Pump Curves

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How To Read A Pump Curve Part 1

If a picture is worth a thousand words then a pump curve must be worth several thousand.
Make no mistake, theres a lot of information on a centrifugal pump curve like the one
shown here. Its no wonder that many newly practicing engineers are a little intimated by
them. But a solid understanding of pump curves is absolutely necessary for anyone
involved in the specification of hydronic equipment.
In this blog, were simply going to cover the elements of a pump curve -- more accurately
referred to as a pump performance curve-- and explain why these elements are relevant
to the selection of a pump.
First, it is important to understand that manufacturers publish curves for every pump they
make. These curves, which are the result of many hours of factory or laboratory testing,
tell us how a pump curve will perform under a given set of conditions. Thus, they help us
decide which pump is the best selection for a given application.
Here are the main elements of a pump performance curve:
Total Head and Pump Flow Capacity. These are the values that run on the vertical and
horizontal axis of the graph.

The total head, shown on the y-axis, is measured in feet and tells us what sort of pressure
a given pump is capable overcoming. Hopefully, the engineer will have calculated the total
system head (or pressure) the pump will need to overcome in order to get the water where
it needs to go. This number is the sum of all resistance values, such as friction head,
static head, etc. virtually any pressure that the pump must overcome to achieve a
specific flow.
The pump flow capacity, shown on the x-axis of the pump performance curve, represents
the gallons per minute (gpm) that the pump will pump at any given point during its
The corresponding values of the flow capacity and head are plotted on the main curve on
the graph at various impeller sizes. This curve tells us exactly how much gpm a pump will
deliver under the various total head conditions.
Pump efficiency curves. We consult pump curves not only to see if they can do the work
we need them to do but if they will do it efficiently. Fortunately, manufacturers include
this information on the curves as well. These lines intersect with the head-capacity curves
and are typically labeled with percentages. Thus, the Bell & Gossett Series 1510 pump
curve shown here tells us that this pump with an 8.5 impeller will deliver 600 gpm and a
total head of 57 feet at 84% efficiency.
Its clear by looking at the curve that a pumps efficiency varies with flow and head.
Ideally, you will choose a pump that operates slightly to the left of the Best Efficiency Point
(BEP) because typically the pressure in the system is less than what has been calculated.
ASHRAE recommends a preferred selection range of 85% to 105% of BEP.
Impeller size. Impeller size or trim greatly impacts the pumps performance. The
impeller, of course, is the moving element inside the pump volute, which drives the liquid.
The pump performance curve shows the performance of a given pump with multiple size
impellers, so the engineer can specify not only the best pump but the best impeller
selection as well.
Brake Horsepower. Brake horsepower (BHP) signifies the amount of horsepower
required to operate the pump at any given point along the performance curve. These are
the straight and sometimes broken lines that typically slope downward from left to right.
Brake horsepower varies along with the impeller trim.
Required Net Positive Suction Head (NPSHR). Every pump requires a certain amount
of pressure at the suction to operate while delivering the head and flow values shown on
its performance curve. If the pump does not have sufficient NPSHR, not only will it not

perform as designed but cavitation could also result. Cavitation can cause severe damage
to the impeller and the volute. Fortunately, manufacturers pump curves also include the
NPSH requirement for each operational point along the curve. This is shown in feet of
head above the performance curve.

How To Read A Pump Curve - Part 2

One of the most important lines on a pump performance curve is the Net Positive Suction
Head (NPSH) curve. Discreetly applied either below or above the pump performance and
efficiency curves, this single plotted line is the key to avoiding cavitation. Required NPSH
or NPSHR for a given pump increases with flow. So, using the pump curve shown in
Figure 1, we can see that the NPSHR for this Model 1510 B & G pump with a 8 impeller
and 800 GPM and 33 Feet of Total Head is 12 feet of head.

