517 End of Growth Assessment

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MA in Educational Technology Growth Assessment

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the form below and submit it. Please indicate in the
assignment area in your Sakai class that you completed this. You will use all of
these at the end of your program for your final growth assessment.

Section 1: Course Information

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Course Number:

EDTC 517

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Cadre Number:

Cadre 26

Section 2: Course Reflection

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List 1-3 key learnings/outcomes for this course:

1. Learn to engage in communication technology (Skype, Google Hangouts)

2. Social Media education and its uses in the classroom (blogging, Twitter, Facebook)
3. Website creation (Class project)


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List 1-3 strengths of this course:

1. The course stretched our comfort zones. Personally, I am not a fan of social media but the
course really gave me an new perspective on its uses and positive qualities.
2. Strengthened technical acumen, website building and digital communcations. I have never
built a website and the revelation was that it was very easy to do.


Save Draft List 1-3 weaknesses and/or recommendations for this course, if applicable:

1. The only weakness I can see in the class is the final assignment, we needed to build a
project that used 3 or more technical skills that we learned throughout the class. I feel it is
redundant due to the fact that our final website building displays this skill already.



Section 3: Personal Growth

Reflect on your growth in each of the 3 specific learner areas.
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Learner Goal #1: Ethical professionals who are able to understand and
articulate the integration of a Christian worldview with their discipline in their communities of
Note: N/A - Not aware/applicable

1 = Very minimal

Response Legend:
2 = To some extent 3 = Very significant

N/A = Not Applicable


Growth as an Ethical Professional

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Give descriptive evidence of growth in goals through activities, projects, experiences,
and/or discussions.

By use of digital communications, we were able to develop skills in different programs. Team
meetings using Skype showed how to connect and fully utilize the program with screen and file

sharing. Later we performed a similar function but using Google Hangouts which resulted in us
comparing the two programs. Recording of digital media showed us how to record
Skype/Google Hangouts calls for later use. We also learned how to record for training purposes
through our tutorial assignments.
Blogging and Twitter assignments gave us an educational perspective on social media and its
uses for education. By creating Twitter accounts, we were trained to find useful information
and shown how we can easily spread our findings to others in our network.


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Learner Goal #2: Responsive professionals who practice reflective critical
thinking in their engagements with diverse communities of learners.
Note: N/A - Not aware/applicable

1 = Very minimal

Response Legend:
2 = To some extent 3 = Very significant

N/A = Not Applicable

Growth as a Responsive Professional


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Give descriptive evidence of growth in goals through activities, projects, experiences,
and/or discussions.

Our discussions in the forums really displayed the use of our findings in diverse communities.
With the influx of BYOD and how personal devices can really provide an advantage in the
classroom, I, personally, learned that varying social status truly is a factor. Less-previlaged
students may struggle with owning sufficient devices to help them in these areas - it is
important for our schools to have backups and answers for our students who wish to
participate but cannot.



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Learner Goal #3: Informed scholarly professionals who are dedicated to
collaboration and lifelong learning.
Note: N/A - Not aware/applicable

1 = Very minimal

Response Legend:
2 = To some extent 3 = Very significant

N/A = Not Applicable

Growth as a Scholarly Professional


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Give descriptive evidence of growth in goals through activities, projects, experiences,
and/or discussions.

Professor Bruzzese readily showed that he was very experienced with the technology that he
taught us. Even before the lessons were taught, Professor Bruzzese displayed an strong
acument and spoke from experiencing with using these forms of technology. In our original
class meeting on Skype, a solid connection could not be made and he was able to turn this into
a lesson and the dependability of technology. I have been able to take this knowledge to the
support desk and put it to great use.


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