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What is the relationship between the island and the behavior of the children?

Did the
children corruption the island or viceversa? Give at least one example from the book?
In my opinion the children feel free because there are not any adults in the island,
especially for Jack, who wants to be the leader in order to the children obey him, in
contrast Ralphs, who is the leader in the beginning, wants all the children will be rescue
and he made a way to did it with the fire and keepers that take care the fire was burning.
In the books beginning Ralphs try to make order in the island for example he used a shell
to call the children, the fire, and one way to communicate each other using the shell, but
the antagonist Jack was more interesting in hunting a pig and live a life savage, he looks
comfortable in the island. The children followed Ralphs because Ralphs was focused in be
rescued but, eventually in the story the children miss the objective to be rescued and
began to behavior savage.
Even though Ralphs always try to keep the order with piggy, who is the boy smartest in
the island and is faithful to ralphs, eventually the children began to enjoy the hunt and the
violent to kill a pig, but I believe to kill one fellas was the most violent what they did. The
children was completely confusing, they forgot that the respect each other is the base of
Finally I consider the life savage without civilization make the children will be more violent
and sadistic. Get out the worse from every child in the island.

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