Classified Ads of The Future: Subject: Language Arts Grade: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12

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Classified Ads

Of the Future
Lesson Plan Title

Language Arts
3-5, 6-8, 9-12

Brief Description
Students brainstorm jobs people might have in the future and write classified ads for those jobs.

learn about classified ads,

demonstrate creative thinking skills by brainstorming duties and titles of jobs people
might have in the future,

write classified ads,

work together in cooperative groups.

newspaper, classified ad, future, job, career
Materials Needed
examples of classified ads from the help-wanted section of local newspapers, paper, pens or
Lesson Plan

Discuss the meaning of the term classified ad. Show students examples of classified ads
from the help-wanted section of the newspapers. Discuss the content of different helpwanted ads.

Divide the class into small groups. Have each group create a help-wanted classified ad
for a job 50 years in the future. Tell students the ad must include the job title, job

description, salary range, and contact information. Encourage students to use their
Variation: With older students, have each student create a help-wanted ad.
Evaluate students' ads.
Lesson Plan Source
Education World
Submitted by
Lois Lewis
National Standards

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