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Ashley Myers


Designing Teaching and Learning
(Master of Teaching, Secondary)

Ashley Myers 16504569

Assignment 2:
4 x125 word standard analysis

Due date: 26 April 2016



Length: 4 x 125 word EXPLANATIONS and 1000 word report. The Assignment should be
organised and presented in the following manner:
1. Identify on the lesson four standards that could be achieved
2. Explain in 125 words for EACH standard how a focus area in that standard could be
achieved (500 words)
3. In a Report (1000 words) explain how each FOCUS AREAS would cater for student
learning needs taking into consideration literacy needs, individualised learning needs
(indigenous, cultural & linguistic needs);
4. Explain how you have modified and incorporated feedback from your peers into your
explanations and discussions.
PART A Explanation of FOCUS AREAS achieved (125 WORDS FOR EACH FOCUS AREA)
Original, draft EXPLANATIONS DO NOT NEED TO BE INCLUDED. These were for peer
feedback only.
PART B REPORT with sections 1 and 2 AS SUB-HEADINGS
1. how the selected focus areas in the lesson plan would cater for students learning
needs (including literacy needs, individualised learning needs such as indigenous,
cultural and linguistic needs);
2. and how you incorporated peer feedback into the revised explanations.

Ashley Myers

PART C Appendix 1 Completed Peer Feedback Sheets Appendix 2 Revised Lesson Plan

Explanation of Focus Areas achieved.
Standard 1: Know students and how they learn.
1.1.5. Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning
needs of different students across the full range of abilities.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for
differentiating teaching to meet specific needs of students across
the full range of abilities.
The Graduate focus of the above is achieved within the lesson plan
as the lesson plan demonstrates knowledge and understanding of
strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the needs of specific
learning needs of students across the full range of abilities. The
evidence within the lesson plan that demonstrates the use of the
graduate focus 1.1.5 is seen as students have the opportunity to
engage with the topic in numerous ways including worksheets,
verbal discussions, and online activities. This allows students to
work at a level of comfort, and allows all students the ability to
interact with the work in a way best suited to their specific needs.
Standard 1.1.5 appreciates that different methods are required in
order for students to learn. This focus ensures teachers look to
incorporate different methods in order to not segregate students
based on their diverse learning needs and their abilities.
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it.
2.2.5. Literacy and Numeracy strategies

Ashley Myers

Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching strategies

and their application in teaching areas.
Graduate teachers are required to know and understand literacy and
numeracy strategies and their application in teaching areas. The
lesson plan demonstrates the use of literacy throughout the lesson
with students having to use the text on numerous occasions
throughout the lesson and to complete activities from the text. As
well as this, students are required to write a letter to their families
explaining why they are enlisting in the army. Through the use of
reading and writing within the lesson plan the graduate teacher is
able help students build up competency of their literacy skills whilst
also giving the teacher the opportunity to gage the students literacy
skills should they require further monitoring and improvement.
Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and
3.4.1. Select and use resources
Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT that
engage students in their learning.
In terms of implementing effective teaching and learning it is
required that a graduate level teacher be able to demonstrate and
incorporate a range of resources into their lesson plans. The
effective use of resources ensures students are engaged within the
lesson and have a greater opportunity of understanding what is
being taught. It is demonstrated within the lesson plan that a range
of resources is used including both text resources and ICT. The text
is used to provide the students with information based on the topic
being studied, and the use of ICT by the video of Menzies speech

Ashley Myers

provides another level to ensure students are engaged with the

lesson materials. This helps give students different ways to enhance
their understanding of the topic and keep them engaged.
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe
learning environments.
4.4.1. Support student participation.
Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and
engagement in classroom activities.
Graduate Teachers are required to identify strategies that can be
used to support student participation and classroom activities.
Within the lesson plan, students are afforded the opportunity to
participate in the lesson by writing letters to their families
explaining their enlistment in the army. Utilizing tasks like this helps
engage students to participate within their own leaning. Through the
use of having students share their letters with the class the teacher
is creating a group setting and creating a safe learning environment
where all students can participate and express their feelings. This
also provides the teacher the ability to support student participation
and engagement as they can provide feedback to their students
and, gain an understanding of how to better assist students who
may need additional help.

1. How the selected focus areas in the lesson plan would
cater for students learning needs (including literacy needs,
individualised learning needs such as indigenous, cultural
and linguistic needs)

Ashley Myers

The focus area of standard 1.1.5 is evident in the lesson plan as

different learning methods were incorporated to help address the
different learning needs of the students. This is evident through the
teacher using different resources including worksheets, verbal
discussions, personal reflections, and online activities instead of
focusing on one method. By the graduate teacher incorporating
these different teaching methods to engage students the teacher is
able to meet the needs of students in a more effective manner. By
utilising visual cues students are afforded the ability to participate
at a level of comfort. Through adapting strategies for diverse
learning needs students have the ability to engage with the source
at their own pace and replay the clip if required to gain the required
understanding. This is noted by Toulouse (2011) who states
indigenous students learn better when there are visual and imagery
cues used, as well as observation over verbal instructions. By the
lesson plan having a visual component and allowing students to
observe their personal writing pieces over a lesson built on verbal
instructions the teacher helps ensure the needs of the resistant
discourse are also met.

