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Schoenherr 1

Research Aims
Research question: How has the effect of different light wavelengths on photosynthesis affected
the development of plant in the canopy and floor levels of the rainforest?
Significance: Understanding the relationship of light wavelength to photosynthesis is essential
knowledge to have in order to efficiently grow plants. With deforestation occurring at such an
alarming rate, understanding the nature of rainforests will help to be able to protect them in the
most effective manner possible.
1) Expand understanding of photosynthesis
2) Insert reason into seemingly random manner of evolution
3) Shown the interconnectedness of what appear to be unrelated fields of study (light physics
and plant biology)
Unique Argument - The major recipients of the evolutionary process are often limited to
animals, this being driven by temperature change or food accessibility. What I hope to uniquely
express is the inclusion of all organism in the effects of evolution (plants included), and expand
the definition of food accessibility to include a plants ability to absorb light. Ill also take into
consideration light wavelength, not just intensity.
Methods for Research:
Online Research - I will, to the best of my abilities, search for relevant articles, web pages, and
diagrams that will allow me a fuller understanding of my research topic.
Experimentation - If manageable, it will be done with tropical plants under multi-colored lighting
to show to show the existence of true adaptation to fit different light wavelengths.

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