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Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"

Function water(tph, solidpercent, N)

water = Round((1 - solidpercent) * tph / (solidpercent), N)
End Function
Function pulp(tph, spgr, solidpercent, N)
pulp = Round((1 - solidpercent) * tph / (solidpercent) + tph / spgr, N)
End Function
Function pulpdensity(solidpercent, spgr, N)
pulpdensity = Round(1 / ((solidpercent / spgr) + (1 - solidpercent)), N)
End Function
Function InterpolateL(lookup_value, known_xs, known_ys)

pointer As Integer
X0 As Double
Y0 As Double
X1 As Double
Y1 As Double

'Following line added to prevent extrapolation

If lookup_value < Application.Min(known_xs) Or lookup_value > Application.Max(kno
wn_xs) Then
InterpolateL = CVErr(xlErrRef): Exit Function
End If
pointer = Application.Match(lookup_value, known_xs, 1)
X0 = known_xs(pointer)
Y0 = known_ys(pointer)
X1 = known_xs(pointer + 1)
Y1 = known_ys(pointer + 1)
InterpolateL = Y0 + (lookup_value - X0) * (Y1 - Y0) / (X1 - X0)
End Function
Function InterpolateL1(lookup_value)
Dim pointer As Integer
Dim X0 As Double
Dim Y0 As Double
Dim X1 As Double
Dim Y1 As Double
'Following line added to prevent extrapolation
If lookup_value < Application.Min(known_xs) Or lookup_value > Application.Max(kno
wn_xs) Then
InterpolateL = CVErr(xlErrRef): Exit Function
End If
known_xs = Sheet2!a2: a8
'known_ys = Sheet2!b2: b8
pointer = Application.Match(lookup_value, known_xs, 1)
X0 = known_xs(pointer)
Y0 = known_ys(pointer)
X1 = known_xs(pointer + 1)
Y1 = known_ys(pointer + 1)
InterpolateL = Y0 + (lookup_value - X0) * (Y1 - Y0) / (X1 - X0)
End Function

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