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17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

How the selected focus areas in the lesson plan would cater for
students learning needs (including literacy needs, individualised
learning such as indigenous, cultural and linguistic needs).
The professional knowledge standard 1.2 understand how students learn,
caters for students learning needs by understanding that students learn
at different paces and in different ways. This standards aims is achieved
by the teacher when they are able to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of research into how students learn and the implications for
teaching ( p. 1, AITSL). This lesson plan caters for students literacy and
individualised learning needs as it employs several of the preferred
learning styles. It achieves this through the use of practical visual aims
such as the global map, paired with the completion of a table. Which is
then supported by a ICT resource of Menzies announcement of why
Australia is going to war. In addition to the ICT resource it also provides a
textbook chapter. Hence this lesson plan covers a wide range of recourses
that effectively communicates the significance of this event in history and
uses the focus area 1.2 to cater for students diverse learning needs. This
lesson plan also uses this focus area to cater for students learning
through the use of the term attitudes that is included in the student
previous knowledge section. The inclusion of this topic for the teacher,
indicates that the teacher understands that students may react differently
to different topics based off of the content, or previous attitudes towards
similar topics. This inclusion also demonstrates research into the

17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

understanding of how students learn and the implications for teaching
based off of the attitudes previously stated or observed by the teacher.

The focus area 2.2 content selection and organisation caters for students
learning needs by ensuring that the lesson runs smoothly and all content
is covered within the time parameters of the lesson. This also provides
student with an effective learning environment as it provides them with a
teacher that is organised and well equipped to teach the subject matter.
This focus area affects the the literacy and linguistic needs of students by
providing time brackets that leave room for questions. For example; at
2:10 there is allotted ten minutes to watch a four minute video. This 6
minute buffer allows students with linguistic needs to ask for any aids,
such as subtitles or a printed version of the speech.

The focus area 3.4 selection and use of recourses aims to demonstrate
knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engages students in
their learning (p. 5, AITSL). This area focuses on the selection of content
and the selection of that content from various resources. Literacy,
linguistic, cultural and individualised learning needs can all be achieved
through the use of appropriate resources. This lesson plan lacks available
variations for individualised learning needs such as indigenous or cultural
adjustments. However the lesson plan topic and the syllabus outcomes
focus on a particular event (PM Menzies announcement of Australias
involvement in WWII) and the usefulness of the recording of this event for
historical inquiry and process. Therefore, the lesson is based on the

17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

declaration of war rather than people of war. Nonetheless to provide
students with a deeper understanding, recourses that provides students
with the indigenous cultural and historical perspective would ensure all
students are engaged in their learning.

The use focus area 4.5, which comprises of the use of ICT safely,
responsibly and ethically, caters for all students learning needs due to the
severe importance of this standard.
This lesson plan incorporates the safe and responsible use of ICT through
the use of a direct hyperlink. The use of a hyperlink is a strategy use to
ensure that students are not accidently lead to an unethical or unsafe site
due to searching the internet. This lesson plan caters for all learning
needs by demonstrating the understanding of safe and reliable sites. For
Example, Prime Minister Menzies announcement is hyperlinked and is
from a government website. Hence the learning needs of students is
cater to by demonstrating safe and student friendly websites whilst
providing an interactive and engaging lesson in a safe manner. Students
with cultural, religious or personal learning needs can also be addressed
through the teacher having the hyperlink available for parents of students
they believe may have a cultural, religious or personal learning issues with
this topic. Through having the hyperlink available it ensures an ethical,
responsible and safe learning material through ICT.

How you incorporated peer feedback into the revised


17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

Peer feedback was invaluable to the revised explanations. Firstly, the

peer feedback provided insights into what was missing in my
explanations. The feedback indicated that the explanation had little link to
background knowledge and assessment. The feedback indicated that with
no assessment for the lesson the background knowledge for the next
lesson would be missing and therefore cause a gap in the teachers
knowledge and understanding of student learning. Secondly, the peer
feedback provided the insight that there is no adjustments listed for
students with learning or physical disabilities. By highlighting the missing
elements from the explanations it aided the revised explanations through
producing a more in- depth analysis of the standards and how they could
come into play in the classroom. The lack of assessment or homework was
particularly concerning considering the vastness of the WWII unit as a
whole. A single topic within a unit that comprehensive, without even a
minor assessment or homework task will surely be forgotten over time as
it was not assessed. The peer feedback was helpful in providing an
understanding of what was missing and helped me to incorporate the
missing elements into my explanations and address they were absent or
how it could be incorporated.

