Grade 6 "Exploring The Solar System" Unit - Culminating Task

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Pearlie Lam

Grade 6 Exploring the Solar System Unit Culminating Task

Task: Advertising for Space Tourism
You are an employee at Universe Tour Travel Agency, and results from your companys recent
research inform you that people are bored of going to those common tourist destinations like
the Grand Canyon, the Amazon and Mount Everest. Instead, they are interested in new
adventures such as travelling to outer space. Therefore, your company is currently busy
putting together travel packages for people who are interested in space tourism. These are
the options being offered to travellers:
a. Travel to a planet (e.g. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune)
b. Travel to a moon (e.g. Earths moon, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan)
c. Travel to an existing space station, satellite or rover (e.g. International Space Station)
Your travel agency has given you the task of designing a unique space travel advertisement
for a trip to one of these destinations.

For this final culminating task, there are two parts to complete:
1. You will choose to work independently or in a small group (2-3 students) to research one
of the above travel destinations and design an advertisement to promote it. For the
advertisement, you can choose to create a travel brochure, a PowerPoint or Prezi, a
promotional poster or a TV commercial.
2. You or your group will present your advertisement to the class by participating in a Space
Travel Show, which will be conducted like a gallery walk.
For your promotional advertisement, you must include the following (but you are not limited to
just this information):
1) The name of your destination
Use a creative title to catch the interest of the traveller
2) Details about travelling to the destination
How are they going to get there? (e.g. space shuttle)
How long does it take to get there?
How long are they staying there for?
3) Details about weather and other conditions the traveller will face
Include a list of clothing or other specialty items the traveller would need to
bring with them
4) Details about tourist attractions and side trips available while at this destination
Interesting features at your destination that all travellers must visit and see (e.g.
volcanoes, hurricanes, craters)
5) The price for your specific destination

Pearlie Lam

Pricing will differ depending on how far your destination is

6) Elements to make your advertisement effective
Include catchy promotional slogans that will appeal to the traveller
Include eye-catching and colourful pictures
Include interesting narration and/or background music (for TV commercial)
7) References
Include all the resources youve used (e.g. websites, books, encyclopedia)
Minimum of at least 3 different resources should be used for gathering
Learning Goals:
o We will identify and describe the characteristics of different components in our solar
o We will investigate different types of tools and devices that are needed for space
exploration and travel.
o We will examine various technological and scientific advances that allow humans to meet
their survival needs in space.
o We will research, organize and express our ideas using appropriate vocabulary to fulfill
the purpose of our writing (i.e. to promote travelling in space).
o We will use elements of design to effectively communicate our ideas, messages and
understandings in our space travel advertisement.

Explanation of Assignment:
For this culminating task, students will use their thinking and inquiry skills to research and
come up with a plan of how they will creatively design their advertisement. Then, they will
apply their gathered information, their knowledge from this unit and their language writing
skills to put together an effective promotional brochure, PowerPoint/Prezi, poster or TV
commercial. As students are completing this assignment, they will be making many
connections between science, technology and society (e.g. how some of these technological
advances for space exploration may affect their own lives).

Timeline of Completion:
o Day 1 & 2 Students will plan for their advertisement and research for ideas and
information related to their specific travel destination in the library, where they can choose
to use print resources or computers with internet access.
o Day 3 & 4 Students will work on designing and creating their advertisement. The
teacher will have all the necessary materials prepared (e.g. laptops, video recorders,
Bristol board, blank paper, construction paper, markers).

Pearlie Lam

o Day 5 & 6 As a class, students will create a peer assessment form that will be used
during the gallery walk. This can be done on the SMART board, where it can be easily
saved, printed and then photocopied for the students. To conduct the Space Travel Show
(gallery walk), the class will be divided into 2 groups:
(a) those who are the exhibitors, which mean they are presenting their
advertisement, and
(b) those who are the potential travellers, which means they are walking around,
interacting with the various exhibitors by asking questions about their
advertisement and completing the peer assessment form.

Assessment Methods:
For this final culminating task, students will be assessed in many ways:
1. During the in-class work periods, the teacher will assess students participation in the
project by walking around and recording anecdotal notes.
2. Before students hand in their final project, they will fill out a self-assessment form to help
them reflect on their learning process as they complete this assignment and to determine
areas for improvement.
3. Students will complete a peer assessment form when they take turns to go around the
class and interact with the various individuals/groups who are presenting their
advertisement (during gallery walk).
4. A rubric will be used by the teacher to evaluate students knowledge and understanding,
thinking and inquiry, application and communication skills as demonstrated in their
5. A checklist will be used by the teacher to evaluate students ability to meet identified
criteria of preparing and performing an effective oral presentation during the gallery walk.

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