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CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION SPECIMEN PAPER MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS R . ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE UNIT 1: ECOLOGY, PEOPLE AND NATURAL RESOURCE USE READ THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY. Each item in thistest has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C),(D). Read each item youare about toanswer and decide which choice isbest i Sample tem. (A) (B) © @) | ‘The interaction of plantsand animals with components such as, airand water describes, Semple Answer abiome ©0@® abiosphere ——— an ecosystem an ecological niche ‘The best answer to this item is “an ecosystem” so answer space (C) has been shaded, ‘There are 21 items on this specimen paper. However, the actual Paper O1 test consists of 45 items. You will have 90 minutes to answer them, Copyright© 2007 Caribbean Examinations Councit ®. llrightsreserved. (0212001 0/SPEC 2008 A population may be BEST described 25 (A) agroupotindividual organismsofihe same species that occupy a particular area ata given tine (8) group of plants or animals eapable of breeding with other members of itsgroup (©) _alltheplantand animal species living inagiven habitat {D) themembers of different spectes.and their relative abundance in @ given The normal flow of energy within an ecosystem is BEST illustrated as flow chart by (A) _ primary producer» primary consumer—» secondary consumer (BR) radiantenergy —> primary producer > primary consumer (©) radiant energy > primary ‘consumer secondary consumer (D) —_radiantenergy —> herbivore > ‘omnivore The wo MAJOR processes involved in the carbon eycle are (A) erosion and deposition (B) fixation and denitrification (C) photosynthesis and respiration (D) Weathering and erosion 021200 10/SPEC 2008 5. A limiting factor is BEST described as one that (A) promotes the existence of an ‘organism (B)__ influences the existence, growth. abundance and distribution af an exganism (C) contributes to the ability of an organism (6 interact with members offits species (D) contributes most to the diversity ‘within species ‘Two lizards, Anolis lineatopus and Anolis garmart, are found at specific levels on the same tree. This limits interspecific competition between the fizards, and isan example ot (A) competitive exetusion (B) ecological (C) niche realization (D) —resourve partitioning Living organisms must feed in order to acquire energy from their environment. Which of the following are examples of adaptations that help organisms to acquire thisenergy? (. Thedark coloration of areptite TI The fangsand claws ofa lion IHL, The fight coloration ofa pepper moth (A) tand tHonty 1B) Land ll only ©) Mand titonly (D) Mand lit GOON FO THE NEXT PAGE Item referstothe graph below. whichshows 10, Annual population change expressed as a how an ecosystem changes overtime. percentage is calculated by using (A) birth rate = death rate 10.000 persons. (8) birth cate ~ death rate 10) persons: : (©) birthrate=death rate x 100 1000 persons . ovr’ 6 § pp a Ww i (D) birth rate -death rate x 100 ‘Times (days) 10 persons LL, Accessto which of the following is NOTan 7. The carrying capacity of the ecosystem is esr (A) 20 (A) Bducation B40 ®) Healte © 50 (©) Food, housing and shelter (02) @ (D) information Technology 1 12. The growth rate ofa population of 100000 ‘ ‘The movement of people into acountry oF individuals, in a year where there are 2000 populations births and 1000 deaths is (A) emigation A) 0.1% (8) immigration @) 02% (©) massexodus © 10% ©) mignon ©) 20% : 9. Theaverage numberof children thata woman i sgenumber of ei 13. The Indian mongoose, Herpestes javanicus, bears during her lifetime isthe ‘was introduced asa biological control agent . and has become an invasive species, The (A) total ferity rote characteristics ofthis organism which make (B) general rertiity rate (©) age-specific fertility rate (D) replacement level fectility L it successfil are its adaptability to a range of eco- systems i IL. highly specialized feeding habits | UL, relatively short lifecycle (A) fandifonly | (B) —TandIlfonty (©) Mand ilfonly [ () bland Ir GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 02120010¢SPEC2008 “4. Item 14 refers to the graph below which shows projected population totalsup 102100, PROJECTED POPULATION TOTAL UP TO 2100 10) fe ort tota Developing countries World population (billions) Developed countries 2050 ‘Time (years) 14. Thepercentage ofthe world’s population that “willbe in the developing countries in 2050s APPROXIMATELY. A 15 ®) » oO (D) & “Theregion from which surface waterdrains 4 which natural resource isa MAJOR foreign into a river, lake, wetland or other body of exchange earner for wateris known as 3 ee (A) oturalrechrse (tenor {) sateshed (© Linestne (©) arrtble (O)Nanval Gas (D) zone of saturation Jamaica? GO ONTO THE NEXT PAGE 02120010'SPEC 2008 5+ 17. Over-fishingin Caribbean coastal watershas 20. The Kaieteur National Park is # Protected ledto Area with natural resources that are used for tourism in Guyana. Visitors must pay to visit (A) increased coral cover the Kaieteur National Park, This is an (8) increesed algae cover exampleof (©) greaterharvesting of organisms at \ higher trophic levels 1 user fees : (©) greater reliance on herbivorous fish U. environmental accounting tomake up the catch of fishermen iL, economic valuation 18. In which of the following processes is a 8 Mey degraded habitat returned tots natural state? Tati only (A) Restoration (D} Land It only (8) Replacement (C) Remediation (OD) Retabilitation 19. Consider Statements and If below and select the BEST of the options that follow. I. Theuse ofthe beach for recreational activity by man is an example of consumptive use of natural resources. Il The exploitation of crude oil to provide energy for man’s use isan ‘example of consumptive use of natural resources, (A) Both statements are true. (8) Both statements are fatse, (©) Statement [is false but I is true. (D) Statement is true but Ilis false, GOON TO THE NEXT PAGE 02120010/SPEC2008 <6. {ye 24 relates to the graph below which shows the produetion of macine fish in a Caribbean country over the period 1950 to 2000. Marive Fish Population (tons) 1980 1970 1980 1990 20002010 21. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? a 8) © ©) The maximum annual production of marine fish between 1950 and 2000 was approximately 9000 tons. Marine fish production in 2000 was approximately 9 % above that of 1950. “Marine fish production increased by an average of 133 cons annually overthe 30-year period from 1950 to 1980. {n 2000 the production of marine fish was about 49 % less than the maximum production ‘overthe period underconsideration, IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THISTEST. (02120010/SPEC 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council Master Data Sheet Subject: CAPE Environmental Seience Uni Question Year: 2008 Specimen a BlO|>/c| al ole) > se 5) a Play elolaimlialglal>: Ss 8, wi>ia

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