Ame-10.37.006 Tms600 Con Tac5 Drive

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KONE Elevators _ mstaLtation InsTRUCTION AME 1037.6 Page: 1 Compiled by: HEC / Markus Rytémaa Date: 21.9.1992 Issue: A - 27.6.1994 Changed by: HEC / Markus Rytémaa © @KONE Elevators GmbH No of Pages: 14 Checked by: HEC / E. Reilio\ Gx Product code: TMS600 Language: en Approved by: HES / J. Reilio\ Te SW. WP 5.1 WIN INSTALLATION OF TMS600 CONTROL SYSTEM WITH TACS DRIVE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. GENERAL sees 2 11 Purpose. 2 1.2 Implementation 2 13 Basic... 2 2. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION OF THE PANEL . 3 2.1 Mounting the panel . 5 3 22 Layout of the pane! 4 3. COMMENCING OF INSTALLATION DRIVE 5 3.1 Mechanical installation 5 32 Electrical connections. 5 33. Initial check 9 34 First drive 0 35 Installation 0 4. COMMENCING TO NORMAL DRIVE 4.1 Controller board 57212G01-04 411 Layout... cee... 412 Leds . 4.14 Jumpers... 4.1.5 Measuring . 42 Normal dnve pre-adjustments.. 43° Final adjustment of normal drive . KONE Elevators _ nsTALLaTion INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 2 11 1.2 13 GENERAL Purpose This instruction is intended to be used when installing a TMS600 control panel with a TACS drive system. Personnel who will use this instruction must have basic training of the ‘TMS600 TACS installation Implementation This instruction can be used with ‘I'MS600 V3F now in production. This instruction will be updated when needed. If you have reason to believe that you don not have a suitable version or if you have some corrections or comments please contact HES for new documents and HEM for updating: KONE ELEVATORS Department HEM PLO 05801 HYVINKAA FINLAND Fax +358 14 272 420 Basic The control pane! is tested at the factory. The basic adjustments of the TACS module are also made at the factory. The erector does not need any special tools for TMS600 TACS during the installation. During installation other instructions are required. Select these instructions from KE technical information according to delivery. KONE Elevators _ INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION AME. 10.37.6 Page: 3 21 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION OF THE PANEL Mounting the panel The panel should be situated according to the layout drawing of the machine room. However, the panel must be situated according to these instructions. If there is a conflict between the layout drawings and these instructions, these instructions have higher priority. Mounting of the panel should be done as follows. ~ The panel is mounted to the floor and wall with suitable fixing equipment provided with the panel. KONE Elevators _ instaLLation insTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 4 2.2 Layout of the panel The exact control panel layout is drawing code E90 included in the elevator files. This picture is an example of the layout. MCC85/DISP meee board fi switches I TACS module ‘TMs600 module Main contactors Safety circuit and high voltage terminals | ___ Supply connectors + KONE Elevators _ instaLLaTion INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 5 3. COMMENCING OF INSTALLATION DRIVE. 3.1 Mechanical installation Before driving the elevator following mechanical components have to be installed: - Machine room ~ Machinery; Check brake adjustment according to suitable instruction. For example one of following AM 428.12 or 13: DC-brakes AM 4.8.17; DC-brake Gatto -- TMS600 V3F control panel - Overspeed governor -- Ropes are fixed to the car and counterweight -- Buffers for car and counterweight ~ Car frame -- Car floor ~ Safety gear + Counterweight (Check dimensioning) ~- Guiderails 3.2 Electrical connections Before driving the elevator the following items should be connected to the TMS600 V3F panel. ~ Inypection drive unit to tertninals up button to point C1/8, down bution 10 point CI/7 and their common wire to point Cl/1 KONE Elevators _ insTALLaTIon INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 6 ~ Safety circuit -- Emergency stop from the inspection drive unit between terminals M4/1 and Map Final limit switches 151:U and 151:N between terminals H4/1 and H4/2 Overspeed governor between points M4/6 and M4/7 -- Overconnections from C4/2=>C4/6=>C4/7=>H4/6=>H14/7 => C4/10 = may | peg! sa eae KONE Elevators _ iwsTALLaTIon INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 7 = Door signal overconnections if the doors are not installed and