pts)

(0-6 pts)
The photo chosen is
unclear or too small or
does not clearly
demonstrate the topic
discussed in the essay.
Caption is missing.
Title is absent or
inaccurate. There are
significant occurrences of
unorganized, inaccurate,
or difficult to interpret
text. Some sources are
quoted instead of reThe text has errors in
grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, spelling, or
sentence structure that
significantly hinder the
readers experience.

Journal entries complete but


Some Final Reflections

questions are
unanswered or responses
are undetailed. Some
journal entries or peer
review comments show


First paragraph does not

specifically address the physics
evident in the photo. Title is
descriptive. There are minor
occurrences of unorganized,
inaccurate, or difficult to
interpret information. Text
The text has a few errors in
grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling that
do not significantly hinder the
reading or understanding of the

Journal entries show honesty and

Peer review comments show honesty
and thoughtfulness.
All questions in the Final Reflection
are answered thoroughly and


If the topic is one that can be

photographed by the student, then
the work is original. For original work,
photo illustrates the topic well. For
borrowed work, photo is of high
quality (exceptionally clear and
perfectly focused) and is intriguing.
Title is clever. Partners name is
indicated. The essay explains the
physics evident in the photo. The
student clearly explains his/her
understanding of the topic and how
the topic is evident the photo. Text is
clear, well organized, and accurately
The text has no errors in grammar,
capitalization, punctuation, or
spelling. Sentences are well-crafted
and there are no hindrances to
reading and understanding the work.

Score is based on the accumulated grade you earned throughout the project for meeting deadlines.


topic notEssay 3 (New

Photo 3

2017 Physics Photo Essay Project Rubric

Late fee: 10% per day

Peer review comments are

complete but perfunctory..





Format penalty: -5 points if final submission is not submitted as one file

(but as separate files)

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