Notes From June 5-6, 2016 8TH Annual Sustainable Living Conference Lansing Michigan

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YAHSHUA AKA JESUS CHRIST TRUE BIRTHDAY 67H ANNUAL SUSTAINABLE LIVING CONFERENCE EAST LANSING MICHIGAN JUNE 5-6, 2016 ‘5PM-9:30PM KELLOGG CENTER HOTEL AND CONFERENCE CENTER 219 S. HARRISON RD EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN 48824 CONFERENCE ROOM 103 A AND B a ER con sERCE ae SPONSOREDIN PART BY Lacemeean MICHIGAN J BUSINESS WITLZAsHA Shales ie! fi meijer 1580 W. LAKE LANSING = EAST LANSING MICHIGAN HEALTHY CHOICE LAKE LARERO RD i GBS) vce oe EAST LANSING MICHIGAN GUEST SPEAKERS CONFERENCE PRODGCER ‘enon Dstt ter Diath C0 & Psat ot ‘Con canara Crepe Oe Stow Pros td ‘Ss ofl acr Anbntacoet Hoe Mane Sh ‘rent ath sow boat mtg ad pene ‘une poser an edeaond cama She ‘saaly nb comma writgpeope lo pers. ‘amedertorhstaare tm conry amet ‘Selig won gal ser ampere des {poe guaran wig od ‘myelin conioterdvaiow Tory Wah aa natonal ari ae both op sei nen, enti an Beano hii for 2 uae ea Wepre Sy Fcamconematior per Hoan ache bros Ute St, Cana Ja re Carean Ane ‘pect la GP an Ft be ha and aeons ore oon parepars. Or Wo cir and denon CPR {erm Solor"husoMaa Rees’ be Cones a a ot four sl pi yy ‘So pan nthe ofa body. Sn how rig haba by eli beh fn Bd erp reagan ay Sot DR, WILL WILUAMS \IA SATELLITE CONDUCTING 40 PLATE CHART GAME Wane Kevaedrmetaphy i ena Le ngs ce eon protect eo Ha av acon! wife cl bit, Aran adnate ity Hewes tou hor and pane tla wo ets {sahon acampartve aaj fb by ees have mpi sory The nomaen hs eevee ston" ‘han inion sanlry oan werd dot ‘en preoa ee tbe aie cama ou oe 9 in nr cpa wiht yt ys oe gear. ie we and Dail Ae Ra and Vgun Cas xttod con “nth deg ue, bein Lana eg, ated ar ser ht las nl be oth def changing dco, ow fod an Ses {Satie Gist 0 pound ere aay sin conde, sh slat poveds eno oogu ha Type 2 Oaban Now hs mt hie ‘stars cured eran rf gece abet en to cout ‘rucing Raw Feed ge sro ae trata hang ol ody ‘Sens. The th we demonetg Ra Fos Voge prevention a lng ‘isbn ‘OTHER GUEST SPEAKERS. PATRICK HELLER- MANAGER OF LIBERTY COINS REPRESENTATIVE OF DENNY'S RESTAURANT WILL DISCUSS HEALTHY MENU. [DR JOSEPH THOMAS VIA SATELLITE EXPERT ON VITAMIND SEE HIS BIO NEXT PAGE Dr. Joseph Thomas ,MO MBA, FACS, FACOG, 0.0. Herbals, Gold iver Investor 1 Joseph Thomas is aboard crfed OBIGYN and the Chairman of the Deparment of Surgery for Advocale Tiny Hospital He lectures a various conferences specaling in adessng “The 7 Deady Assassin of Heath vs The Bodyguards that save your ife “DALY, "The NEW "STDS. Sess, Toxins and Deficencies” ad how fo revert or cure chronic cease and cancer Dr. Thomas ao stutledcinical meine at Harvard Univer, He has advised and assisted he community wih a focus on Afcan “Amercans regarding the importance of Vitamin D 2s preventive measures Or. Thomas is skied in marial ars and has a blak bel in bath Sash: Ako! Zen Meat and Kang Fu Hun Gar Sve. Contact: 73881-3400 Dr. Louis “Pancho” Mefarland, PHD Dr Mefaland is an associate sociology professor inthe field of race gender ‘and cute. He is cumenty a professor at Chicago State University and active in ‘cod and environmental usice movement as a communty garden coordinator. He's aboard member fr ‘The Green Lots Project’ Dr. Mefatand isa contributing witer for