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Gilbert 15

Priya Gilbert
12 Sept. 2013
It stares at me with its pitch black eyes
I lay in bed
My eyes open, staring at the blank ceiling
A little sliver of light slips through the cracks of the door
I shut my eyes, heavy with sleep
Bad mistake
My demon crawls in with light feet
A ghost with hollow cheeks, eyes sunken in deep like the ocean
Wearing a plastic grin with cracked lips
It looks towards me, the ugly grin spreading
I try screaming, but not single sound comes out
Only the sound of silence echoing
I am trapped
I feel my hair damp with sweat, my fists instantly clenched
My chest rises up and down, up and down
The demon with its pale plastery arms stretched out comes towards me with greater speed
My arms and legs give up
I crumble down into a ball, unable to move or make a sound
My eyes swelled up with tears that stream down my face, my nose hot and red
I cover my face with my sweaty hands, my body shaking with fear
I peek through my fingers, the ghost closer
My ears reaching for sound, but none comes
I tremble as it nears
It hovers above my small, fragile body
Examining which part of my body to tear apart first
It slowly bends down closer peering into my marked eyes
Every second going by slower
It stares at me with its pitch black eyes, feeding on the smell of my fear

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