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Gr. T.

Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy Iai, Romania

Anatomy Department


Planul cursului

Coloana vertebral generaliti

Dezvoltarea coloanei vertebrale
Dezvoltarea coastelor i sternului
Curburile coloanei vertebrale
Conformaia extern a coloanei vertebrale
Importana funcional a coloanei vertebrale
Corelaii clinice


The vertebral column is composed of alternating vertebrae and

intervertebral discs supported by robust spinal ligaments and
muscles. All of these elements, bony, cartilaginous, ligamentous, and
muscular, are essential to the structural integrity of the spine.
The spine serves three vital functions:

protecting the spinal cord and spinal nerves,

transmitting the weight of the body,
providing a flexible axis for movements of the head and the torso.

The vertebral column is capable of extension, flexion, lateral flexion

(side to side), and rotation. However, the degree to which the spine is
capable of these movements varies by region. These regions,
including the cervical, the thoracic, the lumbar, and the
sacrococcygeal spine, form four curvatures
The thoracic and the sacrococcygeal curvatures are established
in fetal development, while the cervical and the thoracic curvatures
develop during infancy. The cervical curvature arises in response to
holding the head upright, while the lumbar curvature develops as an
infant begins to sit upright and walk.


Lungimea - n medie de 73 cm la
brbat i 63 cm la femeie,
reprezentnd 40% din lungimea
total a corpului.
Limea maxim - la baza sacrului
msoar 11 cm.
Diametrul sagital maxim - la
nivelul ultimelor vertebre lombare
atinge 7 cm.

Formarea coloanei vertebrale

The origins of the vertebral column, spinal musculature, and associated

tendons are two rods of paraxial mesoderm that fill in the space on either
side of the neural tube at the time of gastrulation.
Beginning at 20 days post coitus, paraxial mesoderm undergoes
segmentation in a rostral to caudal direction to form 4244 pairs of somites,
which can be subdivided into 4 occipital, 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5
sacral, and 810 coccygeal somites.

Formarea coloanei vertebrale

The first occipital and the last 57 coccygeal somites disappear during embryonic
development. Each somite will differentiate into four cell lineage-specific compartments
that contribute to the vertebral column and associated musculature: sclerotome (vertebrae
and ribs), syndetome (tendons), myotome (skeletal muscle), and dermomyotome (dermis
and skeletal muscle progenitor cells).
Somite formation can best be described as a continuous segmentation of mesenchymal
cells from the rostral end of the paraxial mesoderm or the presomitic mesoderm (PSM)
that lays down the embryonic cells that will give rise to the axial skeleton.
Intrinsic to this process is

(1) an oscillating clock controlling the timing of somitogenesis,

(2) the formation of intersomitic boundaries,
(3) mesenchymal to epithelial transition (MET),
(4) positional identity (e.g., rostral/caudal and dorsal/ventral).

The timing of somite formation and the determination of the site of boundary formation are
established by the interactions between the Notch, Wnt, and FGF signaling pathways.

Formarea coloanei vertebrale

Puin timp dup formarea lor, fiecare
somit se mparte n sclerotom, miotom i
n cursul S4, celulele sclerotoamelor
nconjoar mduva spinrii ct i notocordul
prin creterea difereniat a structurilor
adiacente i nu prin migrare activ:
poriunea ventral a sclerotoamelor
nconjoar notocordul i formeaz
primordiul corpului vertebral
poriunea dorsal a sclerotoamelor
nconjoar tubul neural i formeaz
primordiul arcului vertebral.
Ambele procese sunt controlate de
notochord (condroitin sulfat) i respectiv,
de tubul neural.

