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New France Webquest

1. Go to Google and type the following keywords:
angelfire, New France
2. Go to the first website that appears and answer the
following questions.
1. What was Jacques Cartier searching for when he found

2. a) Where was the first trading post established by

b) What was traded there?
3. How many French settlers were in New France in 1627?
4. Who were the seigneurs when they had lived in France?
Map of New France
5. What area of present day Canada was New France in?
Contact With Natives
6. Why do you think that the relationship between the
habitants of New France and the natives generally

Life in New France

Building a Home
7. Why were the methods used to build homes in New
France important?

Food and Agriculture

8. a) What were some popular vegetables eaten by the
habitants of New France?
b) Think of 2 fruits or vegetables that a person from
New France would never have eaten.
9 a) Which river provided a transit system for the habitants
of New France?
b) Could we get rid of our cars and use a river as our transit
system? Why or Why not?
Town Life
10. What were the 2 largest towns in New France?
11. Would you rather have lived in a town or in the country
in New France? Make a small list of pros and cons.

Life on a Seigneury
12. What were some of the things that each person was
responsible for?

The Role of the Church

13. What religion were most people in New France?
14. How has the role of the church changed since the time of
New France?
15. Why were women better off in New France than in

16. Do you think that settlers would have survived in New

France without the natives? Why or Why not?

If you are finished you can go to the Museum of Civilization

Virtual Museum of New France and look through it.

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