the Environmental and Food Justice Blog TOLEARN MORE ABOUT GROWING & GARDEN AND COMMUNITY GARDEN CONTACT DR. MCFARLAND 773.695.2333, Dr. Cherilyn Lee, Board Certified RN, NP, PhD wa blogtalkradio comidrlechealthtalk EMAIL CONTACT 310-871-8721 CUNC 3104194300 Cherlyn Leesa Hols: Heath Practone, who beleves wholeheartedly n maces and the power of healing. She sas the hos of er oun radio series “The Or. Chey Leo Heath Show” She has sufered and surived eczoma, colon cancer, asta and two oma Cerlyn hasbeen aheathcare precitoner for more than 28 years, she beloves tha, A alseaso netting more than mathtiton fo unrated. Dr. Leos the Founder and Execuve Directo of Nu Med Integrated Healthcare Centr in Las Angels, Califia, NMHC sa Comprehensive Aematve Family Heacare Certo ht oes aerate medione in amore lsc and itgrated approach to deaing wth common ‘diseases and aimens Or. Lee ithe fomer nue who had een reatng Michael! Jackson ports death. fithad nt been for. Le speaking ot on he news about ‘he conversation she had with Michael regarding his lack f Seep we may nt have known the cause of chal Jacksons death. INFO REGARDING INFLANMATORY BREAST CANCER INFRA RED EXAMS (CANCER CHECKS INFLAMMATORY BREAST CANCER ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT ‘THERMOGRAPHY INFRARED TESTING [EARLY DETECTION CANCER TESTS |ANUMBER MORE THAN 50 SHOWS THAT THERE IS A CANCEROUS PROCESS DEVELOPING IN YOUR BODY 2. HG TEST NAVARRO MEDICAL CLINIC itp wun navarromedizaeiniccony TO PAY AND GET APPLICATION Evening phone cals ter SPA CST at 47 389.3534 '355.00 MUST MAIL URINE SAMPLE TO PHILLIPINES 2. AMAS TEST BOSTON MASSACHUSETTES ONCOLAB DOCTOR MUST REQUESTIT $50-§75.00 1800 922-8373 OR 617-536-0850 FOR ACHES AND PAIN [MAGNESIUM BATH FLAKES INSTRUCTIONS: ‘TAKE TWO CUPS OF MAGNESIUM BATH FLAKES POUR IN HOT BATH WATER SOAK FOR 30 MINUTES. DO FOUR DAYS:IN A ROW PLEASE CHECK STORES IN YOUR AREA (HEAP DETOX www. theralasecom check ln locator Pain Laser Machin 100 percent natural Closest Clinic to Lansing, Michigan Fiddler's Creek Stables 4801 Mirror Lake Drive, ‘West Bloomfield, Michigan 48323 US malt: kris@u-r 31550-3310 ‘CHECK TO SEE IF INSURANCE COVERS IT [GARUIC AND LEMON ‘TAKE GARLIC, PEELIT, CHOP UP IN BLENDER WITH 16 ‘OUNCES OF DISTILLED WATER OR ALKALINE WATER ADD 3 ‘TABLE SPOONS OF LEMON JUICE OR USE FRESH SQUEEZE LEMONs. 100 NOT DRINK DOWN FAST SIP ON IT LIKE COFFEE (D0 THIS EVERY DAY IT MAY ES “ag Te ues Gncer, Drake S oe ‘Fon = Wrestle Het Che [GRAVIOLA 600 www 800-553-4657 UUW le Fea corr CEMA LERNER OWET SONS oraIRCAMMMBENE MATIN CoA]T ran) ViTAMN 5000 1U was ner com SIT Invi uPPLEMENTSFORSERONTN DOPAMINE SE NEROTRASMITER KA OL, htto/ ES /Ae] ) GOLD AND SILVER INVESTMENTS has old junk silver dimes, quarters, half dollars, silver dollars, etc. UBERTY COINS In LANSING MICHGAN AREA 400 Frandor Ave, Lansing Charter Twp, MI 48912 (517) 351-4720 can order 1 coin at a time open bank account of silver HERE IS A LIST OF SOME OF TOP HEALING HERBS Rosemary has shown alto cancerpotetive poten” Frying boing oF rg mess st high ‘Soats HRs (eeojce amines), potent carcinogens mst in Soveral cancers. Rosemary canting Carrecl and rue a, to power acts at estoy he CAS ‘Oregano ts spar hare very ich in ant-oridant phytochemical favonode and phenolic acid. Oregano ot ashen casscaly used as 2 dinectat an aif ear, nose, & twoatrespirtoy nections, candaa, and ry soto acter ewe conaions Di contains caloum and ion, an the ils in he plant may help te euraze carcinogens, which ae Evtstaneas het have been shown 9 cauge cancer Dilalgo has @ umber of bene healing properties for the digestive syst nd hat been used since ancen mes to reat hearbum and ihea, Cayenne highly effective pin reverands an ngredietn sme overshe-coune pain relieving creams. 