Formarea coloanei vertebrale

The sclerotome cells from two adjacent somites migrate toward the developing spinal cord, surround it, and
differentiate into a vertebra. That part of an embryonic vertebra ventral to the spinal cord is called the centrum.
As each centrum forms, it envelops and destroys the notochord (a mesodermal rod lying ventral to the neural
tube and playing an important role in its induction). Between adjacent centra, notochordal tissue persists as part
of the intervertebral disc.
Attached to each vertebral centrum is an arch of skeletal tissue that surrounds the developing spinal cord and
its coverings. This is called the neural arch, and the space occupied by the spinal cord is called the vertebral
foramen. At birth the centrum and neural arch are largely ossified, but cartilage still persists between the
base of the neural arch and the centrum on each side. In early childhood this so-called neurocentral
synchondrosis is bridged by bone to form the osseous vertebra.
What we call the body of a vertebra comprises its centrum and the bases of its neural arch.
The remainder of the neural arch is called the vertebral arch . Up to the time of puberty, the osseous
vertebral body is covered on both its superior and inferior surfaces by a plate of cartilage.
After puberty, the margin of each cartilaginous plate ossifies to form the ring-like superior and inferior epiphyses
of the vertebral body. These epiphyses fuse with the rest of the body sometime in one's early twenties.

Schematic of somite

Corpul vertebral
Pe parcursul migrrii sclerotoamelor spre notocord i tubul neural, acestea se divid ntr-o
jumtate cranial i una caudal.
Jumtatea caudal a fiecrui sclerotom fuzioneaz cu jumtatea cranial a
sclerotomului succesiv.
Vertebra rezultat se dispune intersegmentar (ntre nivelurile de emergen ale nervilor
spinali, ce prezint dezvoltare segmentar).

Exist 7 vertebre cervicale derivate din 8

somite cervicale deoarece:
sclerotom cervical fuzioneaz cu
jumtatea caudal a celui de al
contribuie la formarea bazei craniului.
sclerotom cervical fuzioneaz cu
jumtatea cranial a celui de al doilea
sclerotom cervical, formnd prima
vertebr cervical.
al optulea sclerotom contribuie la
formarea celei de a aptea vertebre
cervicale (jumtatea cranial) i primei
vertebre toracice (jumtatea caudal).
primul nerv spinal prsete canalul
rahidian ntre baza craniului i prima
vertebr cervical, iar al optulea nerv
spinal prsete canalul rahidian
deasupra primei vertebre toracice.

Ca rezultat al resegmentrii sclerotomale,

nervii spinali segmentari prsesc mduva
spinrii ntre vertebre.
Nervii rahidieni (spinali) pstreaz poziia
lor segmentar primar, formndu-se la
nivelul discurilor intervertebrale; ieirea lor
din canalul rahidian se face prin gurile
intervertebrale sau interpedunculare.
sptmna a 7-a ncepe condrificarea
prin doi centri care apar n corpul vertebrei
i prin cte unul n fiecare jumtate a
arcului vertebral, care se formeaz
nconjurnd tubul neural.
Cei patru centri alctuiesc vertebra
cartilaginoas, care n sptmna a 9-a
i ncepe osificarea.

Discul intervertebral
Discurile intervetebrale se formeaz ntre corpii
vertebrali, la nivelurile segmentare dintre celulele
mezenchimale localizate ntre prile cefalic i caudal
ale segmentelor sclerotomale originale.
Dei notocordul regreseaz n regiunea corpilor
vertebrali, persist i se lrgete n regiunea discurilor
intervetebrale, formnd nucleul pulpos.
Fibrele circulare cu originea n celulele sclerotoale
formeaz inelul fibros.
Nucleul pulpos este (probabil) nlocuit de celulele de
origine sclerotomal.

Dezvoltarea coastelor i a sternului

Coastele se dezvolt din procesele

costale ae vertebrelor toracice, din
mezodermului paraaxial.
Sternul se dezvolt independent, n
mezodermul somatic al peretelui
ventral al corpului.
Cele 2 benzi sternale se dezvolt pe
prile laterale ale liniei mediosagitale,
fuzioneaz ulterior pentru a forma
manubriul sternal, sternebrele i
procesul xifoid.