therefore cannot be connected to the panel. If the car has two doors also B-door signals have to be ‘overconnected, aw caino + If synchronization switches 136:11/N have not been installed they must he overconnected. Overconnection is made between points H1/6 => H1/8 => H1/9 -24v HIB —> area C_ii8 KONE Elevators _ insTaLiation INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 8 - Connect brake to terminals M1/9 and M1/10 - Connect possible brake contact with gearless versions to terminals M1/1 and M1/2 if it exists M/S ts 11 konetsto | ‘MACHTNERY: - Thermistors (1:T) are connected to terminals M1/4 and M1/S - Motor fan (10) is connected to terminals M1/6, M1/7 and M1/8 - Tachometer (6) signal wires are connected to M1/1 and M1/2 and cable shield to MIB Min m2 Mia | M6 Miss Mu Mu mi KONE Elevators _ insTaLLaTIon INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 9 - Motor supply is connected to terminals 2U1, 2V1, 2W1, 1U1 and 1V1 3.3 Initial check 2U1 KONEISTO O—_ MACHINERY PE NNousu POWER Before driving for the first time the following points must be checked. - Voltage test to avoid injuries to I/O boards ‘The PC-hoards MCCRS/EXP (pos. 722) must be disconnected from their ‘connectors NOTE! Do not take the all PC-boards away from their supports at the same time because this may cause misplacing of the boards when re-connecting them back to the panel Test the controller voltages with MCCRS/V voltage test board, ‘Test each MCC85/EXP (722) board connector separately with MCC85/V board. When the test board is installed to a 722 board connector switch on main supply and turn all connected switches on and off. If the board indicates faults check wiring otherwise proceed with the installation. KONE Elevators _ insTaLLaTion InsTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 10 34 35 -- When the voltage test has passed without fault indications connect the MCC85/EXP (722) boards back to the panel. - Disconnect the control panel from landing calls with 261 switch ~ Switch the elevator to inspection drive (switch position number 265) ~ Switch all fuses on ~ Switch on the main supply ~ The emergency stop button on the inspection drive unit must brake the safety circuit The overspeed governor contact must brake the safcty circuit - Check that pressing (briefly) the down button of the inspection drive unit lits led 3 (down) at ADPTI (724) board - Check that pressing (briefly) the up button of the inspection drive unit lits led 2 (up) at ADPTI (724) board First drive If the elevator does not move check following leds : ~ If VR led (D4) at TACS module motherboard is not lit and WS led (8) at the board at right board is lit the phase order of the supply is reversed. Change the phase order. - If VR led (D4) at TACS module motherboard is not lit and MI led (8) at the rightside board is lit the tachometer wires are reversed. Reverse wires in terminals MI/I and M1/2. When driving first time the following items must be checked: ~ The car moves down direction when down button on the inspection drive unit is pressed. Note that the inspection drive is limited to 30 seconds. Installation At this point the erector should be able to drive the elevator on inspection drive speed. This is the point where the actual installing of the TMS600 V3F begins. All equipment must be connected according to circuit diagrams. Before any wires are connected to the empty connectors, connectors should be removed from the panel to avoid possible printed circuit board injuries. When connecting wires to connectors, which are. in use during installation, be sure to avoid mistakes. If needed do a voltage test with board MCC85/VT to prevent injuries in the /O-boards. KONE Elevators _ instaLLation INSTRUCTION AME 10.376 Page: 11 4. COMMENCING TO NORMAL DRIVE 4.1 Controller board 57212G01-04 4.1.1 Layout es: Leds 8 g 8 Measuring points 8 888885 Potentiometers Rezeawe 4.1.2 Leds Led SA is only in G03 and G04 board version. The led indicate following things SA SB AC INC DEC The car has not passed the 2 meter deceleration point ‘The car has not passed the | meter deceleration point Normal drive Deceleration increases Deceleration decreases KONE Elevators FAULT FINDING INSTRUCTIONS AME-10.21.10 ERROR CODE: GENERATED IF: CONSEQUENCES: CAUSES: ERROR CODE: GENERATED IF: CONSEQUENCES: CAUSES: Page: 12 — u — ‘The car is travelling. without calls. ‘The car stops at the nearest floor 1) Strong disturbances entering the card. 2) Command and/or call not recorded 3) Inthe event of duplex installations, check the fuse on the T-BOARD. a ‘The deceleration limit switches 136:U and 136:N are both open. ‘The car is found within both low and high limits (136:U and 136:N). The test is repeated and if the error still persists, it is still displayed. Controls and calls can be acccpted but the car docs not start. £9) ‘The magnetic switches 136:U and/or 136:N are badly adjusted or do not function regularly. 