Literacy within Australian schools is crucial to developing a

sound education for students. Through implementing literacy
techniques within the lesson plan this allows students to develop
their literacy skills and also provide the teacher the opportunity to

Ashley Myers

identify and monitor any students learning difficulties and to

improve literacy outcomes.
The focus area of standard 2.2.5 caters for student learning needs
within the lesson plan. This is evident through the use of multiple
literacy approaches including reading, writing, and speaking.
Through the integration of a comprehensive range of literacy
approaches within the lesson plan it assists students to read, view,
speak, and listen effectively to develop their skills. This is evident
through the tasks outlined within the lesson plan; completing a
textbook resource task, watching and interacting with an online
video, writing a letter to their families and discussing their letter
with the class.

Christenson, Reschly & Wylie (2012) note that by

allowing students the opportunity to share their literacy skills

develops a positive relationship within the classroom and positively
stimulates students to feel purposeful.

Student learning needs are addressed within the lesson plan

in regards to focus 3.4.1 Select and use resources. By utilising a
range of resources students have the opportunity to engage with
the lesson in different ways that best suit their level of education.
Through the teacher incorporating written, verbal and visual
techniques throughout the lesson all students regardless of their
cultural and linguistic needs are afforded the chance to be active
participates within their education, which Price & Nelson (2007)
state as giving all students the best ability to process new

Ashley Myers


Farmer (2003) notes that students learn at different

rates and by incorporating a range of resources all students have

the ability to gain knowledge. It is important for Graduate Teachers
to acknowledge that every student will have differentiating needs
and a such, varying approaches need to be taken into consideration
to suit all students. Through the use of incorporating a variety of
resources including ICT teachers can be confident that their
students have the opportunity to engage with lessons in a way that
allows them to feel engagement. The use of ICT can be seen as a
catalyst in supporting students needs and providing all students the
opportunity to learn. Whether students learn in a more construct or
abstract way, the use of ICT provides students a visual way to
interact with the syllabus requirements. ICT is noted to be a
powerful tool that can help reduce inequalities within the classroom.
It is noted by Ashman (2011) that ICT can play a significant role in
increasing self-esteem and motivation in students, as it is renowned
for increasing engagement. The use of ICT is noted to be an
important learning tool for indigenous students as it is seen to assist
indigenous students develops independence and gain a sense of
control over their learning (Price, 2015).

It was noted within the

peer feedback that a useful resource to include within the lesson

plan would be in a role-playing scenario. This again helps to give
students a deeper understanding of the enrollment in the war and
how enlistment affected Australians. Starko (2008) states role-

Ashley Myers

playing are an effective resource for enhancing content as well as

social understandings.

Students have a natural inclination towards learning in a

certain way and when these ways are identified and incorporated it
proves an effective learning experience.

There are numerous

diverse student needs that require teachers to include strategies

that support student participation and this is noted within Standard
4, focus area 4.4.1. Knowles (2013) states that by teachers including
a range of different learning styles including visual, Auditory and
kinesthetic students engagement is heightened and they are more







included within the lesson plan with the use of visual materials in
terms of incorporating the online viewing of Prime Minister Menzies
speech, audio materials within the speech as well and kinesthetic
materials by having the students share a personal letter at the end
of the lesson. Inclusion of the different learning needs helps to
ensure all students are receiving the opportunity to engage with the
lesson in a way most fitting to their schema. It is noted that in order
to increase student participation teachers should call upon personal
experience (Miller, 2008). By amending the lesson plan to include
students sharing personal stories about family members who may
have served in the war can help bridge a gap in participation and
give students more confidence in participating.

Ashley Myers

2. How you incorporated peer feedback into the revised

Peer Feedback contributed to my analysis as it allowed an outside
perspective to help ensure the chosen standards and graduate focus
areas were both accurate and relevant. Peer feedback provided
reinforcement that the chosen standards being focused on in
conjunction with the lesson plan was achievable and included within
the lesson plan. The chosen standards did not change after
receiving peer feedback. The use of peer feedback validated that by
using these standards and their respective graduate focus areas
differentiated student learning needs were able to be addressed ad
met throughout the lesson.
One of my peer feedback forms provided a different approach to this
assignment and provoked the idea to amend the lesson plan (3.4.1.
and 4.4.1.) to incorporate the Focus Areas further. These two
amendments have been included in order to help further engage
students throughout the lesson. The lesson plan has also been
amended to include this. In regards to the other feedback forms,
they did not state the need for any changes to be made, and that
the chosen standards and focus areas were both appropriate and
related directly to the lesson plan. All feedback forms were taken





standards and focus areas were effectively covered.




Ashley Myers

Reference List
Ashman, A., & Elkins, J. (2011). Education for inclusion and diversity.
Frenchs Forest, N.S.W: Pearson Australia.
Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. (2011). Australian
Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. Retrieved 19
April 2016 from
Christenson, S., Reschly, A., & Wylie, C. (2012). Handbook of
research on student engagement. New York: Springer.
Farmer, L. (2003). Student success and library media programs.
Westport, Conn: Libraries Unlimited.
Miller, P. (2008). Narratives from the classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Sage Publications.
Price, K. (2012). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education. Port
Melbourne, Victoria: Cambridge University Press.
Price, K., Nelson, K., & Price, K. (2007). Planning effective
instruction. Southbank, Victoria, Australia:
Starko, A. (2008). Creativity in the classroom. Mahwah, New Jersey:
L. Erlbaum Associates.
Toulouse, P. (2011). Achieving Aboriginal student success. Winnipeg:
Portage & Main Press.

Ashley Myers

Yr 9 History Lesson Robert Menzies Announces Australias

involvement in WW2Australian Curriculum Lessons. (2015).
Australian Curriculum Lessons. Retrieved 19 April 2016 from



Ashley Myers

Ashley Myers

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