1 partie fixe: sacrum et coccyx

1 partie mobile:
- 7 cervicales
- 12 thoraciques
- 5 lombaires
3 courbures
- cervicale en lordose
- dorsale en cyphose
- lombaire en lordose
augmentation de la

selon la loi de EULER;
le colonne est dix fois plus
rsistante la compression
quune colonne rectiligne

Curburile coloanei vertebrale

Coloana vertebral nu este rectilinie, ci prezint dou feluri de curburi :

n plan sagital
n plan frontal
1. Curburile n plan sagital (antero-posterior) orientate fie cu convexitatea anterior, numite
lordoze, fie cu convexitatea posterior, numite cifoze.
Coloana vertebral prezint 4 curburi :
curbura cervical cu convexitatea nainte(lordoza)
curbura toracal cu convexitatea napoi(cifoza)
curbura lombar cu convexitatea nainte (lordoza)
curbura sacrococcigian cu convexitatea napoi (cifoza)
n timpul vieii intrauterine coloana vertebral prezint o singur curbur cu convexitatea posterior
La nou-nscut coloana vertebral prezint un unghi lombosacral ce separ cifoza
cervicotoracal de cea sacrococcigian.
Lordoza cervical apare n lunile 3-5 i este rezultatul ridicrii capului de ctre sugar.
Lordoza lombar apare n jurul vrstei de 2 ani i se datoreaz staiunii verticale i locomoiei.
Curburile sagitale sunt dobndite n cursul vieii.

2. Curburile n plan frontal (transversal)

Sunt mai puin pronunate ca cele n plan
n mod obinuit ntlnim:
curbura cervical cu convexitatea la
curbura toracal cu convexitatea la dreapta
curbura lombar cu convexitatea la stnga.
Curbura toracal este primar, fiind determinat
de traciunea muchilor mai dezvoltai la
membrul superior drept; celelalte dou curburi
sunt compensatorii, avnd scopul de a restabili
echilibrul corporal.
La stngaci, curburile frontale sunt ndreptate n
sens invers.

Movements of the vertebral column

The series of vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, and vertebral arches:

form a mobile rod that also protects the spinal cord.
should be able voluntarily to produce motion of the column,
there must be mechanisms to restrict excessive movements of any one vertebra upon another.

Voluntary motion is achieved by having muscles attach to the vertebral arch and to lever-like
processes that extend from it.
Prevention of undesirable intervertebral motion is achieved primarily by the development of articular
processes (zygapophyses) and intervertebral ligaments.
the development of articular processes between adjacent vertebral arches the Orthopaedists call
these facet joints, pronouncing the word facet with the accent on the second syllable.
the development of ligaments between adjacent vertebral bodies, vertebral arches, and lever-like
In the thoracic region of the vertebral column, these mechanisms are further aided by overlapping of
the obliquely disposed spinous processes, which limits extension, and by the pronounced development
of the costal processes (i.e., ribs), which have a very restrictive effect on all movements. In the sacral
region, the two general mechanisms of movement restriction are superseded by fusion of the vertebrae.
If it is necessary to identify the spine of a specific thoracic vertebra on a patient, the patient should be
asked to bend the neck forward so that the examiner may count downward from the easily recognizable
spine of C7. Counting upward to identify higher cervical spines is difficult, since the 6th cervical spine
may or may not be palpable, and the higher ones are not.

Conformaia extern a coloanei vertebrale

Coloana vertebral considerat n totalitatea ei prezint:
faa anterioar
faa posterioar
dou fee laterale
1. Faa anterioar este format de o coloan cilindric, rezultat din suprapunerea corpurilor vertebrelor.
2. Faa posterioar prezint pe linia median procesele spinoase, care formeaz mpreun creasta spinal.
Procesele spinoase se pot explora cu mult uurin, mai ales n timpul flectrii trunchiului. La limita dintre
coloana cervical i toracal se vizualizeaz foarte net procesul spinos al vertebrei C 7 (vertebra proeminens);
pornind de la acest proces spinos, se poate numerota fiecare vertebr.
n continuarea proceselor spinoase se exploreaz creasta sacral median, iar n plica interfesier se pot
palpa coarnele sacrale, coarnele coccigelui i hiatul sacral.
De fiecare parte a crestei spinale se gsesc anuri profunde, numite anuri vertebrale pentru muchii
3. Feele laterale - vrful proceselor transversare, pediculii vertebrali, gurile intervertebrale i poriunile laterale
ale corpilor vertebrali.
Vrful procesului transvers al atlasului poate fi palpat imediat sub procesul mastoidian.

