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Promotions: Completing the Manual Approval Process

(What to do when your drawings are promoted in Enovia, but are

stuck in the Under Review state in PDMLink)
Spinning Circle Workaround
1. Scope:
a. Due to the PDMLink home page not loading and only showing the spinning wheel, users
are unable to see any of their home page information like Workspaces, Updates, and
the Task List.

Not being able to see the Task List prevents users from being notified or noticing that
they have a task to complete in order to finish a Promotion Request.
This document will show how to circumvent the home page and help the user locate the
tasks that are awaiting their approval.
2. Issue:
a. Your drawing has gone through the Enovia system and has been Released or Completed,
but in PDMLink it is still stuck at the Under Review state.

3. Procedure/Workaround
a. Locate the Promotion request that your drawing is attached to. This can be done a
couple of ways. In PDMLink search for the drawing number, then:
i. In the Search Results table, select the drawing, select the History Tab on the
drawing information page and select the Authorization link that pertains to the
latest Revision.

ii. Or, in the Search Results table locate the correct Promotion Request. It will be
at Under Review state.

b. Open the Promotion Request information page by selecting the PR link or the
Authorization link

c. On the Promotion Request Details Tab, locate the Context that the Promotion Request
comes from.

d. Open the Navigator flyout and Browse to the Context that was located on the Details
tab of the Promotion Request information page.

e. Select the Tasks menu from the Contest dropdown.


In the Tasks table, find the task that belongs to you and has the drawing that you are
promoting attached to it. Select the Name link that corresponds to the drawing you are

g. Complete task to finish promoting the objects.

h. Your Drawing will now be marked as Completed.

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