The Berlin Wall

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The Berlin Wall

By: Jony Lopez, Abi, Demetrius,


Who was involved

In the Berlin Wall the allies were involved. The allies were the United States,
Soviet Union, Great Britain and France.

What was going on

People from East Berlin wanted to be free so they would just walk across to West
Berlin. The Soviet Union did not like that so they built a wall with machine guns on
top to keep people from passing.

Where did it take place

This took place in Berlin. Berlin is located in Eastern Germany, which was part of
the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall was being built.

When did it happen

The Berlin Wall was built on August 13, 1961. It kept people from immigrating to
West Berlin for 28 years. The Berlin Wall was destroyed on November 9, 1989.

Why did it happen

The Berlin Wall was built because people were moving from East Berlin to West Berlin. They
were moving because they wanted to be free from the communism of the Soviet Union. The
Soviet Union did not like that so they built a wall with machine guns on top of it to keep people
from moving to West Berlin.

How did it happen

The people of berlin knocked it down in 1989.


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