Articular Processes (Zygapophyses) and Interarticular

(Zygapophyseal, Facet) Joints

Vertebrae send superior articular processes (superior zygapophyses) upward from their
vertebral arches and inferior articular processes (inferior zygapophyses) downward from
their vertebral arches
In the sacral region, the articular processes of adjacent vertebrae are fused, forming a series of
bumps on the back of the bone between the median sacral crest (spines) and the lateral sacral
crest (tips of transverse elements). This series of bumps is said to constitute an intermediate
sacral crest. The lower portions of the two intermediate sacral crests form the borders of the
sacral hiatus and are called sacral cornua.
The presence of zygapophyseal joints actually serves to restrict certain motions between
vertebrae. Exactly which motions are restricted depends on the planes of the joint surfaces.

Intervertebral Ligaments between adjacent vertebrae have the same effect on

limiting motion regardless of the region of the column in which they occur.
These ligaments can be grouped according to whether they limit (

excessive flexion,
excessive extension,
excessive lateral flexion.

Excessive flexion of the vertebral column (particularly in the lumbar region) is

the greatest danger to its integrity.

Spinal ligaments

Supraspinous ligaments
Interspinous ligaments
ligamenta flava
posterior longitudinal ligament
The ligaments that limit excessive flexion of the vertebral
column play a significant role when a person bends the
trunk forward while keeping the knees straight, as if to
touch the toes. Interestingly, at the end of such a
movement the muscles that extend the vertebral column
cease firing.

Only one ligament prevents excessive extension of the

vertebral column, the powerful anterior longitudinal
ligament that starts at the base of the skull and runs down
the front of the vertebral bodies, getting wider as it

It is the anterior longitudinal ligament that will be injured

during hyperextension of the vertebral column caused by
external forces. Such injuries are most commonS in the
cervical region during what is called whiplash of the neck,
produced by a force that drives the trunk forward while the
head lags behind. Once the anterior longitudinal ligament
in the cervical region has been strained, the clinician must
devise a method for preventing further stress on this
structure. Such a method is a neck collar that is higher in
the back than in the front, because a collar of this shape
will force the cervical vertebral column into flexion and
keep it there.

Canalul vertebral
prin suprapunerea gurilor vertebrale.
se continu n sus cu cavitatea
neurocraniului, iar n jos se deschide
prin hiatul sacral.
Canalul vertebral urmrete toate
inflexiunile coloanei vertebrale.

mai mari n regiunea cervical i lombar,

n raport cu mobilitatea mai mare a
coloanei vertebrale n aceste regiuni.
n regiunea toracal, unde mobilitatea
coloanei vertebrale este mai redus,
diametrele canalului vertebral sunt mai

Coloana vertebrala poate prezenta i curburi
patologice, ca urmare a exagerrii curburilor normale:
accentuarea convexitii posterioare.
accentuarea convexitii anterioare.
Scolioza const in exagerarea curburilor n plan
Curburile patologice ale coloanei vertebrale pot fi:
ereditare sau dobndite.
Dezvoltarea i funcionarea unor viscere pot fi
influenate n sens negativ de ctre curburile patologice
ale coloanei vertebrale.
Coloana vertebrala poate prezenta i curburi
patologice, ca urmare a exagerrii curburilor normale:

Defectele vertebrale apar datorit induciei

anormale a sclerotoamelor:
spina bifida

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of
the spine. If your child has scoliosis,
the view from behind may reveal one
or more abnormal curves.
Scoliosis runs in families, but doctors
often don't know the cause. More girls
than boys have severe scoliosis.
Adult scoliosis may be a worsening of
a condition that began in childhood, but
wasn't diagnosed or treated.
In other cases, scoliosis may result
from a degenerative joint condition in
the spine.


