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Custodial model

PGDM-1’st sem.
Definition of OB
 It is concerned with the understanding
prediction and control of human
behavior in organization.
Models of OB
 A model describes abstraction of
reality and simplified the representation
of real world phenomenon Known as
O.B model.
“DAVIS” has described four models
which are as fallows:
 Autocratic

 Custodial

 Supportive

 Collegial.
Custodial Model
 Basis of model- Economic resources.
 Managerial orientation- Money.
 Employee orientation- Security& Benefits
 Employee psychological
Result- Dependence on
 Employee needs met- Security.
 Performance result- Passive cooperation.
 A successful custodial approach depends
on economic resources. Evolved from
1930’s welfare programs.
 The resulting managerial orientation is
toward money to pay wages and benefits.
 The employees hope to obtain security, at
the same time, they become highly
dependent on the organization.
 The custodial approach leads to employee
dependence on the organization.
 Employees now depend on organizations
for their security and welfare.
 Employees working in a custodial
environment become psychologically
preoccupied with their economic
rewards and benefits.

 As a result of their treatment, they

are well maintained and contended.
 However, contentment does not
necessarily produce strong
motivation; it may produce only
passive cooperation.

 The result tends to be those

employees do not perform much
more effectively than under the old
autocratic approach.
 The basis Ingredient of the family-
managed is that parents decide what
is good or bad for their children;
managers decide what is good or bad
their employees.
For example-
 Mostly found the lower level of
 Employees working under custodial model
feel happy, their level of performance is not
very high.
 From this point of view, this model is not
suitable for matured employees.
 Does not produce top productivity,
motivation, or desire to grow.

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