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A humble Tribute to Mahamahopadhyaya and

Jyotisha Vignyana Bhaskara Sri Madhura

Krishnamurthy Sastry
Dr. K. Guru Rajesh
It would not be an exaggeration to say that every student of hindu astrology in
the world knows or at least heard about Sri Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastryji, a
giant among the astrologers of India. In the circle of telugu astrologers, most of
them consider him as their guru and mentor. It is a great loss to the entire
astrological fraternity that Sri Sastryji left for his heavenly abode on 6 th April
2016. He belonged to the last generation of the great traditional siddhantins and
jyotishis who had tremendous command on all the three skandas of Jyotisha. This
paper, in which I present the horoscopic analysis of Sastryji following my Nandi
Nadi method, is a humble tribute to this great soul seeking his everlasting
blessings. Readers may please refer to the introductory chapter of my
book SARFAROSH for the information on the Nandi Nadi principles.
Sri Sastryji was born on 28th February, 1928 at
4.41am at Mukkamala vikkage near Tanuku in
West Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh. His
parents were Sri Venkayya Bhusura and Srimati
Jeevakaraka Jupiter is placed in own sign Pisces
having Sun and retrograde Mercury in the 12 th,
and exalted Mars and Venus in the 11 th. Note the
sign exchange between Mars and Saturn. In his
movements Jupiter will first meet exalted MoonRahu in Taurus who are aspected by
Saturn/Mars-Ketu. Thus, Jupiter having Sun-Mercury in the 12 th, exalted Mars in
the 11th and Saturn-Mercury in the 11 th indicates long span of life. The detailed
longevity calculation as per my upcoming book Longevity and Death is
presented at the end of the article.
Vidyakaraka Mercury joins Sun and has Jupiter in the 2 nd and Venus-Mars/Saturn
in the 12th. Retrogression brings Mercury to Capricorn where he joins
Venus/Mars-Saturn. Thus, Mercury hemmed between Jupiter and Venus indicates
great intellect and learning in traditional subjects. Added to this, Mercury with
Sun gives deep knowledge in astrology. However, Mercury is about to enter his
debilitation sign and is placed in the middle of nodal axis. Further, he gets the
influence of Mars. This should cause break in education, which really happened
as Sastryji could not continue his formal education beyond 8 th standard.
Nevertheless, it is more than compensated by the powerful influence of Sun,
Jupiter and Venus, which made him an authority on astrology and allied subjects.
It is to be noted that Mercury has Ketu in the 10 th and 11th. Traditionally, Ketu is

considered as the planet ruling over the Jaimini system of astrology. This
explains the extensive study Sastryji made in this branch of Jyotisha.
Karmakaraka Saturn joins Ketu in Scorpio and receives the aspect of exalted
Moon-Rahu from Taurus. Saturn is involved in sign exchange with exalted Mars
thereby moving to Capricorn to join Venus and Mercury. From Capricorn, Saturn
has Sun-Mercury in the 2nd and Jupiter in the 3rd. Saturn with Ketu aspected by
exalted Moon indicates a religious and spiritual nature. Saturn with Venus and
Mercury in Capricorn suggests establishment of institutions. Saturn having SunMercury in the 2nd and Jupiter in the 3rd explains working for astrology and allied
traditional subjects. The association of Ketu and Mercury with Saturn makes the
native a celebrated author in his field. Strong influence of Mars ensures that the
native works elaborately on vastu, the ancient science of architecture and
construction. Saturn associated with exalted planets indicates that the native will
reach to great heights in his life. Saturn having Sun in the 2 nd and Jupiter in the
3rd suggests that the native will get recognition and awards from the
government. The influence of Venus and Jupiter on Saturn will make him a great
Guru, especially as Jupiter has Mars in the 11 th. Saturn having Moon in the 7 th,
and Jupiter meeting Moon first in his transits indicate that the native will make
extensive travels. Further, Saturn joins Ketu also which suggests overseas travels
for the native.
Though Sastryji continued the secular studies upto 8 th standard, concomitantly
he also studied the Sanskrit Pancha Kavyas and Vyakarana from his guru Sri
Pisupati Visweswara Sastry. During the period between 1944 and 48, he learnt
Sanskrit Sahitya including natakas, Rigveda smartha, hora and Samhita skandas
of jyotisha, Muhurtha, Prashna and Vasthu from his guru Sri Vajapeyula Venkata
Subrahmanya Somayaji. Transit Jupiter was moving between Cancer and Scorpio
in this period while Saturn was transiting between Taurus and Leo. Note that
transit Saturn was moving in Taurus the 7th to natal Saturn in 1944 while transit
Jupiter was moving in Cancer in the 7th to natal Mercury-Saturn.
The period between 1954 and 1962 was an important turning point in Sastryjis
life. To get complete command over the siddhanta skanda of Jyotisha he sought
the tutelage of guru Sri Sripada Venkataramana Daivagnya. In the course of his
study he travelled along with his guru to various oriental manuscript centres to
collect valuable and rare manuscripts. In this process he happened to stay in
Benares between 1956 and 1960 where he got the opportunity to discuss and
debate with various pandits on different topics of jyotisha. At this juncture he felt
the need to do extensive research on ayanamsa. By the starting of year 1952
transit Jupiter was moving in Taurus in the 7 th to natal Saturn. Transit of Saturn in
Scorpio, a watery sign, over natal Saturn-Ketu aspected by natal Moon-Rahu has
seen Sastryji stay in Benares from 1956. By the year 1962 transit Saturn and
Jupiter joined together in Capricorn, indicating the end of a phase and beginning
of a new phase in Sastryjis life.
It will not be out of context if I insert here a note about the way Sastryji carried
out his studies. In those days many texts were available as palm-leaf