17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

Australian Curriculum Lessons. (2012). Australian Curriculum Lessons.
Retrieved April 2016, from Australian Curriculum Lessons:
Australian Institue for Teaching and School Leadership. (2014). Australian
Professional Standards for Teachers. Retrieved April 22, 2016, from
Australian for Teaching and School Leadership:

Professional standard one know students and how they learn. 1.2 Understand how
students learn.
This lesson plan encompasses this standard in that it demonstrates a variety of mediums used
to help the children gain a base understanding of the topic. The table, listening of the speech
and then the writing of the paragraph signifies the many different learning styles and how
they have been incorporated into this lesson plan. It demonstrates the understanding of how
children learn through providing a myriad of resources and teaching techniques such as

17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

having students read their work allowed, having them put themselves in the soldiers shoes
via a letter home and the table of listing who their allies and enemies would be. Paired along
with the listening of Menzies announcement shows an understanding of how students learn.
This demonstrates how students learn by demonstrating that having children just use one
example or form of learning it may not be received or understood by all of the students in the
classroom. This is due to children having preferred learning styles or having children with
learning disabilities. This lesson plan however does not incorporate any assessment or
homework tasks which indicates that there is a lack of understanding in how children learn.
Assessment helps teachers to evaluate the level of understanding and skill so that the next
lesson can adapted to the learning needs of the students. The lack of assessment could be due
to the class discussion at the end of the lesson and the reading of a group of answers. This
could provide the necessary level of understanding if guided by the teacher.
Professional Standard Two- know the content and how to teach it. 2.2 Content selection and
Content selection is simple but precise in this lesson plan. The recording of Robert Menzies
speech coupled with the text book provides a content rich lesson. The time aspect of this
lesson plan does allow reasonable time periods for each task. Organisation is emphasised
through the spacing out and timing of activities and also with the indicated time of the
recording and the individual activities. The use of sources from the prescribed text is also a
very reliable content selection and the use of specific source extracts and page numbers
makes activities and learning a lot smoother and provides a more scaffolded and organised
Professional Standard Three- Plan and implement effective teaching and learning. 3.4
Select and use resources.
The selection and use of recourses in this lesson plan are effectively selected and used in an
appropriate manner. The use of the recording of the Menzies speech along with the text book
provides two different methods of learning. By using different mediums and resources the
teacher teaches to all preferred learning styles and creates an effective learning environment.
It also emphasises the historical element by reinforcing the usefulness of resources such as
recordings of speeches and how they can become tools for later generations understanding
and learning. The selection and use of resources in this lesson plan are appropriate to the
lesson aim and provide a wide array of learning methods. However the selection of recourses

17741024 Kristy-lee ODell

does not take into account children with disabilities. The use of an audio clip could be
isolating to a child with hearing disabilities. A print out or subtitles (if the resource is a video
clip) could be useful to include in the lesson plan as an adjustment for students with different
learning needs.
Professional Standard Four Create and maintain supportive and safe learning
environments. 4.5 Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically.
This lesson plan use of ICT has been produced in a responsible, ethical and safe manner. The
link to the Menzies speech has been added to the lesson plan so that a search is not necessary
and therefore no errors can be made in the search for the speech and unnecessary or unsafe
material may be uncovered accidently by the children. It does not specify if the children
listen as a group or as individuals, however if listening in a group the teacher has still
maintained a safe and responsible environment by ensuring the link is available so that they
are not responsible for any accidental unethical variations of the link or material appearing.
This demonstrates an understanding of ICT and an understanding of the responsibilities,
safeties and ethical issues that can arise when using ICT and this lesson plan has ensured
through the use of a hyperlink that the use of ICT is done so in a safe, ethical and responsible

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