With kyphosis, your spine may look normal or

you may develop a hump. Kyphosis can occur
as a result of developmental problems;
degenerative diseases, such as arthritis of
the spine; osteoporosis with compression
fractures of the vertebrae; or trauma to the
It can affect children, adolescents and adults.

A normal spine,
when viewed from
straight. However,
a spine affected by
curvature of the
(vertebrae) in the
lower back area,
giving the child a

Tuberculosis of the Spine- Potts disease

As a form of extrapulmonary
tuberculosis that impacts the spine,
Potts disease has an effect that is
sometimes described as being a sort
of arthritis for the vertebrae that
make up the spinal column. More
properly known as tuberculosis
spondylitis, Potts disease is named
after Dr. Percivall Pott, an eighteenth
century surgeon who was considered
an authority in issues related to the
back and spine.
Pott's disease is often experienced as
a local phenomenon that begins in
the thoracic section of the spinal
column. Early signs of the presence
of Potts disease generally begin with
back pain that may seem to be due
to simple muscle strain. However, in
short order, the symptoms will begin
to multiply.

Clinical considerations Spinal Injuries

First, in order to predict the neurologic consequences of penetrating wounds to the back, one must know where the different spinal cord
segments lie in relation to the vertebral column. There is a relatively simple guide to this information--only the digit 1 need be memorized:

The top of spinal cord segment C1 lies opposite top of vertebra C1.

The top of spinal cord segment T1 lies opposite top of vertebra T1.

The top of spinal cord segment L1 lies opposite top of vertebra T11.

The top of spinal cord segment S1 lies opposite top of vertebra L1.
It is obvious that the cervical cord is virtually unshortened relative to the vertebral column. The thoracic cord is shortened slightly. The
lumbar segments of the cord run from the top of T11 to the top of L1 and are thus shortened considerably. The 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal
segments of the cord (comprising the conus medullaris) span only the distance occupied by the body of L1.
An injury to the spinal cord not only leads to paralysis of the muscles supplied by the damaged region, it also leads to loss of cerebral
control over muscles innervated by all the intact cord segments below the injury, and, of course, it prevents sensory information that enters
such intact segments from reaching consciousness. Intraspinal reflexes below the injury are unaffected or, in the case of the stretch reflex
of striated muscles, even accentuated.
An injury to the spinal cord above the L1 vertebra will remove descending influences on the sacral cord neurons controlling striated muscles
that regulate urination and defecation. However, such an injury will not affect the intraspinal parasympathetic reflexes initiating these
behaviors. Thus, the bladder contracts when it is full, generating high intravesical pressure. However, the striated muscle that normally is
responsible for the voluntary control of urination, being deprived of descending neural influences, becomes spastic and cannot properly
relax. Urination is incomplete and a suite of complications results. It may be necessary to cut the striated muscle, or its nerve, to enable
complete emptying of the bladder. I do not know if a similar problem characterizes defecation or if it simply occurs automatically when
visceral sensory neurons detect a full rectum.
A man who has suffered a spinal cord injury above the sacral levels of the cord can reflexly achieve an erection (a result of parasympathetic
discharge from S3 and S4) upon sensory stimulation of the penis but cannot achieve erection when shown erotic pictures.
It should be obvious that injuries to the vertebral column below the L1/L2 intervertebral disc have an impact only in so far as spinal nerve
rootlets are damaged.