2) The connection wires are interrupted. KONE Elevators sTaLLaTion INSTRUCTION AME 1037.6 Page: 13 4.1.4 Jumpers Jumper X3 is only in G03 and G04 board versions. x2 x3 4.1.5 Measuring 42 DC-braking at the start Removes the effect of 1 meter deceleration point The measuring points at the controller board are: 13 2/3 3/3 43 5/3 of m3 Speed reference Deceleration reference Firing reference of the driving thyristors Firing reference of the braking thyristors Maximum limit of braking Memory of maximum braking voltage O-level of the electronics Normal drive pre-adjustments MP7/3 is used as a 0-level at following measurements. Measured voltages are DC-type and between 0..10 V. Do the following adjustments when the elevators stands at a level Put the X3 jumper at controller board to position OFF Adjust potentiometer R4 so that there is a 6,0 V voltage at measuring point 3/3 Adjust R8 so that there is a 7.0 V voltage at measuring point 5/3 - Adjust potentiometer R7:n anticlockwise to its minimum value (_ Adjust RI anticlockwise as far as it goes. Tum R1 then clockwise 1/4 of the whole range (about 7 tums back). Get the maximum value by either calculating the tums of the potentiometer or by looking the potentiometer slide from the side. ‘The following adjustments are done based on results of test drives. ~ If the controller board version is G03 or G04 do the following adjustments -- Jumper controller board jumper X3 to position ON -- Drive two floor runs in both directions and adjust R2 so that the elevators stops with + 2 cm:n accuracy -- Jumper X3 to position OFF KONE Elevators _ InsTALLATION INSTRUCTION AME 10.37.6 Page: 14 43 - Drive two floor runs and adjust R3 so that the elevators stops with 8 mm:n accuracy - Drive one floor runs upwards and adjust R6 so that a noticeable hitch in the car (machinery) can be felt at the beginning at the deceleration. Turn R6 then clockwise just so much that the hitch is no longer noticeable. - Drive two floor runs to both directions and adjust RS so that immediately after AC led is tumed off, INC led is lit when driving at onc direction and DEC led is lit when driving to the opposite direction - Repeat R3 adjustment by driving two floor runs and adjusting the levelling accuracy to 8mm - Repeat RS adjustment by driving again two floor runs and after AC is tured off led INC is lit when driving 10 one direction and led DEC is lit when driving to the opposite direction = Connect the voltage meter to measuring point 6/3 Drive two floor runs upwards and read the maximum value of the voltage. = Move the voltage mctcr wire to measuring point 5/3. Adjust R8 when the clevator is standing so that the measuring point voltage is 1,5 V higher than the voltage in the previous measurement. - Adjust R4 so that motor rotates about 3 cm to the wrong direction ("rollback") when starting a downwards drive. If the motor does not rotate in the starting, the start can be bad because of too high starting torque. The rotation to the wrong direction should not be felt in the car, however. When the motor is at the normal operating temperature, check that the wrong direction movement is not too long, when starting from the top mot floor. - If the starting is too fast move the X2 jumper to ON position. This position gives a better start, but the motor will heat more and the starting will make more noise. OFF position is preferable if the achieved riding comfort is good enough. Final adjustment of normal drive First adjust acceleration with R1 and deceleration with R6 according to requirements. Next adjust the deceleration with two and one floor runs to same values. = Connect the voltage meter to measuring point 6/3 = Drive a two floor run downwards and read the maximum value of the voltage = Drive one floor runs downwards and adjust R7 so that the maximum value of the voltage is 0,5 V less than the value measured in the previous measurement Finally, check that riding comfort and levelling accuracy are good by driving in the car.

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