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Brittany Bonsu

Period 4


Ladies and (Maybe Mr. Ruede) I stand here before you today an outraged citizen! Cruelty
to animals is one thing, (not that i overlook the poor 1000 or so baby chimps that have been
bought and tested on since the early 1920s, just to make Kim Kardashian look less than plain
standing next to Kanye(the God), but harming your own kind just to satisfy your curiosity is
simply evil. Medical Experiments have gone way too far out of bounds over the years. There are
40 known ethically WRONG experiments! Better yet, those experiments were conducted on 40
to 80 year olds AND innocent mental patients in CT! Think of the furious families affected! The
social media didnt have a field day with this like they did when Miley Cyrus tried to twerk on
stage nude! There have been dozens of experiments that the federal government has either
conducted or paid for that involved the deliberate infection of test subjects. A guaranteed 97% of
the subjects had no clue what was happening due to the fact that they were mental patients. In the
journals they described them as volunteers. I do not know about you but i don't think getting the
consent of unaccounted for mental patients is playing fair. They could have very well been
agreed to anything and everything. The 1940s and 1950s were the eras where diseases were
getting under control in one way or another. Anything done in that time way Largely justified.
Experiments include; exposure to biological and chemical weapons, human radiation, injection
of toxic and radioactive chemicals (trying to create superman?) surgical experiments and even
mind-altering experiments. The human research programs of course were highly secretive, many
were not even released until many years after. One prisoner from Philadelphia was interviewed
and told the story about the terrible studies he had suffered through. Lies all Lies. In one case it

was to test out a new type of bubble bath. He went through excruciating pain, a layer of his skin
was removed and treated with very painful chemicals. Done for the good of civilization In
the name of Science Those words just do not cut it anymore. I do not only speak for us. I speak
for the countries overseas, such as the Tuskegee study. These people are suffering No guns are
being used, but humans are dying everyday in an equally painful way. The real question is, how
can you infect someone with an awful disease, sit and watch them suffer, when you know theres
a good treatment, or even cure available? .

Report: Medical Experiments Conducted On U.S. Prisoners, Patients. PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 11
May 2015. <>
Unethical Human Experimentation in the United States. Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d.
Web. 11 May 2015.

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