As we discussed in an earlier blog on NPSH, cavitation occurs when the pressure at the
eye of the impeller drops below the vapor pressure of the fluid inside the pump. When this

occurs, vapor pockets will form on the veins of the impeller and then implode once they
reach the higher pressure inside the pump. Cavitation is not only loud, it wreaks havoc
with pump performance and can seriously damage the impeller and the pump shaft. The
NPSH curve on the pump curve is critical because it tells you exactly how much pressure
is required at the pump suction to keep the pump from cavitating. Figure 1
This is especially important information to have when selecting pumps for an open system
like cooling towers where the water is only under atmospheric pressure. In many cases
the available pressure at the suction of the pump is minimal after total head losses are
subtracted. Since water boils faster under lower pressures, this increases the chance of
cavitation in an open system. Note the vapor pressure of water at various temperatures in
Table 1. Under a negative pressure of -14 Psig water will boil or flash to steam at only

Table 1
What Happens Between Suction and the Impeller
You may wonder why this supplemental pressure (NPSHR) at the pump suction is even
necessary. The answer lies in the small space between the suction and the eye of the
Every centrifugal pump will exert a negative pressure in this small space. This pressure
drop occurs because of the sudden change in velocities between the suction and

discharge of the pump, the directional change of the fluid, and the increased turbulence.
The negative pressure created within this space is the NPSHR value. It is the minimum
amount of pressure required at the pump suction in order for the pump to operate

Figure 2 represents the pressure drop that occurs between the suction and the impeller of
two pumps. Note that the lower curve dips below vapor pressure. This pump will surely
cavitate, while the other is a suitable range above the NPSHR. Figure 2
This is one reason why it is so important that the design engineer accurately calculate the
total head loss in the system and subtract it from whatever static head pressures that exist.
This value (the NPSHA) must be equal to or greater than the NPSHR.
Finally, keep in mind that atmospheric pressures also vary geographically, so total head
calculations must include the proper atmospheric values whether it be Denver, CO or
Myrtle Beach, SC.

How to Read a Pump Curve - Part 3

Factors that Impact Centrifugal Pump Efficiency

Pump selection can have dramatic impact on the overall operating cost of a hydronic
system. Consulting several pumps curves prior to the selection of a pump is the key to
minimizing these operating costs. In this blog we will discuss the factors that impact
pump efficiency and how pump curves can be used to take the guesswork out of efficienct
pump selection.
First, it is important to understand what pump efficiency is. Pump efficiency is the ratio of
energy delivered by the pump in liquid horsepower to the energy supplied to the pump
shaft in brake horsepower. So, a pump that delivers 75% efficiency at a given point on the
pump curve is converting 75% of the brake horsepower it uses into hydronic energy or
liquid horsepower. Table 1 shows how brake horsepower and water horsepower are
calculated and how both are used to determine pump efficiency.

Table 1
A pumps efficiency is impacted by several factors, all of which can be known by consulting
a pump curve. These factors include:
Flow and Head. It is fairly clear by examination of virtually any pump curve that pump
efficiency will varies depending on the total head (vertical axis) and the flow (horizontal
axis). By knowing the dominant flow and head range that the pump will typically be
pumping at, you can select a pump so that its primary operating range falls within or near
its best efficiency range. Note that every pump curve has a Best Efficiency Point (BEP) at

a given impeller trim. Any point to the left or right of the BEP represents a drop in

ASHRAE recommends pump selection between 66% to 115% of flow at the BEP. Within
this range the combined effects of circulatory flow, turbulence, and friction losses are
minimized. However, 85% to 105% of flow is the preferred range of for pump selection.
(See Figure 1)

Figure 1ASHRAE, www.ashrae.org. 2012ASHRAE Handbook-HVAC Systems and

Impeller Size. Change the impeller in a given pump and you will change that pumps
efficiency. Pump efficiency is greatest when the largest possible impeller is installed in the
pump casing. This is because of the fluid that escapes through the space between the tips
of the impeller blades and the pump casing.
Vibration. Pump impellers are subject to axial and radial forces, which increase as the
pump operates further away from the BEP shown on the curve. The deflection of the
pump shaft increases the amount of vibration, which in turn can diminish the efficiency of
the pump.
Pump Size. Pump efficiency tends to increase with larger pump size. This is because the
losses associated with bearing, mechanical, and internal hydraulic friction decrease in

proportion to the required brake horsepower to drive the shaft as the pump gets bigger.
That said, it is best to avoid over-sizing pumps in a given system since this will greatly
decrease system pumping efficiencies.

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