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Schoenherr 1

Extended Essay Outline


a. Attention Getter:
- The rainforests of South America and Africa provide some of the most diverse

ecosystems on Earth
- Deforestation takes away this life dangerously quickly, we must find a way to
combat them
- In order to properly do that, we must attempt to more fully understand the
intricate developments put in place by evolution
b. Thesis: The difference in color between canopy and forest floor leaves can be
attributed to lack of accessibility of the same wavelengths of light, shown through the
relationship of photosynthesis to light wavelength, variation in leaf pigment
concentration, and absorption inconsistencies between different layers.
Context (definitions, explanations, etc. of discussed topics)
Light energy is absorbed by the pigment protein complexes in the antennae
and is transferred through Frster energy resonance transfer to the reaction center where
light energy is converted to chemical energy energy generated by light is used in
primary and secondary plant metabolism(What Light Do Plants Need 2)


Argument 1: Photosynthesis, the process by which plants gain energy, is not

indifferent to the specific wavelength of light hitting the plant



Schoenherr 2

In photosynthesis, the suns energy is converted to chemical energy by

photosynthetic organisms. However, the various wavelengths in sunlight are not all used
equally in photosynthesis. Instead, photosynthetic organisms contain light-absorbing
molecules called pigments that absorb only specific wavelengths of visible light, while
reflecting others. (Khan)
- [blue] wavelengths encourage vegetative growth through strong root growth and
intense photosynthesis and are often used as supplemental light for seedlings and young
plants during the vegetative stage of their growth cycle (Wavelength Influence on
ii. Analysis: This means one cannot look at light simply as one substance. Rather, at least in the
case of sunlight (the only relevant light in this case) we must consider that it is indeed a
collection of all manner of light wavelengths hitting hitting a plant during the process of
photosynthesis. We know already that there is a difference in light accessibility, as one level of
the rainforest absorbs light that the other can no longer get, and so a difference in wavelength
reception is sure to play a vital role in a plants development (as shown with the second point of
b. Plants have different methods by which to absorb light for photosynthesis

Carotenoids, like the -carotene found in carrots, are another key group of

accessory pigments that absorb violet and blue-green light (see spectrum graph above).
They reflect yellow and orange light and are largely responsible for the bright colors of
autumn leaves (Khan).
- Compared to shade leaves, leaves of the upper crown layer exhibited higher
chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b ratios (Hanse, Fiedler, and Rank).

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ii. Analysis: With the ability to absorb different wavelengths of light dependent on such an
easily quantifiable factor (the amount of chlorophyll a/chlorophyll b/ carotenoids), the process
by which evolution would account for difference in available wavelengths seems an easy fix.
While not undeniable proof that such an adaption did occur, it makes the scenario far more
c. Rainforest plants on the forest floor are better suited towards lower energy light

The leaves of the lower canopy branches, shaded from the harsh sun by the

upper canopy ceiling, are often a darker blue-green color than the leaves of the upper
canopy in order to absorb the red wavelengths necessary for photosynthesis. This redwavelength light is generally missed by the upper leaves, which have chlorophyll
pigment for capturing shorter wavelength light. (Butler)
- Experiment results*
ii. Having numerical proof is hard to deny, and such a development is too beneficial to the plant
to be disregarded as pure coincidence; in other words, evidence to support the idea of light
absorption and evolution working side by side. Because this evidence is so obvious , it will be
used as an accompaniment to the results of my experiment which will hopefully show the same
IV. Conclusion
a. Review Thesis: (photosynthesis + light wavelength, leaf pigmentation, difference
in absorption). These all add up to show a relationship between the color of plants and
their ability to absorb light.
b. Memorable Statement: As the most influential species on the planet, it is our duty
to fully understand the world around us. Even something as specific as the relationship

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between plant color and light wavelength is necessary when determining the best way to
deal with the rising issue of deforestation; how do we keep up the population? How to we
counterbalance our damage? This understanding will create a more knowledgeable and
comprehensive world view.
Experiment Description
Required Materials:

Xate seeds (forest floor plants)

Orchid seeds (canopy plants)
16 plots of land capable of growing both plants
16 pebble trays (to retain moisture)
14 lightbulbs (two red, two orange, two yellow, etc.)
2 LED light bulbs (as control group)
Tropical soil, mulch

1) Plant 7 groups of Xate seeds (approx. 5/group)
2) Plant 7 groups of Orchid Seeds (approx. 5/group)
3) Have each group getting light from one of the 7 different colored lightbulbs, plus
one group from the white light
4) Water seeds every day for 2 months
5) Chart development every day through pictures of the plant + measurements of
height + intensity of color
6) Compare growth, find pattern between whether or not the plant is canopy or forest
floor, and whether or not the light is low energy (red) or high (blue, violet)
Hypothesis: The Xates will favor low-level energy whereas the orchids will favor high-level
energy. The canopy plants, being far more exposed to intensities of direct sunlight, will respond
well to similarly high-intensity wavelengths, leaving only low-level wavelengths for the forest
floor to grow off of. Neither will fare as well in their undesirable situation (Xates in high
intensity, orchids in low intensity)

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*It should be noted that such results would only work here were the results of my hypothetical experiment to match
those of my my hypothesis. In the case of failure, of course, the outline would be altered, but for the sake of
simplicity lets just assume Im right. Dont even limit that to the essay, lets just assume Im right in any case. Im
usually not, so it might be funny.

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