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Project Proposal
By Priya/Ben/Grant/Cartier

Project summary
-What is the definition of whitewashed?
-Other videos?

Importance of Topic
- We have been affected and we want to let people know its okay to act the way you
want to.
- Let people know that this is a problem.
-Hoping people know what whitewash really means.

-Does everyone know about the topic?
-It wont have a big impact on people
-Some people may have never been exposed to the word.
-People might not respond to our questions the right way.

Project Details
Environment: Mission Beach
Actors: Diverse group of people of all races and ages.
-Dr. Colangelo
-Dr. Futterman
-Dr. Hood - Yes

Phase 1: Describe a person(Priya) and explain their daily life activities.
Phase 2: Reveal to them who they really are. Breaking the stereotype that if you act
or do certain things that people say are things only white people do.
Phase 3: In this last phase we will educate them on the term whitewash, what it
means in the way people use it and why its not correct to allow them to use this
term because it will affect them and make them feel like they have lost their culture.

Begin writing script/Questions thatll be asked to the interviewees
Start filming May 7th-8th
Film expert contact (date TBD)
Edit video and finalize product

The End Yall


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