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Priya Gilbert
Humanities 1/2
3 June 2014
How to Prevent Bullying
Two of the main reasons people are bullied are because of their appearance and social
status (Dealing with Bullying). Teen bullying is a huge issue among all schools. Bullying is
when a person is repeatedly abused physically, verbally and/or emotionally. Bullies can range
from one person, to a group of people, picking on a victim. Since teen bullying is a serious
subject, it needs a lot of attention. Social status and dominating others can cause teens to bully
one another. Bullied teens can be affected physically and/or have mental health issues and if not
given support, they might even consider committing suicide. To combat bullying modeling
kindness and encouraging teens to speak up in schools and in their communities, can help to
solve this problem.
There are many causes for bullying; two are the desire to amplify a teens social status and
as a way to dominate others. Teens bully others to show that they have more power than their
peers. For instance, They like to dominate others and are generally focused on themselves. They
often have poor social skills and poor judgement (Dealing With Bullying). This quote
explains that bullies treat others unkindly, to prove that they are the bigger and more powerful
person. This cause of bullying is very common in schools, because teens want to be recognized
and respected by their peers. In addition, bullying others is a way of standing out, being
recognized and looking tough. Teens wanting to elevate their social status is another reason to
explain why they bully their peers. To illustrate, The ones who are cool bully more, and the
ones who bully others are seen as cool (Fox). Society shows that if teens bully others than they

are seen as cool. This mindset encourages young children and teens to be hateful and mean to
each other and allows bullying behavior continue. This shows that teens are
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accepted if they bully others around them. Although there are many different causes for bullying,
dominating others and raising a teens social status are two of the most common.
Teens who are being bullied have various negative effects on their body that are
associated with poor health and mental health. A person can actually be bullied to the point
where it is affecting them physically. An example of this is, Guys and girls who are bullied may
find their schoolwork and health suffering. Amber began having stomach pains and diarrhea and
was diagnosed with a digestive condition called irritable bowel syndrome as a result of the stress
that came from being bullied throughout ninth grade (Dealing With Bullying). This quote
proves that when teens are being bullied or have been bullied in the past, they can suffer
physically. This shows how emotionally unstable victims of bullying can become as a result of
the stress and emotional trauma they are forced to endure on daily basis. This stress begins to
negatively affect their bodies. However this is not the only effect bullying can have. Bullied
victims can also suffer from a decline in mental health. For instance, Depression and anxiety,
increased feelings of sadness and loneliness, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and loss of
interests in activities they used to enjoy. These issues may persist into adulthood (Effects of
Bullying). This quote shows how teens who are being bullied can experience depression,
anxiety and loneliness because they are living with constant harrassment. If bullying continues
and the teens are not helped to alleviate these effects, some teens feel that suicide is their only
escape. Suicide becomes the ultimate escape from their pain. Although there are many other

effects of bullying a decline in mental and physical health is the most significant effects of
There are many solutions to stop bullying, two of them are to encourage teens to speak up
and to model kindness. For example, Staying quiet (even though they dont like the bullys
behavior) is a
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way to distance themselves from the person who is the target. When a group of people keeps
quiet like this, the bullys reach is extending beyond just one person. He or she is managing to
intimidate lots of people. But when one person speaks out against a bully, the reverse happens. It
gives others license to add their support and take a stand, too (Dealing With Bullying). This
quote proves that when the bystanders are intimidated by the bullies as well, the bullys behavior
is allowed to continue. However if the bystanders verbally show they do not agree with the
bully's attitude the bullys behavior is usually corrected. However, if more teens speak up, the
bully is the one who becomes intimidated. Therefore, one solution is to encourage young people
around to speak out and support the victim. However, this is not the only solution to stop teen
bullying. Parents and/or guardians have a great influence on their children's behavior and can
affect how they might act around peers. For example, Your children will learn to be kind to
others by the way you act and speak to and about other people. When someone does something
kind for you, tell your children about it and explain to them how it made you feel. Compliment
the other person in front of your children for his or her kindness. Consistently speak out in
opposition against hatred, cruelty and prejudice toward others (Bullying Prevention and). If
parents can be careful of what they say and show kindness in front of their children, than their
children will follow and repeat the behavior they have seen in their parents. Being a good role

model to teens is a easy and highly effective way for parents and guardians to prevent bullying.
Although there are many solutions to stop bullying, by speaking up and modeling kindness is a
very big step to prevent and eliminate bullying.
Teen bullying is a serious issue that needs aid. Teens bully others because of their
negative social status and feeling the need to dominate others to feel more powerful themselves.
The effects of bullying
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on teens victims includes, but is not limited to physical and/or mental health issues and if the
bullying is has gone too far, it can even cause teens to consider suicide. Teens who speak up
against the bully can affect other teens to join in, than the bully will be the one who is feeling
targeted. This one solution to end bullying. In addition if parents model kindness to their
children, then their children will most likely follow their lead and not become a bully themself.
Society needs to start taking teen bullying as a highly important subject and educate both schools
and communities to prevent and eliminate bullying.

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Works Cited
"Bullying Prevention and Intervention. American Humane Association. 11 May 2014
"Dealing With Bullying." KidsHeallth. 2013. Teens Health. The Nemours Foundation. 01 July
2013. 11 May 2014
"Effects of Bullying." Stopbullying.gov. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 11 May
2014. <http://www.stopbullying.gov/at-risk/effects/>
Fox, Hayley. "Bullying Just Became a Misdemeanor in One City; Other Places May Follow."
TakePart 07 May 2014. 13 May 2014

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