6 {G0 grea forimproung creation, neaing soe teas, and shmulating sweating op rellove cal symptoms, the carboxyle 22 in clio binds io heavy metas such as mercury inthe blood and carte hem ou {tthe body. Ther removal reverses he tox Suldup that causes conic fatigue, a pan and depression. Mint counteracts nauses and vomiting, promotes digestion, caim stomach muscle spasms, reloveFatlence ‘ease hiccups. Menthl, the atomatic ln peppermint also relaxes the aways and fg bactera and ‘Martho interes win the sensation om pain ecaptor, thus it may be vet in reducing headache pain, ‘Gurey Powder could eseve your pln. t might also: PREVENT COLON CANCER AND ALZHEIMER'S Bisease arslay uretc herbs suchas parsey prevent problems exch a8 Karey stones ans bladder nectons and ‘ep ou boas punting running smosthiy by causing to produce mare urine, Basic anintarmatory and anibactorial as well as being a good source of magnesium and antioxicants ‘eelcnaly, is used West constipation. Indigestion, labetes and Mypothycam (under achve yr) ingore excaent for treating upset stomachs andi sil recommended to pregnant women today a8 away ‘o combat morning sickness. Ginger alsa efecve at eating as ana Boating, tore thvoats and cis is ‘also anhifanmatory and aids In agestion [GROWING A GARDEN YOUCAN ORDER ORGANIC AND HEIRLOOM SEEDS FROM yaw seedsavers of Ifyou ae recanung EBT food stamp card you can grow a guide and purchase eeede. FOR MORE INFORMATION. hpwn snapgardens or! To search or partcipating reales hip srapretalerocatr com FOOD SAFTEY RECALL LIST [any food produ have Des recaled bt unfortunately he food rears are not natfedin ately manner ‘ands foods sil remain n these stores To receve oma and owt alerts on foods hat are Foca, go ocd gov or ion foods in! SURVIVAL PREPARONESS. POWER GENERATOR K-TOR HUMAN ENERGY POWER GENERATOR: wu TO ORDER HOLY NAME BIBLE COST IS $40.00 TYPE HOLY NAME BIBLE IN SEARCH BOX FOR DETOX PRODUCTS wen ‘DRINK PLENTY OF ALKALINE WATER DISEASE AND INFECTION {GAN NOT LIVE IN AN ALKALINE ENVIRONMENT. CONDUCTS DETOX WEBINARS IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WITH AKAGAN WaTER MACHINE You | | MARC HAYGOOD (CaN PURCHASE ALKALINE WATER FROM THEM MAKE SURE. 7osssa-isen ‘THEY HAVE A FLORIDE FILTER WHEN RUNNING THROUGH FAGAN OR PURCHASE ANY HEALTH FOOD STORE DO NOT TAKE. \WATER WITH MEDICATION. GET WATER IN BPA FREE ‘CONTAINER CAN PURCHASE CONTAINER ANY STORE tp nerogistes com TheScience/WhatareNeurotransmi09CE asp NEUROTRANSMITTERS 2c the brain chemicals that communicate Information throughout our brain ‘and body. They eeay signals between nerve cell, ealled "neurone." The brain vies neurotransmitter to tell your near to Dest, your lungs to Breathe, and your stomach to digest. They can aso affect ‘mood, Sleep, concentration, weight and can cause adverse symptoms when they are out of balance Neurotransmitter levels