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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam June 10, 2016

When we take up the study of the life of Avatars how must our approach be?
Bhagawan explains taking the example of Lord Krishna.

An individual may be an ideal in one particular sphere. But

it is rare to find one who, in all spheres social, political,
spiritual, and economic - is able to guide being an ideal.
When we take an overview of our ancient history, we find
that Krishna was one such rare individual. He could be
regarded as an ideal for the entire world. Truly, if we want
to comprehend these ideal aspects of Krishna, we have to
push aside, to some extent, the Divinity present in Him and
concentrate on the human aspects of His life and work. So
long as we concentrate on His divine aspects, the good
human qualities in Him will not come to our attention in the
proper perspective. Today people are prepared to worship
man; but they are not prepared to understand man.
Understanding the kind of divine strength that is present in
human beings is possible only if we attempt to do so
through human nature.
- Summer Roses on Blue Mountains 1976, Ch 4.

I am always with you, in you, above you, around you, guarding and guiding you, at all times. Baba

10 jUn,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: jd AsIN,AvqwrW dy jIvn nUM pVHdy hW qW swnUM,aus bwry ikvyN ivcwr
krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,Bgvwn ikRSn dw audwrx dy ky smJwauNdy
au`qr: koeI vI mnu`K,Awpxy iksy iek hunr iv`c qW,mwihr ho skdw hY pr auh
koeI ivrlw hI huMdw hY ijhVw,smwijk,rwjnIqI,A`iDAwqimk Aqy pYsy dy lwB-

hwin bwry igAwn r`Kdw hovy Aqy bwkI lokW leI AwdrS hovy[jd AsIN,Awpxy
purwxy ieqhws qy nzr mwrdy hW qW swnUM pqw lgdw hY ik Bgvwn ikRSn hI
iek audwhrx hn ijnHW iv`c,ieh swry gux sn[aunHW nUM,sMswr dw AwdrS,
m`inAw jw skdw hY[s`c-mu`c,jy AsIN aunHW dy AwdrSW au`qy ivcwr krIey qW
ku`J dyr leI swnUM,aunHW dI idvXqw nUM Bu`l ky,Awpxw iDAwn,aunHW dy jIvn Aqy
aunHW v`loN kIqy krmW au`qy kyNidRq krnw cwhIdw hY[jy AsIN,Awpxw iDAwn,aunHW
dI idvXqw au`qy kyNidRq krIey qW swnUM,aunHW dy mwnv mu`lW dw pqw nhIN l`gy
gw[A`j-k`l mnu`K,mnu`K dI pUjw krn nUM iqAwr hn pr auh,aus mnu`K nUM
prKx leI iqAwr nhIN hn[iksy mnu`K iv`c,iks qrHW dI SkqI hY,aus nUM
smJxw qW hI sMBv hY jy AsIN aus nUM,mnu`KI sBwau dI mdd nwl smJx dI
koiSS krIey[(smr roizz Awn blU mwaUntynz,1976,A`iDAwey cwr)[
mYN, hmySw quhwfy nwl hW,quhwfy iv`c hW,quhwfy au`pr hW,quhwfy ierd-igrd hW
Aqy hr vyly,quhwfw mwrg-drSn krdw hW Aqy quhwfI r`iKAw krdw

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