manuscripts only and even if published, the books were not easily accessible. He
had to travel to distant places throughout India to collect these books. He wrote
down the entire books by his own hand, including the errata tables. Hundreds of
such books written in his own hand can be seen in his library. Such was his
dedication and hard work.
Sastryji studied thousands of Jyotisha classics and presented their essence in the
form of books. He translated Jatakalankaram into telugu and wrote Gruha Vastu
Deepika in 1951 (transit Jupiter in Aquarius over natal Mercury); Adhika-Kshaya
Masa Meemamsa, Panchanga Bedhamulu-Driksiddhanta Avashyakata and Vastu
Sastra Vivekam part 1 in 1963 (transit Jupiter again in Aquarius over natal
Mercury and transit Saturn in Capricorn); translated Daivagnya Vallabha into
telugu in 1966 (transit Saturn in Aquarius over natal Mercury); translated
Bhavartha Ratnakaram in 1967 (transit Saturn over natal Jupiter in Pisces while
transit Jupiter in Capricorn, in the 7th to natal Saturn-Mercury); wrote Vastu Sastra
Vivekam 2, 3 and 4 parts in 1970 (transit Jupiter in Libra having natal SaturnKetu in the 2nd), 76 and 78 (transit Saturn in Cancer and Leo, in the 7 th to natal
Mercury). Vastu Sastra Vivekam is said to be the essence of more than 200
classics and is considered as an encyclopaedia on the subject by the experts in
Vastu. Between 1990 and 92 (transit Jupiter in Cancer and Leo, in the 7 th to natal
Mercury while transit Saturn in Sagittarius and Capricorn), Sastryji undertook the
great job of translating Brihat Parasara Hora, the standard text on Jyotisha,
presenting all the available versions of the text and discussing the opinion of the
savants, and could bring out 3 parts. He wrote Satayogamanjari in 1995 (transit
Jupiter over natal Saturn-Ketu in Scorpio while transit Saturn over natal Mercury
in Aquarius); Muhurta Chintamani in 2010 (transit Jupiter over natal Mercury in
Aquarius while transit Saturn in Virgo in the 7 th to natal Jupiter) and the 4th part of
Brihat Parasara Hora in 2013 (transit Jupiter in Taurus in the 7th to natal SaturnKetu). It is our misfortune that he could not complete the remaining two parts of
Parasara Hora because of his work commitments. During the same period, he
was also busy in editing many Sanskrit works for the Sanskrita Vidyapeetha of
Tirupati. All the books written by Sri Sastryji, both his translations and
original works, follow the method of astrological savants of bygone era.
By reading a single book, one will come to know about the existence of
many other classics on the same subject including their convergent and
divergent views, and the logical conclusion given by Sastryji. It is
indeed a great feast for ardent learners.
Sastryji established Jyotisha Vignyana Kendram in 1964 and started
publishing a quarterly journal Jyotisha Vignyana Patrika and a driksiddhanta
almanac. This journal completed 50 years of its existence in 2014 and is still in
publication. This could be in the 2nd part of the year 1964, when transit Jupiter
was moving in Taurus in the 7 th to natal Saturn while transit Saturn was
retrograde in Aquarius activating the natal Saturn-Venus-Mercury combination.
With an intention to intensely analyse the classics of Jyotisha and Vastu to make
them applicable to the present times, Satryji started another institution in 1989
named Viswa Vignyana Pratishthanam. Transit Jupiter was again in Taurus, in
the 7th to natal Saturn while transit Saturn was moving in Sagittarius having the

