Unit 57 Lo3 Planning Booklet

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Unit 57 LO3 Planning Booklet

You must show evidence of your planning and research.

Find two example of similar work and explain their strengths and weaknesses:
This photo is the type of photo I will be taking
for my photography. You can clearly see that
this photo is showing the main icon of which is
big ben, they have used the rule of third to
focus their icon of London, they have also
included the river which is similar to how I will
be promotion my images. The image could be
edited on Photoshop which could allow the
photo to have better colour, contrast etc.

This photo is bridge photo with a river below which I feel is very nice photo, this is
because he again has used the rule of third to capture the bridge and river as a
whole image. I feel this is a type of photos that I will be presenting when promotion
my images because bridges are a main icon of a town. I feel that this image too
could have add more effect in the back
such as the sky to capture more colour
in the background and make the
overall photo effective.

Outline your ideas for the brief including sketches and mind maps:

Consider potential constraints and contexts, e.g. is your idea effective, realistic and
achievable? Are there health and safety considerations? You must get feedback
from your classmates and client.

Develop your idea using feedback:

I have now decided to produce 5-10 images promoting Marlow and Henley using

quality and editing on Photoshop to make my photos effective

Shoot plan:

When: 3rd march 2016

Where: Marlow, Henley on Thames
What: river, churches , bridge, high street,main icons
Why: to promote these towns to the public who havent seen with high
quality photos
Who: to people ages between 25-50
How: by using different styles of shots capturing different emotion and effect
by standing at the end of high streets, by rivers, on bridges etc
Equipment list:
Camera, memory card
Contingency plan
If I cant film on this day I have chosen the 6th and 8th of march to take these

Equipment hire
162 per day lense : 46.50 a day
Transport 10 petrol
Materials none
Your time

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