Artigo Glenda e Ivete

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de anlise crtica
de artigo
Disciplina de Metodologia Cientfica
Docente: Maurcio Arajo
Discentes: Glenda Melo e Ivete Cattani


Luxury fashion brand consumers in China:

Perceived value, fashion lifestyle, and
willingness to pay.
AUTORES: LI, Guoxin; LI, Guofeng; KAMBELE, Zephaniah
PUBLICADO: Journal of Business Research
Received 1 June 2010
Received in revised form 1 April 2011
Accepted 1 September 2011
Available online 28 October 2011

Abstract: A better understanding of the Chinese consumption of luxury fashion
brands may assist the fashion industry when targeting China as the soon-to-be
largest consumer market. This study aims to examine Chinese consumers'
willingness to pay for luxury fashion brands related to their fashion lifestyle and
perceived value.
Practicality fashion lifestyle, perceived social/emotional value, perceived utilitarian
value, and perceived economic value were found to have a significant influence on
the willingness of Chinese consumers to pay for luxury fashion brands in a multiple
regression model (n=480). This research also examines the different effects of
fashion lifestyles and perceived value on willingness to pay among four groups
characterized by different previous genuine and counterfeit purchasing experiences.
This study deepens understanding of consumer perceptions and behaviors relating
to luxury fashion brands in China.

Keywords: Luxury fashion brand; Fashion lifestyles; Perceived brand value;

Willingness to pay Mainland China.


The Chinese consumers' willingness to pay for luxury

fashion brands related to their fashion lifestyle and
perceived value.


This study aims to examine Chinese consumers' willingness to

pay for luxury fashion brands related to their fashion lifestyle
and perceived value.

This research also examines the different effects of fashion

lifestyles and perceived value on willingness to pay among
four groups characterized by different previous genuine and
counterfeit purchasing experiences.


- A better understanding of the Chinese consumption

of luxury fashion brands may assist the fashion

industry when targeting China as the soon-to-be
largest consumer market.


Examining the different effects of fashion lifestyles

and perceived value on the willingness to pay among
four groups characterized by different previous
genuine and counterfeit purchasing experiences.
Multiple Regression Model: (n=480)

N = nmero de entrevistas vlidas = 82,1% dos

questionrios respondidos.


social/emotional value, perceived utilitarian value,
and perceived economic value were found to have a
significant influence on the willingness of Chinese
consumers to pay for luxury fashion brands.


Existe coerncia entre o ttulo do artigo e o contedo do



The rapidly growing appetite for luxury brands in the emerging
economies of Asia, especially China.

This research examines whether or not Chinese consumers' willingness to
pay for luxury fashion brands relates to their fashion lifestyles and the
perceived value of luxury fashion brands.

This research also examines the impact of previous purchases of genuine
or counterfeit luxury fashion brands on the relationships among fashion
lifestyles, perceived brand value, and willingness to pay for luxury fashion



From an academic perspective:
Broadening the theoretical research pertaining to fashion lifestyles
proposed by Ko et al. (2007) by exploring the Chinese context.
From a practical perspective:
Providing suggestions for competitive marketing strategies for luxury
fashion companies in the Chinese market;
Gaining a better understanding of the behavior of Chinese consumers of
luxury fashion brands should benefit the fashion industry by improving
customer relationships in potentially the largest consumer market.


Reviso de Literatura

- Conceptualizing luxury fashion brands;

- Willingness to pay for luxury brands;
- Fashion lifestyle;
- Perceived brand value;
- Past purchasing experience.


Metodologia de coleta de dados:


Metodologia de anlise de dados:

The study used a seven-point Likert scale to solicit the responses.
Chinese consumers were divided into four groups according to their
previous purchasing behavior:
- Group 1: people who had bought only counterfeit luxury fashion brands;
- Group 2: people who had never bought genuine and counterfeit luxury
fashion brands;
- Group 3: people who had bought both genuine and counterfeit luxury
fashion brands;
- Group 4: people who had bought only genuine luxury fashion brands.


This study shows that the dimensions of fashion lifestyles in China are similar to those in other countries
(Ko et al., 2007);

We found three dimensions for perceived value: social/emotional, utilitarian, and economic value;

The results of this study also suggest that the variables for practicality fashion lifestyle, perceived
social/emotional value, perceived utilitarian value, and perceived economic value significantly influence
the willingness of Chinese consumers to pay for luxury fashion brands;

They perceive and pursue comprehensive values associated with luxury fashion brands;

Retail sellers should consider emphasizing the intrinsic brand value to current Chinese customers in their
marketing strategies;

This result suggests that international fashion manufacturing retailers must satisfy Chinese consumers by
consistently providing high quality luxury fashion brands;

Also suggests that further research should determine the factors that may affect the willingness to pay
for those people who are both genuine and counterfeit luxury fashion brand customers. For consumers
who bought both genuine and counterfeit luxury fashion brands, there were no factors that had
significant effects on their willingness to pay;

A better understanding of the behavior of Chinese consumers of luxury fashion brands should benefit
the fashion industry by improving customer relationships in potentially the largest consumer market.

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DISCIPLINA MTX 5000 Metodologia Cientfica.

PROFESSOR Maurcio Campos de Arajo.

ALUNAS Glenda Melo e Ivete Cattani.

ATIVIDADE Anlise de artigo em Ingls.

ARTIGO SELECIONADO Luxury fashion brand consumers in China: Perceived value, fashion lifestyle, and

willingness to pay.

AUTORES LI, Guoxin; LI, Guofeng; KAMBELE, Zephaniah.

PUBLICADO Journal of Business Research.

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