Spinal Tap and Spinal Anesthesia

the subarachnoid space between the L1/L2 disc and the 2nd sacral vertebra is
filled with dorsal and ventral rootlets floating in a pool of cerebrospinal fluid. It
is from this pool that one may readily withdraw cerebrospinal fluid (spinal tap)
for diagnostic purposes, and it is a place where anesthetic may be injected
into the CSF to deaden spinal nerves (spinal anesthesia).
In the adult, the preferred site of a spinal tap is between the 3rd and 4th, or 4th
and 5th, lumbar spines. Insertion of a needle into the subarachnoid space at
these levels is called a lumbar puncture. It is done is sufficiently low to
avoid the spinal cord in virtually every individual (after all, there is some
normal variation in how far down the spinal cord goes). Furthermore, there is
an excellent surface landmark for identifying the 4th lumbar spine. It is on the
same transverse plane as a line joining the most superior points on the iliac
crests). When one palpates the posterior midline of the back at the site where
it is crossed by this supracristal (intercristal) plane, the 4th lumbar spine
is felt. If the patient is asked to adopt a position with the lower back flexed,
the space for passage of the needle is widened.

Lumbar Epidural Anesthesia

Spinal anesthesia is no longer the preferred method for abdominopelvic procedures in

which general anesthesia is to be avoided. Instead, anesthetic is injected into the
lumbar epidural space. This entails essentially no risk of undesired spread of anesthetic
to the higher regions (as can occur if anesthetic is injected into the CSF), and it is
compatible with insertion of a catheter that allows continuous administration of
anesthetic. The use of lumbar epidural anesthesia has become very widespread in
The technique of lumbar epidural anesthesia is similar to that of lumbar puncture, with
some important distinctions. A needle is inserted between the L3/L4 or (unlike a lumbar
puncture) the L2/L3 vertebral spines. The trick in an epidural block is to pierce the
ligamentum flavum but stop before you pierce the dura, thus ending up in the epidural
space. This is often done by using the air-rebound technique. The needle is attached to
a syringe filled with air. When you are superficial to the ligamentum flavum, any attempt
to inject the air will meet with resistance and the plunger of the needle will rebound.
When you have entered the epidural space, there is a negative pressure and the air will
be sucked in. You then exchange the air-filled syringe for one with anesthetic, or pass a
catheter through the needle. Depending on the volume of anesthetic injected, or the
direction of the catheter, one can control how many spinal nerves are anesthetized.

Sacral Epidural Anesthesia (saddle block)

This is a method of anesthetizing sacral spinal nerves. It takes

advantage of the fact that the spinal arachnoid/dura is shorter than the
vertebral column. Thus, one may introduce anesthetic into the relatively
wide epidural space of the sacral vertebral canal via a needle inserted
through the sacral hiatus. Saddle block was designed primarily for
anesthetizing the perineum during childbirth. It is no longer popular. One
reason for its demise is because of the tendency of fecal matter to leak
from the anus and contaminate the site of entry of the catheter. The
other reason is the great success of lumbar epidural block for obstetrics.
An approach to the epidural space through the sacral hiatus is used by
some physicians to inject anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of
spinal nerve compression caused by arthritic changes

Prolapsed or Herniated Intervertebral Disc

(Slipped Disc)

Extrusion of the nucleus pulposus, whether it is covered by a thin layer of stretched

anulus fibrosus (prolapse of the disc) or ruptures through the anulus (herniation of
the disc), occurs most commonly in the low lumbar region. \he second most
frequent site is in the neck, usually as a consequence of some trauma. A herniated
nucleus pulposus will generally present to either the right or left of the posterior
longitudinal ligament. If herniation occurs in the neck, the spinal cord may be
subjected to pressure. However, in the more common case of a low lumbar slipped
disc, the spinal cord has ended above the site of nuclear protrusion and only spinal
nerve roots are in danger of compression.
Herniations of cervical discs affect the spinal nerve that exits at the corresponding
intervertebral foramen. Thus, herniation of the C5/6 disc may compress the 6th
cervical spinal nerve roots, or herniation of the C7/T1 disc may compress the 8 th
cervical spinal nerve roots. The situation is different for lumbar disc herniations.
Because lumbar pedicles attach to the upper half of their vertebral body, lumbar
intervertebral foramina are set high relative to the intervertebral disc. As a lumbar
spinal nerve exits its intervertebral foramen, it is related more to the back surface of
the vertebral body than to an intervertebral disc

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