can be depicted many ways. As a mater of fact, it is estimated that 86% of Americans have suboptimal neurotransmitter levels. Stress, poor eet, neurotoxin, genetic disposition, rugs (prescription and recreational), alcohol and cafeine usage can cause these leve There ae to kins of neurotransmitter ENHEBITORY snd EXCITATORY. tory neurotransmitters are not necessarily excking - they are what stimulate the bran, Those that calm the brain and help ceate Balance are called inhibitory. Inhibitory neureransmiters balance mood fd are easy depletes when the excitatory neurotransmitter are overactive. Inhil itory Neurotransmitters SEROTONIN isan inhibitory neurotransmitter ~ which means cat Ie does ot stimulate the brain, Adequate amounts of seratonn are necessary fora stable mood and to balance any excessive ‘excitatory (stimulating) neurotransmiter fing in the brain. If you use stimulant medications or Caffeine your daly rumen ~itean cause depletion of serotonin overtime. Serotonin ao fegalates many ather processes such az carvohyarate cravings sleep cycle, pain control and Appropriate cigstion. Low seretoni levels are algo associated with decreased immune system GABA Is an inibtory nevrotcansmtter that is often refered to as “nature's VALIUM-tke substance When GABA is cut of ange (high or love excretion values) i key that an excitatory neurotransmitter s fring toc often in the brain. GABA wil be sent out to attempt to balance tis Simulating over-fring, DOPAMINE i 2 special neurotransmitter because i's considered tobe both excitatory and inhibtery, Dopamine helps with depression aswell a focus, which you wl read about inthe Excitatory Neurotransmitters DOPAMINE is our main focus neurotransmitter. When dopamine is ether elevated or low ~ we can have focus isues such as not remembering where we Put eur keys, forgetting what a paragraph said when we Just finshed reading tar simoly daydreaming and not being able to stay on task. Dopamine 15 2s0 responsile for our drive or desire to get things done ~ or motivation. Stimulants such a5 ‘medications for ADD/ADHD and cateie cause dopamine to be pushed into the synapse so that focus is improved. Unfortunatly, stimulating dopamine consistently can cause a depletion of dopamine [NOREPINEPHRINE s an excitatory neurotransmitter that 6 responsibe for stimulatory processes in the body. Norepinephrine helps to make epinephrine as wall. Ths neurotransmitter can eause -AOKIETY at elevated excretion levels as well as some ‘MOOD DAMPENING® effects. Low levels of horepinephrine are associated with LOW ENERGY, DECREASED FOCUS ably and sen cycle [EPINEPHRINE i: 27 excitatory neurotransmitter that i reflective of stress. This neurotransmitter wil often be elevated when ADHO like symptoms are present. Long tem STRESS or INSOMNIA can use epinephrine levels to be depleted (low). Epinephrine also regulates HEART RATE and BLOOD PRESSURE CPR for the Soul is AVR or Audio-Visual Resuscitation May this article testy clearly to Yanshua and bless your hear or eou! wth lve in him, ‘Allcredt goes to Yansua through the vison and revelaton he gave to Dr Hem C Kinky who taught t “Tory K Welsh lveisn@tsbealobal net See the ful ace a wwe. DMRLansing worires com Overview - ries Rescue fem Cardiac Arrest proves conclusively that there is ite after death fr souls 