natal planetary combinations ahead in the three signs. Through this organization
he conducted meetings of experts of these subjects, organized seminars on
various pressing topics, brought out small booklets for free of cost for the benefit
of students. On the invitation of Sri Maharshi Mahesh Yogi, Sastryji visited their
centres in Holland and Germany in 1995 to teach and deliver lectures on the
subject of Vastu. Jupiter was transiting over natal Saturn-Ketu combination in
Scorpio receiving the aspect of natal Moon, which explains this foreign travel.
Sastryji was a recipient of many awards and accolades. Among them, the
significant are the Mahamahopadhyaya title conferred by Rashtriya
Sanskrit Vidya Peeth, Tirupati in 2012, conferred on him for his vast
knowledge in Sanskrit and research work of about 70 years. Prior to
this, he was also the recipient of the Presidents award from the late Dr.
A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in 2006 for his pioneering work in Sanskrit and
astrology. In the year 2006 transit Saturn was moving in Cancer in the 7 th to
natal Saturn-Venus-Mercury while transit Jupiter was in Libra having natal SaturnKetu in the 2nd. By the end of 2006 transit Jupiter moved into Scorpio over natal
Saturn-Ketu. In the year 2012 when Sastryji was conferred with the title of
Mahamahopadhyaya on February 25 th, transit Saturn was retrograde in Libra
having transit Jupiter in the 7th in Aries. Retrogression of transit Saturn activates
natal Jupiter in Pisces. Thus, transit Saturn gets the influence of both natal and
transit Jupiter.
Sastryji was bestowed with many attributes of heart and mind. He had a great
retention memory and could recollect many slokas which he had read many
years back. Mercury placed in a fixed sign Aquarius hemmed between Jupiter
and Venus explains this. Though his old age forced him to withdraw from active
organizational activities he was always available to sincere seekers to clarify
their doubts. Throughout his long life he collected many invaluable classics
facing many hardships and spending huge money. These books included all
branches of ancient hindu learning like Jyotisha Siddhanta, Samhita, Hora,
astronomy, dharma Sastra, Vastu, Purana, nighantu, Ayurveda, linguistics and so
on. All books in his collection were donated to Sri Virinchi Trust Library for the
benefit of the society. Though endowed with a giant intellect and learning he was
humble enough to say that he knows very little. He dedicated his life for the
study and propagation of Jyotisha till his last breath. His was a life to be
emulated by every student of this divine science. I am fortunate to have
communicated with him twice through letters and got his personal blessings
once when I met him at Tirupati, which I cherish throughout my life.
The following is the longevity estimation of Sastryjis horoscope as per the
methods employed in my upcoming book.

As per the above table it can be seen that the position of Jupiter vis--vis other
planets gives 19 cycles of Jupiter as positive and 11.5 cycles of Jupiter as
negative. The effective longevity thus comes to be 7.5 cycles of Jupiter. This will
be from the 85th year to the 90th year of the native. Within this period we need to
find out when the death of the native can happen as per the methods of
counting and transit of Jupiter and Saturn. Among the 12 signs for Jupiters
movements, Taurus and Scorpio will act as killers as they have the influence of
the nodes and Moon. Next, the signs Leo and Aquarius may act as killers as they
are placed in the middle of nodal axis, especially when Jupiter becomes
retrograde in them thereby getting the influence of natal Venus-Mercury from
Capricorn. As far as Saturns movements are concerned, the signs Taurus and
Scorpio will be the primary killers because of the influence of Moon, Mars and
nodes in them in the natal chart. Given the age bracket from the calculations,
Jupiter will be moving from Aries to Virgo while Saturn will be moving from Virgo
to Scorpio. Going by the movements of Jupiter, Taurus will not kill the native as
Saturn will be moving in Virgo by that time. Next, Jupiters transit in Leo happens
in the 89th year of the native which coincides with the movement of Saturn in
Scorpio, the deadliest killer as per Saturns movement. Hence, the native may
die in his 89th year when Saturn moves in Scorpio over natal Ketu-Mars aspected
by natal Moon while Jupiter becomes retrograde in Leo, a sign placed in the
middle of nodal axis, getting the influence of natal Venus-Mercury from
Capricorn. Coming to the reason behind death, as Jupiter is neighther associated
with any debilitated planet nor has malefic combinations in the 12 th house, death
due to serious diseases is ruled out. Jupiter meeting Moon-Rahu first in transits
having Sun in the 12th indicates death due to chest infections or heart related

Sastryji attained to the divine abode on 6 th April

2016. It can be seen that transit Jupiter was
retrograde in Leo joined with transit Rahu.
Transit Saturn was retrograde in Scorpio joined
with transit Mars. Transit Venus, Moon and Sun
were moving in Pisces over natal Jupiter. This
also explains the influence of fast-moving
planets Mars, Venus, Sun and Moon in
precipitating the event.
In the natal chart Saturn joins Ketu while Jupiter
is placed in Pisces, the 12 th and last sign of the
zodiac. This indicates higher realms for the soul
after death and never returning to this land of mortals. This is also supported by
the fact that Sastryji breathed his last in Uttarayana and day time, though the
tithi was Krishna chaturdasi. Sri Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastryji was a real
karma yogin who dedicated his life for the service of the almighty in the form of
propagation of the divine knowledge of Jyotisha.
Acknowledgement: I am indebted to Sri Putcha Srinivasa Rao, a direct
disciple of Sastryji, for providing me with the birth details and
important milestones in life of Sastryji.



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