2s well as bodes. Our bodies follow the same pattern as our souls So raising bodes from physical Seah tough CPR and deenitaben can be compared raising sous trom spriual death hyough AVR. and giving the Holy Spit. CPR ws Cardo-Pulmonary FResuscation and AVR is Audio Veual Resusctation CPR ls done by a rescue ving chest compressions nd [eats £0 patient can be enlivened. AVR is dane by a minister giving the words and demonstrations ofthe true ‘Gospel so a person can be enightned or know Yahshua the Messiah. The werds neat n preaching are the "auc! partot AVR, and demonstrations seen ae the "visual" part of AVR. Deiat, giving @ shock to convert the heart go it beats withthe cortect pattem and ata physical fe Giving the Holy Spits a shock othe conscience to convert the sou £0 operates with te core pattern and Sustans spa! He. Its love in acton a give ile. Reviving a person physical by evulating te breath of He in the Blood is an act of love. Rewiatzing a soul by ccuiating the Holy Spit an act of ultmata love. So, CPR and Seforitaton are tothe bady what AVR and the Holy Spot are tothe sou They restowe fe. One raises a body from ‘eial physical death. The othe raises a soul rom camal minded spintual death ‘The sounds of breathing an heartbeat ae signs of fe and testimony tothe name Yahweh {'Yah-Weh’]. When blood oes nat flow through a persons body because his heart doesnot pump ten he cannol breathe, he snot responsive ‘nd be is cinicaly dead When the knowledge of Yahshua does nct flow through person's soul because he does not believe, then he cannat speak the tuth praising Yanshua, he isnot responsive to spa things and he sptsaly ‘ead Such a soul sn the dark about his savior, he s without he ight ofthe krowedge ofthe glory of Yahweh He needs Audlo-Visual Resuscitation and the Holy Spt Yahweh gave Auco-Visual Resusctaton toa sprtually dead word during is 4000 years rom Adam to Yahshua How did Yanwen give AVR or Ause-Vieul Resusctaton? He spoke through prophets the Audio pat of AVR) and he gave visions (the Visual part of AVR) toa sprtually dead worl (Numbers 126; Hosea 12:10). That AVR made Bossible for Vanshua ofl hs ambulance type mission and come as the Savior to aise dead souls to eterna fe, Since Pentecost. souls can be sprtully raised from the ead by Yahshua's Holy Spit and be a partaker ofthe fist resurecton People needing CPR are not reversibly or “ilogicaly dead’ they have not yet experienced their permanent Geath’. ‘Some of them can be revved oF renewed to life (Ephesians 4.23). This means they can be rased fom the ‘dead physical, but not bythe own wil or works: they can do thing they cannot breathe, speak of move and they nnat help themsoies. In ike manner, sous canbe raised fom sptal Gath, but net by thew own Works. t's by ‘he grace of Yahshua reveaing hunsel hal souls af etemallyenightened \wnen a person is linicaly dead, ne naeds: eary 1) CPR and 2) Defiilaion, prompt 3) Advanced Life Support and 4) Fellow up Care. When a soul's sprtually dead, ho needs the 1) Preaching ofthe Gospel of Yahishua (AVR) and ‘he 2} Holy Spit prompt) Anite Suppor and 4) Fotow up Care wth the Love ofthe rethen Then he can Ive temally in the gionous kingdom of Vanshua! Woaderul (© Terry K Welsh 2015 (CPR forthe Soul Page|

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